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Lollipops n Rainbows

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  1. I think a lot of people would find ignoring Citadel completely and initiating the next global war with the intention of completely excluding Citadel hilarious to be honest. You're all imploding with boredom and going out with a bang is what you're waiting for.. Denying it would be the best way of really getting to you, as well as allowing the 'Citadel are infra-huggers' thing to stick unto forever. I envision a middle-finger-esk gesture in which CN shows Citadel that sure, playing the game one way can be good statistically but isn't exactly all that fun.
  2. This is actually a pretty good parody of the other thread, threatened war > 'do something about it' > pretend it's a joke etc.. Not entirely sure if SCM did it on purpose, if he did then props it was executed pretty much to perfection. I have a funny feeling though that this, much like Dopp's initial post, wasn't really a joke and that this was also just a stupid mistake except this one has a hidden hilarity. Either way even giving you the benefit of the doubt in that this was planned in how it turned out, most CNers are pretty immune to humour in general and you probably should have just left it at the other thread where NSO looked bad.
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