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Posts posted by KCToker

  1. Last time I checked I am entitled to my opinion, and I have stated mine. I do not feel like I have to put at the end of my comments "My opinions do not necessarily reflect my alliances official stance", so I wont, even though I just did.

    Then you shouldn't state your personal opinions.

  2. EDIT: Also, boooooo to KC. Blatantly stole his add/drop lines because I don't know how they're calculated.


    Also, the add line is calculated by halving the score of the sanctioned alliance with the lowest score. I'm not sure on the drop line, so I just move it the same amount as the add line >_>

    Also also, wik

    Also also also, 3 updates would cause the start of an unnerving trend, increase the amount of updates per night by 1 every few days :o

  3. July 28, 2008

    1 New Pacific Order: 72.67 --> 72.59 (-0.08)

    2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 57.18 --> 57.43 (+0.25)

    3 New Polar Order: 45.41 --> 45.35 (-0.06)

    4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 41.25 --> 41.47 (+0.22)

    5 Sparta: 35.87 --> 35.86 (-0.01)

    6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 35.37 --> 35.61 (+0.24)

    7 Orange Defense Network: 29.85 --> 29.91 (+0.06)

    8 Fark: 27.28 --> 27.39 (+0.11)

    9 Ragnarok: 26.86 --> 26.96 (+0.10)

    The Order of the Paradox: 26.32 --> 26.31 (-0.01)

    10 Grand Global Alliance: 24.37 --> 24.26 (-0.11)

    11 FOK: 24.40 --> 24.19 (-0.21)

    12 The Phoenix Federation: 21.03 --> 21.08 (+0.05)


    13 Viridian Entente: 20.19 --> 20.26 (+0.07)

    The Grämlins: 20.17 --> 20.23 (+0.06)

    Mushroom Kingdom: 18.19 --> 18.24 (+0.05)

    14 The Order of Light: 17.85 --> 17.82 (-0.03)

    15 United Purple Nations: 16.98 --> 17.05 (+0.07)

    Echelon: 16.94 --> 16.98 (+0.04)

    16 Green Protection Agency: 16.65 --> 16.59 (-0.06)

    17 Nueva Vida: 16.37 --> 16.41 (+0.04)

    18 Monos Archein: 15.05 --> 15.07 (+0.02)

    19 Global Democratic Alliance: 14.68 --> 14.69 (+0.01)

    Valhalla: 14.12 -->14.31 (+0.19)

    20 NATO: 13.66 --> 13.72 (+0.06)

    21 Random Insanity Alliance: 13.25 --> 13.28 (+0.03)

    22 The Democratic Order: 12.85 --> 12.87 (+0.02)

    23 Invicta: 12.68 --> 12.73 (+0.05)

    LoSS: 12.67 --> 12.69 (+0.02)

    24 The Legion: 12.40 --> 12.40 (0.00)

    The Templar Knights: 12.07 --> 12.07 (+0.00)

    World Task Force: 11.87 --> 11.90 (+0.03)

    RnR: 11.61 --> 11.51 (-0.10)

    Confederacy of Imperial States: 11.42 --> 11.39 (-0.03)

    M*A*S*H: 10.82 --> 10.66 (-0.16)

    25 North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.58 --> 10.64 (+0.21)

    Greenland Republic: 10.59 --> 10.49 (-0.10)

    ---------- Add Line: 10.51 --> 10.54 (+0.03)

    ---------- Drop Line: 10.21 --> 10.24 (+0.03)

    Biggest Gainer

    Independent Republic of Orange Nations: (+0.25)

    Biggest Loser

    FOK: (-0.21)

    Passes of the Day

    Grand Global Alliance passes FOK

    North Atlantic Defense Coalition passes Greenland Republic


    A quiet day in the race, with only Grand Global Alliance and North Atlantic Defense Coalition making passes. Independent Republic of Orange Nations posted an impressive gain, earning them Biggest Gainer today; though Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, Mostly Harmless Alliance, Valhalla and North Atlantic Defense Coalition also posted equally impressive gains. Unfortunately for them, FOK posted the biggest loss of the day. On the whole most alliances put up small gains, though a few fell back somewhat, including Grand Global Alliance, RnR and M*A*S*H.


