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Everything posted by tayloj7

  1. [20:07] BaronAaron[IRON] and the set up changed and you all had 2 choices [20:07] BaronAaron[IRON] let NSO burn [20:07] BaronAaron[IRON] or jump in with both feet Jeeze come on NG the chioce was so obvious, right IRON? :3
  2. everytime i see the big 'K' I automatically think "Potassium!" best of luck to all sides of the war/peace/whatever is happening :D
  3. Oh mighty zulu, we are humbled by your military and political superiority. Unfortunately our nations took far too much damage from your 'attacks' and I'm afraid we are currently unable to pay your surrender fee :(
  4. I'm too lazy to quote i think it was commander shepard.. just to explain the reason my AA seniority is low is not because i left, it is because the AA rules were reset, i was inactive at the time and didn't know and so the AA ceased to exist until i recreated it a couple days after the reset, but in essence it has existed since back whenever I left GOP probably getting closer to a year ago now.
  5. I'm interested in seeing what the surrender terms are
  6. MQ declared war, as an entire alliance, on TDO. How can they be hiding in an alliance if the entire alliance is doin it? And if you're claiming the entire alliance is a rogue... well I don't see how this could be a rogue action unless you are saying any alliance that doesn't have treaty partners are all rogues in which case GPA would be a bunch of rogues [albeit peaceful rogues] better go attack them quick!! CCC and TTE declared on MQ so okay that makes sense, the rest have just been using the term rogue to randomly attack MQ nations (most likely to get revenge for past transgressions) from their AA's, which have not officialy declared war..... To me that sounds a heck of a lot more like the action of rogues
  7. On the contrary, it seems as though quite a few people are paying attention to us. :) A Sir Hoppington sponsored Fun Fact: DBDC is an Umbrella spin-off of sorts no doubt, but you may be surprised to know it was actually created after I left the GOP [and in a fairly large advance of the subsequent spinoffs that may have been inspired in part by DBDC, although I believe ours was the only one at the time to officially annouce a DoE]
  8. Pretty sure the lannisters never sided with the zulu *starts re-reading all the books to make sure he didn't miss anything*.....
  9. Its okay Sir Hoppington just pigs out at the salad bar which isn't too busy usually. Which reminds me Sir Hoppington wanted me to declare DBDC's protection of lettuce. As for MQ, they ain't no rogues, rascals definitely, but certainly not rogues
  10. Well it certainly can't be said that VE isn't loyal to its treaties. However given that this is an offensive war by GOP such a statement is rather strong for a protectorate level treaty (particularly one in which the protectee is composed of some of the largets nations in the game). An interesting move for sure :)
  11. well technically we are not an Umbrella protectorate, if you go back to that original announcement you'll note that we declared we'd protect Umbrella :3
  12. Well perhaps then if they start losing people who pay them money they'll put more effort into reforming the game so that its longevity in terms of actual fun gameplay and strategic nation building will be improved, and heck maybe they could find a way to increase the incentives for 'donations' along with changes. As it is right now I would never pay say $25 for such modest gains, maybe at low levels but even then a small amount of activity easily counteracts the need for donations to grow and play the game.
  13. Sir Hoppington smiles at your choice to get a little aggressive and hopes you'll find CN becomes much more interesting now that you have :)
  14. So Zulu the war hungry micro is going to defend the big neutral alliance. I'm confused but I like it, best of luck Zulu!
  15. What i meant was not directed at those of us who've been around for the past [x number of years] but potential new players. I assume many find this game the same way I did in that they are looking for a nation building game, not necessarily coming here purely for diplomatic/warring type stuffs. Thus if I came to the game right now, and after starting to play around a bit realised that it is essentially impossible for me to ever reach the strength levels of the top nations, so I'd say forget this and go find a game in which that would at least be possible. This is definitely not entirely the fault of the neutrals however many of the neutrals have a disproportionate number of extremely large nations which is not seen outside of neutral alliances (except for my own and maybe a few other micros) and since they do not participate in war-ness there is little chance that they will ever be removed from this high level, if the neutrals were to all disappear [not that i'm advocating this] that would coincide with a sharp decrease in the average nation strength of the 'planet' and perhaps entice more players to stick around for a while and make a run for that top 5% or higher. I mean its at the point right now where since it is so difficult to destroy large amounts of technology it is unlikely that say Dulra would be knocked outta their spot at #1 even if they were at war for several cycles, for those who are joining to try to get to #1 there is no reason to play this game especially if the top nations are simply left to continue to grow making it that much more impossible for somebody new to catch up.
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