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Posts posted by Bundeskanzler

  1. Oswald Mosley came into the room. Closing the door behind him, he turned on a light bulb that hung from the ceiling.

    “I am sorry for the indecent way you were handled, but Selvaria was too eager. You know how she can be rough when she has a mission.” Oswald looked at the former Regent with warms eyes as he sat down on the wooden stool in front of Tanzband. “Thank you for choosing the Bund as your new home. We need as much support as possible, and a man of your reputation, abilities, and experience would be of incalculable help. In fact, I am here to offer you this.”

    A piece of paper with the title “Acceptance of the Position of Bundesprasident” was handed over to Tanzband.

    “We need a strong figure to lead Deutscher Bund, and you are the perfect candidate. If you accept, you shall be the head of state, with the power and authority to represent the Bund, veto legislation bills, and issue executive decrees which have the force of law. I know this is not as high a caliber as Kaiser or Regent, but it is respectable enough a position in the international community.” He lifted his left forefinger as if to emphasize something. “However there is a prerequisite: You must make an official statement denouncing the harlot, Sarah Tintagyl. We cannot let her abominable influence contaminate the Bund, leading it down the path of death and destruction like what happened to so many nations that fell under her charms. It is such a trifle thing that I am sure you can do with ease, especially since you have been discarded by her. Now, what do you say, Her Tanzband? Will you take up the mandate?

    Albert sat in silence, as if in deep thought. After a while, he looked up, directly into the face of Mosley, and replied in a determined voice, “No.”

    "No..." Disappointment could be seen in Oswald’s face, as he tried to find a reply. “That is not an answer I had expected. Why on earth would you decline?”

    “No matter how much I may powder the words,” spoke Albert, “the root of it all goes to one thing: I lover her. Sarah is more than just a woman, she’s an ideal and a philosophy, and I am in love with her dreams and visions as much as I love her.” He straightened his back.

    The Queenslander’s face began to warp with disbelief. “But what about the trial? You said nothing about the whore, when almost every accusations leveled at you were connected to her web of lies and manipulations."

    “I couldn’t. Saying anything would have given more strength to the prosecution Not only that, but Europe would have had concrete evidence in their belief that Sarah is a femme fatale. Love triumphing over politics... Something that wouldn’t work here.” A sheepish smile appeared on Albert’s face. “Also, Sarah already has enough trouble in Australia. I can’t burden her with my situation.”

    “But she never wrote a single letter or spoke a single word about you during the trial! It there was such a thing as love between the two of you, the cuckolder would have done at least something. Don’t you see how she’s leaving her happy life, completely ignoring your troubles? Don’t you remember how she abandoned her own country, not even contacting her various lovers?”

    “What of it? She is the Valkyrie of Peace. Her mission is more important than myself.”

    The Bundeskanzler fell silent. After what seemed an eternity passed, he took some papers out from the inside pocket of his jacket.

    “After the troubles of the Queensland Republic, I was forced to give all records of the former Hanseatic Commonwealth to the one-time rescuers from New Anglica. This had come into my hands, and I’ve made copies just in case.”

    The front page was titled “Medical History of the Lady Protector”. Oswald turned a few pages, to a section named “Pregnancy History”.

    “The Valkyrie had been pregnant once, Herr Tanzband, and the chorionic villus sampling showed who the father is. It wasn’t you, but someone who doesn’t deserve being mentioned. Various records revealed that she kept the existence of the daughter secret, even from you, who is supposed to be her most trusted person. All of this shows that you were just a pawn, a tool in her quest for domination. Do you still believe in her?”

    There was a look of surprise at the news of Tintagyl’s illegitimate daughter, but soon Tanzband recovered. “It doesn’t matter. Sarah’s happiness is what is most important, and I would accept any action she chooses. If she chose to hide it from me, there was a reason and I would understand. She is my everything, and I will not do anything which would hurt her one bit. Not only would denying her cause much pain to her, but it would be going against her dreams and visions, killing the one I love. I would rather die than do that.”

    There was a click as Oswald pulled out a pistol.

    "Are you prepared to go with what you said, die for the worthless prostitute?"

    Dignity filled the room as Albert gave his answer. "Yes. My honor and love is for all eternity.“

    "Very well then.”

    He pulled the trigger.


    A shot rang out, followed by the sound of slumping.

  2. //OOC: Actually, you are wrong there. Emperor Raiyku Shinje has the legal standards to claim the throne of Japan thanks to past roleplays, including those involving Sarah Tintagyl. I'm not sure if you have read that far back, but I can assure you that I am not lying.

    OOC: Please link me to the past RPs. I am interested.

