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Posts posted by Echo_Four

  1. I will admit to only having read the first post. I don't know what has been said since- and I don't want to know. I'd rather write my response without being exposed to any political arguments that may have been made.

    GWII was a great war. For anyone to assert that it really wasn't, I suspect they were either not a part of the war or they weren't too deeply involved in the war. I speak this as someone that quit the game and since made a return. It was the politics leading to GW II that drove me away from the game, and why I don't often post on these forums now.

    In all honesty, GWII was not the League vs. the Initiative. It was LUE vs. NPO, et al. LUE pushed for the creation on the League with the sole notion of knocking NPO off of its perch. They were able to convince many alliance leaders to go along with their plans. (Such as Cramzpatio of Somolia- leader of my alliance- GOLD) However, they were not able to convince the masses of these alliances to see NPO as an evil horde. Most of the people in these alliances that I spoke with were much like I was, they did not understand why we would need to go to war, nothing was out of order so far as we could tell. However, the course had been set, and we received our marching orders.

    Like good soldiers, we marched into war. GOLD attacking NPO was an asinine notion. We were clearly nothing more than cannon fodder trying to pave the way for later attacks from LUE and friends. But, the membership was not going to go down that route. As the initial phases of the war were drawing to a close and nations were preparing to come out of peace mode, sentiment started turning hard against the war. I spent many hours in IRC talking to people in the League. There was a solid core of people that were ready to fight to the death. However, most were tired of seeing the massive damage being done to their nations. Those that were in peace mode knew that they did not stand a chance, and the alliance began to fall apart. As soon as alliances began to turn from the League, the writing was on the wall.

    It did change the view of many members of these alliances. GOLD quickly became a neutral alliance, refusing to be involved in future boondoggles. (Clearly they later forgot the hard lessons and no longer exist as a result.) Despite the war taking a great deal of fun out of the game for me, it did get rid of LUE- so it wasn't all bad. (Those guys drove me nuts!) It did set the world into a position where there was no challenge to the top power, despite what the reformed "League" seemed to think. Talk of Initiative civil war were common from the end of GWII until the attack on FAN. (How the Golden Saber people managed to avoid that I'll never know.)

    In honesty, all it did was set the stage for GWIII. Just as any GW sets the stage for the next one. It is a cycle that will never end because everyone wants to be at the top. No matter what the odds, there will always be people that are willing to take a shot to try to get the top slot.

  2. As I said at least once before when this came up, I still don't understand why it is perfectly acceptable to attack someone here for having Nazi leanings but we defend the right of people to identify as communists. While I am totally disgusted by the Nazi movement of today, and the historical Nazis, they can't hold a candle to the horrific actions done under the banner of communism.

  3. This whole argument is just asinine. If the NPO wants to own red, they have every right to do so. Planet Bob is not some hippie utopia, it ruled by the same forces that rule all worlds- If you have the power to enforce your will, you can do so.

    If it really bothers you that much, move your alliance to the red sphere and take on the NPO. If you're not able to win, you have two choices. Shut up or get stronger and try again. Either way, I'm sure the NPO will be quite happy. They will either rule their sphere in peace or get to run some limited scope military drills to stay sharp while waiting for the next bloc of alliances to rise up against them.

    In the end, we all know the NPO will be right where they've always been doing what they want to do. I find it to be comforting in a sometimes confusing world.

  4. The people in GS that were FAN left FAN for the same reasons that FAN was attacked. Kind of silly to act like they should have hung out and got whipped for something they didn't believe in.

    In fact, I'm a big supporter of not getting whipped over something you don't believe.

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