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Posts posted by Penkala

  1. [quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1330302927' post='2928880']
    Damn.. we've had this exact policy for years.. If I had known it would piss of MK to this extend I would have announced it on the OWF :rolleyes:

    Common sense?

    You make a deal with an alliance, the alliance ensures it's paid up. You try to avoid the hassle and make deals on your own, you have to get your tech yourself and the alliance does not guarantee delivery.

    Looks like common sense to me.

    The common-sense solution is to put the whole "white list" "black list" "official" "unofficial" "refundable" "nonrefundable" business on your own membership, which understands your alliance and its procedures, and to adhere to standard practices when it comes to foreign relations (taking action if your member runs away with somebody's money).

    As a tech seller, when you accept that aid, you agree to send tech in return. If you take that money, you're taking the responsibility that comes with it. If you don't follow through on that, your alliance should just send the tech for you and consider it an opportunity to:
    1) Keep amicable relations with the alliance the buyer is from, which has just sent an aid offer that would have benefited your alliance
    2) Identify and help educate some of your members who may not be very familiar with tech deals
    3) Identify 'problem members' and 'aid thieves' at minimal cost to you

    All at a low cost of only 100 tech...

    OR, you can go this route, insinuate that your membership is too stupid to understand a tech deal, refuse to force accountability on your membership, create needless and unnecessary paperwork and applications, and essentially 'black list' people who would be sending your younger members money that they badly need. You end up getting ridiculed for it (and rightly so), and eventually somebody might test it and end up either exposing your lack of a spine or destroying you and your allies.

    All to save 100 tech...

    [quote]Even bothering to reply to the likes of Penkala hints at a much bigger underlying issue. [/quote]

    Good argument, man. Now who are you, again? And what have you ever accomplished?

  2. "The reasons for the cancellation have been conveyed to Polaris and will remain between the Siberian Tiger Alliance and the New Polar Order."

    How convenient. Isn't Pezstar usually the one to show up in a thread like this and drop logs as to the reason of the cancellation? Whatever happened to that whole "transparency" thing?

    Regardless, you and Polar are both terrible, and it's sad that I won't be guaranteed a chance to watch you burn again when Polaris inevitably makes another stupid decision.

  3. I have a better idea. Tell your own !@#$@#$ members to not accept unsolicited aid from non-whitelisted parties. Tell them that if they do, it's on them to fulfill the tech deal. If they don't, pay the 100 tech for them and kick them out (or punish them however you see fit). Total cost to you in the worst case scenario is 100 tech. The way you're going about this now just makes you look like a terrible alliance that can't control its members.

  4. [quote name='Balder' timestamp='1327854754' post='2909475']
    I'm sorry but this is either the worst attempt at humor that I've had the misfortune of reading in a while or you're just woefully ignorant of Planet Bob. Neither would surprise me honestly.

    He honestly isn't very important. Like at all. I'm fairly sure I may have more political pull than he does right now.

  5. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1314344000' post='2788669']
    This thread was worth it just to see penklola cry his little eyes out

    This is my crying face.

    [quote]Looks like Methrage has sparked off the wrong war this time. [/quote]


    He'd be smart to just end this war now and pay for the damages he's caused. But he's not a very smart guy.

  6. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314321367' post='2788467']
    I don't see why you think that, you're the one already admitting you can't win against me. I'm just not betting on who will pay reps, as I don't think either side will. I've never asked for reps and I'm certainly not paying any for this.

    Reps was one of two criteria I listed for 'losing'.

  7. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314320996' post='2788463']
    Since you're relying on others to win for you, it would just cause me to fight other members of Non Grata more, rather than the one I would be competing with.

    How about this though, if you don't whine about my war with you at all regardless of how badly you're losing, when the war is over I'll send you 50 tech as a freebie for not complaining while your nation gets crushed.

    So you're pretty much admitting defeat already.

    Good to know.

  8. [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1314320880' post='2788461']
    I find it difficult to believe that you are the one leading this alliance after only being a member for a single day. Perhaps you should quit latching onto other micro alliances and causing them to suffer because of your idiotic actions. In short, go away.