    Related Links:

    Stats by Unspeakable Evil

    Lord Sharpe's MDP Web

    Vote for Cybernations Daily!

    EDIT: Oops, sorry Gopherbashi, didn't see your post :o

  4. fairweather.png

    It recently occurred to those of us in R&R, TTK and GOD that our ties, binding and non-chaining as they are, is no longer suited for modern CN politics. It’s outdated – faded to obscurity and no longer holds any real gravity – but we love it, so we’re going to keep it. However, to reflect better on the times, we also signed the following:


    In the interests of temporary security from one another, the R&R alliance, The Templar Knights alliance, and Global Order of Darkness hereby swear to the following tenets, up to and until we decide – privately – we no longer like them.

    Article I- Independence

    This ONAP in no way restricts either alliances' sovereignty or that of their member colonies.

    Article II- Peace

    In signing this treaty, neither alliances nor any of its nations will wage war against the other. The exception of course is if one signatory is about to get beat-down and the other wants to get in the good graces of the other side.

    Article III- Cancellation

    If any signatory wants to leave this treaty, they need just give 48 hours notice. The treaty will technically still be active during those 48 hours, but nobody's expected to honor it.

    Signed for R&R,

    GoFastLeft, President

    KCToker, Deputy Secretary of State

    Mixoux, Assistant Deputy Secretary of :awesome:

    Viking, Some Mean Guy who likes to Undermine Democracy

    Signed for the Global Order of Darkness,

    Xiphosis, Dark Lord

    Big Z, Lord of Diplomacy

    Aloop, Lord of the Interior

    Midknight, Lord of War

    Signed for The Templar Knights,

    Regent of Omerta, Grandmaster

    Empress Isabella, Marshal of the Interior

    Manussa, Marshal of Defense

    Danome, Elder Council

    Spaceruler15, Elder Council

    After we signed that, we felt an upgrade was in order, so it is my proud duty to also announce the following:

    R&R - TTK - GOD OAODONF Treaty


    In light of the recent changes in the ever morphing politics of planet bob, The Templar Knights (hereby referred to as TTK), The Global Order of Darkness (hereby referred to as GOD) and the R&R alliance (Hereby referred to as R&R) sign this optional aggression, optional defense, optional neutrality & friendship pact (OAODONF); more commonly known as a Mutual Aggression and Defense Pact.

    Article I: Respect

    Both signatories of this treaty will show respect towards one another in all forms of communication, until the treaty is ultimately and predictably canceled in the event of a beat-down. During this time all held back trolling and flames may be released without fear of violation.

    Article II: Sovereignty

    Both signatories acknowledge that this treaty is in no way, an attempt to breach one another's respective sovereignty to mess up or coward out, from either side.

    Article III: Non-Aggression

    Both signatories hereby acknowledge that any attacks on one another would be completely contrary to the entire point of allying one another. Both agree not to shoot themselves in the foot by acting stupid.

    Article IV: Mutual Aggression (When convenient)

    Any aggressive move carried out by one signatory, be it in the form of military, sanctioning, or any other attack, will be backed by the other signatory; however, in the case failure seems likely, this clause will be considered void. If one signatory is accused of acts of war, the other signatory will accept this as the truth by default and this treaty will be immediately voided.

    Article V: Mutual Defense (When semantics allow it)

    A declaration on one signatory through military means is considered an attack on both signatories.*

    *Statement only true when circumstances revolving around said declaration do not include excessive force by the outside aggressor.**

    **Excessive force defined as overwhelming odds in which the signatory not being directly attacked would be placed in a dire situation, at which point they may consider Article V void.

    Article VI: Conflicting Treaties (happens all the time, you know)

    In the event of an attack by one signatory on the ally of another signatory, no diplomatic discussions will occur. No notification will be given to either party prior to the attack, and the offended party is expected to declare neutrality, naturally.

    Article VII: Cancellation period (or not)

    Should either signatory wish to withdraw from this treaty, they may contact the other via private channels and be given 72 hours notice before the treaty becomes officially void; however, this 72 hours notice is only considered legal during times of peace. Should the event of war strike one of the signatories before the 72 hour notice is up, it will cease to exist automatically.

