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Everything posted by Eumirbago

  1. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1303278057' post='2694409'] I would attack someone for not joining my alliance. Just saying. [/quote] hehehehe I would too
  2. I think it was just coincidence that Helena sent a recruitment message to you before you got attacked. Based on your NS range, maybe the nation that attacked you was just new. Just join a legitimate alliance if you want the techraids to stop.
  3. That was a good read; however, I don't see anything wrong with what they were discussing. Edit: Nice Graphics
  4. [quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1301964607' post='2684336'] Obviously you weren't hiding. Thats why your anarchied. way to go! [/quote] Obviously I wasn't hiding I was doing it by the way of the chicken
  5. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301954678' post='2684210'] Which is it? Confused [/quote] The answer is in the Chicken
  6. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1301926727' post='2683982'] Are we fighting a war or playing hide 'n seek? [/quote] Hide n Seek
  7. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301794011' post='2683199'] If things are going so well, why did you have to re-roll? Confused. [/quote] To get some chicken from KFC.
  8. Congrats guys Not many alliances achieve a milestone like this Here's to 3 more years
  9. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301206734' post='2678045'] What? That is what you are doing. Have you checked your stats and your (nonexistent) DoW? [/quote] errrrrrr, well lemme rephrase that, a bunch of REALLY small alliances that aren't even in the first page of alliances
  10. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301205783' post='2678022'] My friend, you knew that No AA's could have / would have been a problem for you, given the way you "played" this round and your puppets. You were untouchable because of not really warring and this was nothing more than to ensure that you will remain untouchable. Just call a spade a spade so as not to make you look even more disingenuous. [/quote] Well, there was the option of rolling several small alliances, but that's no fun
  11. [quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1301188101' post='2677674'] You come over with your troops to Lander Clan, my dear, and tell Sylvia Midnight all about it. I want to hear how bcortell or Cellardoor managed to bait you and dogbite into attacking Pork Shrimp two or less hours before update when it wasn't part of the original plan True or not, it will be entertaining. In other words, once again I'm not going to be within range forever. Do I need bcortell to ask on my behalf in his fashion??? I don't like to be stood up. Sylvia Midnight http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1001790 [/quote] I'm dancing with you
  12. Best wishes to Bob and his sister. You guys are in my prayers.
  13. I think we're fighting our second war this round
  14. Best of luck guys and may it be a fun war for everyone
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