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Everything posted by itseZe

  1. Being in an IRC channel with FC... I'm already regretting this o/ CnG
  2. Good show guys. And congrats on working this out.
  3. Some mighty big lines being drawn there. LOST o/
  4. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293266242' post='2553475'] Ninja-edited your 'haiku' before I could correct you >_> [/quote] A ninja I am in editing of haikus but not in much else
  5. [quote name='Max Cristof' timestamp='1293265694' post='2553466'] We won the contest So I've Written this Haiku To Spite itseZe Thanks for a great contest folks! [/quote] Such a nice haiku poem might have been alright and Merry Christmas
  6. OWF, you're lucky we didn't lose, as you would have to read some horrible poem by Max. Instead you are blessed with this masterpiece
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