    Signed for R&R,

    GoFastLeft, President

    KCToker, Deputy Secretary of State

    Mixoux, Assistant Deputy Secretary of :awesome:

    Viking, Some Mean Guy who likes to Undermine Democracy

    Signed for the Global Order of Darkness,

    Xiphosis, Dark Lord

    Big Z, Lord of Diplomacy

    Aloop, Lord of the Interior

    Midknight, Lord of War

    Signed for The Templar Knights,

    Regent of Omerta, Grandmaster

    Empress Isabella, Marshal of the Interior

    Manussa, Marshal of Defense

    Danome, Elder Council

    Spaceruler15, Elder Council

    This is not a joke, these are binding, legal treaties.

  5. Yeah, figured I'd give this a shot :awesome:

    16h July ,2008

    1 New Pacific Order : 70.56 --> 70.71 (+0.15)


    2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 56.54 --> 56.61 (+0.06)

    3 New Polar Order : 45.25 --> 45.46 (+0.21)

    4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 39.72 --> 39.90 (+0.18)

    5 Sparta: 35.37 --> 35.43 (+0.06)

    6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 34.71 --> 34.79 (+0.08)

    7 Orange Defense Network: 29.11 --> 29.21 (+0.10)

    8 Fark: 26.46 --> 26.56 (+0.10)

    9 Ragnarok : 26.17 --> 26.19 (+0.02)

    The Order of the Paradox: 24.83 --> 24.90 (+0.07)

    10 Grand Global Alliance: 24.65 --> 24.71 (+0.06)

    11 FOK: 22.95 --> 22.78 (-0.17)

    12 The Phoenix Federation : 20.71 --> 20.85 (+0.14)


    13 Viridian Entente: 19.60 --> 19.68 (+0.08)

    The Grämlins: 19.41 --> 19.31 (-0.10)

    14 The Order of Light: 17.72 --> 17.80 (+0.08)

    15 United Purple Nations: 17.32 --> 17.40 (+0.08)

    Echelon: 16.74 --> 16.84 (+0.10)

    Mushroom Kingdom: 16.37 --> 16.50 (+0.13)

    16 Nueva Vida : 16.39 --> 16.44 (+0.05)

    17 Green Protection Agency: 16.01 --> 16.29 (+0.28)

    18 Monos Archein: 15.12 --> 15.20 (+0.08)

    19 Global Democratic Alliance: 14.40 --> 14.44 (+0.04)

    Valhalla: 13.71 --> 13.78 (+0.07)

    20 NATO: 13.35 --> 13.35 (0.00)

    21 Random Insanity Alliance : 12.89 --> 12.84 (-0.05)

    22 The Democratic Order: 12.62 --> 12.65 (+0.03)

    The Templar Knights: 12.46 --> 12.49 (+0.03)

    LoSS: 12.60 --> 12.47 (-0.13)

    23 Invicta : 12.55 --> 12.44 (-0.11)

    World Task Force: 11.87 --> 11.89 (+0.02)

    RnR: 11.69 --> 11.70 (+0.01)

    24 The Legion: 11.56 --> 11.61 (+0.05)

    Confederacy of Imperial States: 11.41 --> 11.34 (-0.07)

    Greenland Republic: 11.28 --> 11.32 (+0.04)

    ---------- Add Line: 10.36 --> 10.43(+0.07)

    M*A*S*H: 10.36 --> 10.38 (+0.02)

    25 North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 10.28 --> 10.26 (-0.02)

    ---------- Drop Line: 9.99 --> 10.13(+0.07)

    Biggest Gainer

    Green Protection Agency (+0.28)

    Biggest Loser

    FOK (-0.17)

    Passes of the Day

    Mushroom Kingdom passes Nueva Vida

    The Templar Knights passes Invicta

    The Templar Knights passes LoSS

    The Add Line passes M*A*S*H


    And positive day for nearly all, a pretty good day for most, Green Protection Agency takes the Biggest Gainer spot, while FOK was one of only a few alliances to drop a bit, taking Biggest Loser. For the first time in a while, Monos Archein actually gained a little bit, possibly ending their recent decline. It was a pretty slow day as far as passes goes, with only 2 alliances moving up, Mushroom Kingdom and The Templar Knights.

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