  3. ***Classified***

    Deutscher Bund considers free trade as a lifeline, so we do not see any particular problems with the proposals of France. We only ask that the people of Romandie be under similar conditions of dual citizenship. Should France accept this, they may announce the agreement to the public.

  4. Fürstentum Liechtenstein, a tiny alpine microstate, had always been dependent on its neighbors, being too small to be by itself. With the rise of the great Germanic Emppires, however, the principality was abandoned by nearly all, as the battle for reunification of the Fatherland continued. Now, Deutscher Bund, as a brother, has brought Liechtenstein into its fold, as the newest Canton.

    May the little brother Liechtenstein never be alone again!

  5. OOC: You do know that Luxemburg is part of Germany on the worldmap? As far as I can see at least.

    OOC: I've checked with Martens, and he doesn't have Luxemburg. Also, if you check a few maps back, you see that Martens grew to the west a bit without any reason. Someone must have made a mistake.

  6. ***Classified Telegram to Alain Mamère***

    Greetings from your new neighbor. I hope that all is well in France.

    Deutscher Bund has a proposal to make. We would like to exchange the predomininately French areas of Geneva, Neuchâtel, Jura, Western Vaud (everything except Aigle and Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut) and and western Freiburg (Broye, Glane, Vivisbach) in exchange for Luxemburg. Since Luxemburg had been part of the old Deutscher Bund, we feel that historically, Luxemburg should be part of our state. Of course, you shall be receiving the important city of Geneva and other Romandie therritories, so it would not be such a bad deal.

    We hope for a positive reply. The following is the map of our proposal.


    Maroon: Luxemburg, Blue: Romandie

    Oswald Mosley


  7. "Welcome. We are happy to see what can be somewhat considered as the heir to Rheinmark take up its own sovereign shape. Due to our ties both with Rheinmark and with former White Ruthenia, our MDPs will carry on to protect this nation. Regardless of ideological differences, Germany must stand together."

    "Deutscher Bund happily accepts this MDP offer. Brothers should be together against those that wants us divided."

  8. Tanzband woke up in a pitch dark room with a headache. He wondered what he had done to deserve all this. His affair with Sarah? The "betrayal" of the Greater Nordic Reich? Why?

    The door of the room slowly opened, letting in a flood of light. Albert tried to see through the blinding white at who was entering........

    OOC: Okay I know that I'm distracting from the RP and Kanzler, I apologize for that, however I would like to stress something that I believe needs to be stressed. Since Brian Reimer (The Confederation) left CNRP, Tanzband has been RPed by Martens, now I have no serious problem with this at all. However, I would like to say that BR and myself did about 4-6 threads of romance between Albert and Sarah. So for all her shortcomings and I know there are a lot, I think they would still love each other. He did after all, stop the nukes that flew from Germany and so on and so forth. Again, I'm not going to visit subject, but I'm just saying that there is a very extensive history of romance and love between them. If you would like the history of Tanzband, I could easily get it for you. But I think, and again, my opinion only, that Tanzband is not being portrayed to the extent that he should be.

    I will take my leave from the subject, but he did love her and she did love him.

    OOC: These type of things should be discussed in PMs. More importantly, I do not need to follow previous RPs. People never follow the RPs of the past when it goes against their interest, so why should I do that?

  9. Bundeshaus


    Oswald Mosley too his position at the highest seat.

    "There has always been for political ideologies among the Teutonic people: Militarism, Communism, National Socialism, and Liberalism. As we see in the world today, the first three are present in the forms of Deutschland, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, and Großdalmatien. Now, liberal nationalism has a place, as Deutscher Bund in Schweiz and Valkurheim, rallying around the Schwarz-Rot-Gold!

    Deutscher Bund über alles!"

    Deutscher Bund was formed, ready to be the fourth column of Germany.

  10. OOC: Good enough for me.

    IC: With the perfectly rigged elections, the Deutsche Volkspartei (formed by Allen) obtained a supermajority. This meant that Mosley would have almost no opposition in forming a governmetn based on his beliefs.

    Belarus is contacted about the developments, to accelerate the carrying out of the conditions.

  11. Bern

    In the quiet air of this town, Albert Tanzband tried to keep calm as he drank he tea in a cafe near the Rosengarten. He had done all he could, everything to make Nordland the center of the world. And yet, here he was, a nearly convicted former regent who can no longer put up with the harsh duties required of him. No one cared for him anymore, not even she who said she loved him. The sole thing left to keep him going was helping Rheinmarkers start again.

    A white flash caught almost out of his sight to the right his eyes. He turned his head, and was shocked by what he saw. "Selva-" The world went black for him.

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