    I don't know. If Methrage joined my alliance, I'd promote him pretty damn quickly.

  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314319844' post='2788444']
    Given you have infinite aid, do you want to make a bet on who wins the most ground attacks between me and you this war? If you can win 40% of all ground attacks between us this round, I'll consider it your win and send out 1000 tech to nations of your choosing. If you fail, I'll consider you my tech farm for as long as I want and you'll owe me tech. :P

    Why base it on some arbitrary war metric in which you'll have a clear advantage? Let's make this about what really matters: Winning and losing. If myself or Non Grata is militarily defeated by you and pays you reps or surrenders to you, I will give you 50 free tech every 10 days... forever.

    If you or your alliance surrenders to us or pays us reps, you send me $3m every 10 days... forever.

    You down?

    Edit: If you take the offer, I'll even let this $3m count towards your reps payments you'll be owing me. I'm such a nice guy...

    [quote]I'm sitting back and with a good smile on my face, mainly due to Penkala sulking.

    This thread has more potential![/quote]

    This is my sulking face.

    [quote]Haha what happened to Netachahsh Tertreamgmramemsnen Ascension?[/quote]

    I defeated them.

    Who are you again and what are you doing here? If you're not here for a reason, maybe you should go away instead. [/quote]

    Emperor Marx is a pretty well-known guy. I don't know why you're pretending to be more relevant than him, because you're definitely not...

  10. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314319228' post='2788435']
    Considering in the last war, you decided to take the opportunity to nuke my alliance mate who had none of his own and had nothing to do with why Non Grata was declaring on me, seems like sweet justice for you to pay for the actions of one of your alliance mates as the consequence. Who do you think will hit ZI first between the two of us if the war lasts long enough? (Hint: You)

    I think that you will, given that I have an unlimited supply of foreign aid.

    The better question, though, is whose alliance will be destroyed if this war lasts long enough. (Hint: Yours.)

  11. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314318772' post='2788430']
    Penkala, you're a tough guy. You should be able to handle yourself. ;)

    Anyways my alliance was attacked with no just cause, I launched a counter attack in response to the alliance being attacked, with it being 100% reasonable to fight back rather than roll over whenever raiders feel they can attack your alliance.

    If Non Grata can't handle a little bit of war in response, then Non Grata shouldn't be declaring wars on random alliances.

    Nobody is asking you to roll over here. Did you attempt to sort this out in any reasonable way first? You had a whole menu of options to choose from when handling this situation. You could have aided the guy, asked us for reps, maybe even counter-attacked the guy. Instead, you went full retard and decided to attack another (uninvolved) nation. How do you expect this to end, really? (Hint: It will probably include you paying me a lot of money or you not seeing peace for a long time...)

  12. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314318402' post='2788426']
    It was another member from Non Grata, but he wasn't in range and you were.

    Then aid him and make the destruction mutual. This isn't too complicated to figure out, really. What you just did will cost your entire alliance.

  13. [quote]8/24/2011 8:12:23 PM: Non Grata declared war on a member of MAD.

    As apparently it needs proving we live up to our name of Mutually Assured Destruction for attackers, we have responded by declaring war on a Non Grata nation making the destruction mutual. [/quote]

    I did not attack you. Attacking any nation who attacked you would ensure mutual destruction.

    Welcome to my !@#$ list, though. Don't expect to be let off lightly for this one.

  14. Also, Brother Kane won.


    [Quote]This at one point used to be a relatively grand alliance, particularly relating back to the days around SSSW18 and DefCon. VA was at the very least a force to be recognized.[/quote]

    Ummm... what? In all my interaction with people, I've found only a few alliances considered bigger jokes when it comes to military capability (though that will soon change when people learn how pathetic SF really is.) You're right up there with the Legions and NpOs. I went rogue on you and it ended with 2 of your members being ZI-listed and your alliance nearly being rolled by both CSN and VE. Get out...

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