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Tum Yum Phoot

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Posts posted by Tum Yum Phoot

  1. I'm wondering, since we had this discussion with some people today. Is it against the rules to allow someone to attack you, so you could get enough casualties to build war memorial?

    I do realize that someone might argue it's against the spirit of the game, but is it against the rules?

    From the rules I find part saying "abusing the war system is against the rules." To my understanding, abusing the war system is to fill the war slots so no one can attack you, or doing something similar to that. Nowhere in the rules does it state that allowing your friend to attack without retaliation is against the rules. However, there are people who claim it is against the rules and so I am in a loss.

    Needless to say that I'm way too small nation to even think of such thing, but I would be glad to know for the future, if someone offered me such opportunity.


  2. What a waste of time that could have been spent adding new features instead.

    Why do people always think that doing something is away from something else? Some times people might need a break from something before they can get back to it and be productive about it. While having that break they do other things. I can hardly believe that a few new pictures would be away from the development of CN.

  3. It's been 8 days since the circle completed. It also took 8 days to find Tetratogan, and I'm fairly aware of that. Do the maths.

    And it's not so much about wait as it is about trust. 7/13/2009 (8 days ago) he messaged me, that he would join in 48 hours. A usual grace period I would say. I waited patiently until it was three days from that. Even then I thought it would be fair to give three days more. Nothing happened. It's now been 8 days since he told that he would join in 48 hours. He also told the same BS to you Caleb, 5 days ago.

    If someone tells me that they will do something in 48 hours, I expect them to make it in a week for gods sake! And if they don't, I expect some kind of explanation or apology or whatever, but personally, I have not even heard of him since then. To me it feels like he is playing games with us and laughing his head off (ok, he is not probably doing that, but seems like he is just keeping us as a reserve if his own trades fall apart). I just find it extremely hard to trust him anymore, at all.

    Now how long are you willing to wait for his current tradeset to fall apart? I've heard of ones that have gone for over a year, so good luck waiting.

  4. I can wait for 3 more days. After that either we find a new person with Colonels resources, or I'll be off to some circle that actually happens.

    I don't want to sound mean or anything, but It's just that I'm having an empty tradeslot that needs filling and I cannot fill it while I'll have to wait for someone to start trading with me. (no, not even temporarily, since then I'd have to give them 48 hour warning, and so on, and it would take forever)

  5. Sign up here if you have two resources that have not yet been filled.

    Aqua team is preferrence, but not necessity.

    Harbor is required.

    Coal - bkuz712

    Iron -

    Lead - Tum Yum Phoot (Andune)

    Lumber - Tum Yum Phoot (Andune)

    Oil - InTh3Bu88l3

    Marble -

    Gold -

    Cattle* -

    Rubber -

    Aluminum -

    Wheat - InTh3Bu88l3

    Water - bkuz712

    *Cattle is a wildcard, replaceable with something.

    Bonus resources: Steel, Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles, Scholars, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Beer


    Initial infrastructure cost: -42%

    Infrastructure upkeep: -23%

    Population increase: 13%

    Citizen income increase: $6

    Population happiness increase: 11

    Initial land cost: -20%

    Purchased land area increase: 40%

    Technology cost decrease: -13%

    Environment increase: 20%

    Environment decrease: -1

    Soldier increase: 38%

    Soldier cost decrease: $-6

    Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5

    Tank cost decrease: -13%

    Tank upkeep cost: -13%

    Aircraft cost decrease: -16%

    Aircraft upkeep: -20%

    Aircraft limit increase: 10

    Cruise missle cost decrease: -20%

    Cruise missle upkeep: -20%

    Nuke cost decrease: -20%

    Nuke upkeep: -20%

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