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Posts posted by x8BitL0gic

  1. [quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1296024310' post='2602303']
    NOT: I apoligis for bad writing. I am now in Rehab Centr and hav lot to relern. Ples bar with me.

    OOC: I wuld lik to thank evry one for wel wishs and thots and prayrs. I wuld lik to thank Archon, Zulchep, AirMe, Chefjoe, Shadow, RSox and Stormsend for cowbels. I wuld like thank membrs of my alince for al they hav don and continu to do. I lik this CN comunite becus ther ar tims that game afilashuns put asid and we can suport each othr.

    Hey good luck man, my wishes are with you.

  2. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1295845678' post='2595494']It will be a pleasure to meet an accomplished alliance such as STA on the field of battle, and we hold no ill will towards them.
    Pursuant to Argent policy, we shall ask for no reperations or terms beyond withdrawing from the field and agreeing to a no-reentry or aiding combantants policy.[/quote]

    Glad to see an alliance showing some honor on the battlefield and showing no ill will towards their opponents. I am greatly honored myself to be allied to you guys.

    Good luck out there; enjoy the war.

  3. [quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1295760506' post='2592991']
    Not knowing the music in question it initially struck me as disturbing. Even knowing where it comes from leaves me wondering how it has anything to do with VE or Polar. Perhaps it speaks to the character of the two alliances featured but it sure seems disconnected with everything else.

    Well my apologies then, I assumed you were intentionally trying to be rude.

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