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Everything posted by paul711

  1. Go back and lob some more CMs. People told me that D1 were the elite of TE: what a joke, no coordination or counter, just CMs
  2. What's a bigger joke is the nobody who feels the urge to attempt to defend his buddy Hiregun who is ducking me.
  3. I can't get anyone to fight me on either the battlefield or the forums.
  4. And the beating begins. I save a slot for Hiredgun if he ever decides to stop hiding behind his AA and builds up I'll fill it for him.
  5. Looks like we ran hiredgun off of red team and now off the OWF. 2 of 3 accomplished thus far.
  6. I love it Defcon1 must be destroyed
  7. I said you not D1, they kick you out and problem solved.
  8. In another thread Hiredgun admitted he would not post again therefore admitting defeat to me on the OWF. 1 arena down 1 to go. "DEFCON 1 must be destroyed"
  9. Does this mean I win? I own the forums in 5 days?
  10. What goes around comes around. Throw your weight around act tough with my friends... now it's payback.
  11. I like you but it seems the majority despise you. I've heard that you dislike me but I don't believe rumors.
  12. As president I was elected to be the TE mouth piece. That said, TE wants you to leave, I personally like you but am following the group decision, you must bow before paul711 and acknowledge his superiority and that of the Romans. If I was in your discord these things would not be public. Also if noone is in your chat then what harm would it do? If more eople were in your discord these things could be fixed before something like me happens.
  13. I am your fan president count HG why would I do you harm?
  14. So I've been talking to quite a few people, if I didn't speak to you feel free to hit me up ingame, and the consensus is that HG is an !@#$%^&. Not my word, just a consensus, please don't hate the messenger. I've heard that your vindictive, will employ any means to won, and a cyber bully (granted a summary of opinions for conversation purposes and the actual words might get me banned). I was elected president of the HG fan club. As the fan club president I am formally requesting that you desist in besmurching my good name on your discord. P.S. I don't need that discord invite any longer.
  15. I was told to ask you why your nickname is count HG?
  16. OMG that hurts number 2. Let me into your discord.
  17. Guess what, RE is number 1 right now. I know that most hurt your little ego.
  18. 1. I don't know about anyone else but I wanted you to stay on red. 2. What legacy, please these boards and you will read about some of the great TE AAs and I assure you D1 is not in that discussion. Why are you so concerned with numbers of nations? Quality trumps numbers anyway. Sounds like your setting up for an excuse.
  19. HG I need your help...who do like more... me or Roadrash?
  20. Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Notice that I joined in 2009 and you in 2016 please stick to what you know, HG.
  21. Let me help you, I'm feeling generous. What your referring to was tge next round after Tepolice and I hopped around some AAs. D1 thought I could help turn them into an elite AA but I only wanted to hit Stevieg. For the record they were to full of suckage and wouldn't follow the suggestions which they asked me for. Read the entire thread. It's about me holding a grudge against Stevieg. If anything this thread will show you how ruthless and unforgiving I am.
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