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R Gray II

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Posts posted by R Gray II

  1. November 8, 2009, 2:30PM (GMT -8)

    SANTA CLARA, S.V. - The Republic of 7-R, which collapsed 15 months ago due to overwhelming stress on President G.S. LXVIII's part, regrouped itself into the new nation Silicon Valley yesterday, in a movement led by Raymond "16 Locks" Gray II.

    The nation now known as Silicon Valley was originally founded in March 2006, and gradually rose to glory over the years into a fine republican nation-member of the Orange Defense Network. It survived through three wars, one of which put it out of commission for a few days and was promptly rebuilt. However, in July of 2008, citing declining mental health, overwhelming stress, increasing financial burdens, and a lack of productivity, G.S. resigned and his entire nation fell into anarchy, succumbing to riots, a conveniently-timed epidemic, and fail a few days later.

    A few survivors remained in the remains of 7-R, including Gray. He and fellow former citizens eked out a living in the ruins, hoping one day for an opportunity to rebuild and bring themselves back to glory.

    Gray and company found the opportunity in August 2009, having studied the remains of 7-R's constitution and laws, as well as once-classified files that, in the midst of the riots, were uncovered and de facto declassified. They recreated and ratified the constitution and law system, reconstructed infrastructure, and within the next couple months Silicon Valley was a new, fully-functional nation.

    Over the next few months, Gray intends to rebuild the nation's many resources, as well as regroup with the ODN to reestablish ties with the outside world.

    "I feel so at home once again," reports President Gray. "It will take a while to restore this nation back to what it once was, but it will be a fun experience. Now, let arse kick together once again!"

  2. This article is best viewed with Firefox's Text-To-Image extension turned on.

    RS President complains about "Un-Exciting" War

    This morning, during the exchange of words that took place during breakfast at the RS/7-R/whatfreakingever Great Hall, which usually consists of whether the toilet seat should be left up or down and how much Initial D 4 sucks...

    Suk: "Gee, it sure is boring around here!"

    Kin G. Story, Secretary of Defense: "Mah boi! This peace is what all true leaders strive for!"

    Suk: "I just wonder what GOONS is up to..."

    Suk is complaining about the Unjust War, not because of the challenges his nation faces, but rather the lack of targets for his forces to attack. Most of what few armed nations GOONS has left are too locked into war for the west North American nation to engage, a situation exactly opposite of what RS encountered in Great War III. The few countries available for attack are approaching or have been whittled down to the hell that is zero infrastructure.


    GOONS's troops are so few and far these days, that this single suit-clad RS civilian is actually capable of destroying these tanks...they're unmanned.

    "Is this really a war anymore?" questions Oran G. Koon, a foot soldier on the outskirts of Paper Nation, one of the few GOONS nations that RS was able to engage. "It's more like a cruise missile testing ground now. I don't have any asses to kick! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take a nap out in the open."

  3. This article is best viewed with the Firefox add-on Text-to-Image enabled.

    Earlier today, at around 4:30am (GMT -7), the president of the triple-name country, G. Suk LXVIII, was caught illegally racing on State Highway 237 at speeds upwards of 330 km/h. His own police impounded his car, a red Mazda Savanna RX-7:


    Police also noted that he was listening to this CD at the time of his arrest:


    The police confiscated this CD, believing that this is the source of Suk's dangerous driving habits. The CD contains twenty-two trance songs that fit very well with high-speed racing.

    "This is why this stupid techno crap is frowned upon," says officer Orenji Kun. "First raves, then acid trips, and now this. President Suck needs to listen to real music. Lesser forms of music, after all, are strongly associated with crime."

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