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Everything posted by saxasm

  1. Actually, according to my (reasonably accurate) data on currently held MD treaties, the median shortest paths between two AAs on the treaty web is in fact 4 treaties long. The mean is 3.74, with a standard deviation of 1.6.
  2. Ave Pacifica! Sit semper victura! o/
  3. Hey, that thing sort of makes sense, and seems to reflect reality. Why do you disrupt our months-old traditions like this?!
  4. On the topic of alliances' tech dealing ratios, here's some further stats. The sellermean and sellermedian columns measure the mean and median amount of outgoing tech slots per incoming money slot for sellers. The buyermean and buyermedian columns measure the mean and median amount of incoming tech slots per outgoing money slots. The stats are only for sellers and buyers on the respective AAs. A seller is defined as a nation which has received money and sent out tech, while a buyer is defined as a nation which has sent out money and received tech. Data are taken over the same period as my preceding graphs.
  5. Here are the graphs with anything above an apparent 9m/900T rate filtered out as an outlier:
  6. Since I promised I would, here's some graphs I threw together on this stuff. The data is for nations which have both sent tech and received money, partially because that seems like a reasonable filter to remove non-tech-deals, and partially because I don't want to have to deal with divisions by zero. The data are from between 16 days ago and 46 days ago. A few alliances are afflicted with outliers, like the MI6 guy who apparently traded at a 6m/2200T rate during the period. I'll filter out these outliers from my data and post graphs for those AAs later, perhaps. Or I might get lazy.
  7. I think those numbers are rather misleading, since they don't seem to exclude aid not sent as part of tech deals. I'll see if I can get some better data to post up soonish.
  8. Leaks from top secret NPO FA leadership channels incoming. Or perhaps I just completely faked these logs in order to get us rolled? Or in order to be one of the cool leaky kids? The world may never know.
  9. I, for one, am happy to see this posted. o/ DK o/ NPO These forums really need a Dislike button, don't they? It'd see a lot more use than a Like button.
  10. Not even you could seriously believe that Polar have been beaten down in every single war ever, so stop pretending that you have. It doesn't make people pity you.
  11. I can't help but feel a vague suspicion that this "Universal Exports Inc." thing is some deceptive facade for a more nefarious organization. What exactly is it you export? Is it tech? Please tell me it is tech.
  12. For those who are interested, here's some calculations on how much damage his nukes will do, as his nation currently stands: 170 infrastructure, 57 technology, and 170 land, for a total of just below 1050 NS destroyed. Interpretation of this data is left as an exercise to the reader.
  13. I honestly thought it wouldn't be possible to divide it into symmetric-looking segments any more, since the amount of spokes wasn't divisible by the amount of AAs. Apparently, it was possible.
  14. I have watched far too few movies to be able to make a funny reference. I suppose I'll just o/ anyway.
  15. Has it ever struck you that the reason you're short on sellers might be the rate you're offering them?
  16. Actually, on a search, it turns out that I do have all datas (some of which I actually got from you), it's just that I haven't structured them in a way that my program can access. I suppose I should get around to figuring out how to fix that problem.
  17. Also, I decided to have a look at my (not 100% complete, but almost) aid stats for this year. Here's some fun numbers: These numbers are for every aid package in my system. I hope all my abbreviations are comprehensible. Here's something similar, but only for slots containing 100 tech: And for slots containing more than or equal to 6m:
  18. So close to doubling our score in a year... So close.
  19. I believe this more or less summarizes these threads in their entirety:
  20. If I wanted to bait you, I'd point out in more detail how silly your entire argument was. However, it's not particularly worth my time to try. For some reason, I don't think you sound like the kind of person who'd understand.
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