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    Montréal, Canada
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    Turkish Republic

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  1. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1323887607' post='2877905'] Check out this gem. [/quote]That is exactly reason why Sarm should not have cared what she said. [quote name='Goose' timestamp='1323906059' post='2878122'] At this point it seems to mostly just be Mesteut on his holy crusade to win a PR campaign. When nearly the whole world is in agreement that a side is the most terrible alliance on Bob, there's not much point in trying to win little PR points as the beatdown is coming and witty snippets trying to point out where the other side is bad isn't going to change that. [/quote]Message received, sir.
  2. [quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1323842190' post='2877448'] That would be because that prior conditions told you that war was coming...eventually. Why? Because you had already given CB when your shenanigans became apparent. [/quote]First sentence factually correct and obvious. The reasoning that follows is technically incorrect, as there would be a casus belli independent of the publicity it receives, so this CB would be given when the said "shenanigans" were done, and not when they became apparent. Now, we know that a CB exists, but the points that are discussed are independent from this. Let us look over: - Is the CB actually justified? - Is this attack justified? - Are the CB from other nations valid? - Why is Sarm so irrational? These stuff are beaten to death in this thread, although I'll gladly hammer my points in the minds of anyone who tries to bring up one of these questions again. Somewhat because I do not want to see the people I have stood with talked off for no reason, although also because this is rather amusing beside the war treat. Such a poor effort for a counter-argument. Oh well, back to relatively gentlemanly war from lowly crude politics I go.
  3. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1323832505' post='2877190'] Get in line. [/quote]Plunging downwards anyways dear. Will try to catch if I can. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1323833159' post='2877202'] Dudes thats what the peace/rep process is. One alliance offers a higher number, one alliance offers a lower number and both hope they meet in the middle somewhere, if they dont something like the CSN/DT war happens and !@#$ gets out of hand quick.[/quote]Only those who fancy themselves witty merchants call for a meeting saying they're ready for agreement, and then demand completely different terms when the other side agrees to the demand. I've seen too much of that haggling in my life by so many lowlifes that it sickens me now. [quote]So DT was trying to con CSN out of CSN's money, in this case tech? It wasn't CSNs tech![/quote]Con for an agreement. Don't play stupid, unless you aren't playing. [quote]Dude in every arguement I see and get into I really try to see both sides and be somewhat rational...but I'm really not following your line of logic anymore. You have completely lost me, congrats [/quote]Funny you claim to be rational when YOUR involvement in the war is completely irrational. Hormones man. Things they can do to you.
  4. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1323830147' post='2877153'] Really? Witty merchant? Based on what?[/quote]Oh, right. No exposure to oriental culture. Or any culture. My mistake. Witty merchant - merchant who tries to almost con people out of their money through a series of clever tricks and wordplay (except a witty merchant makes a good job). You have agreed to terms, withdrew terms, played around and haggled them to no end while going back and forth on your words. I'll say unsuccessful witty merchant, because a witty merchant actually sells their product to the one they're originally trying to sell. Failing at haggling by testing CSN's patience, you just decided to go through the PR route, on which people who already didn't like SF jumped. [quote]So what is it that's so wrong? Prominent members of your government have admitted that you had this coming.[/quote]What is admitted is that war with DT was coming. Not that the current conditions are deserved. [quote]What are you martyring yourself for? [/quote]I am making sure it is heard enough that your self righteousness is !@#$%^&*. This is a funny word from someone who "went Dark Taliban", by the way.
  5. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1323827467' post='2877121'] You are becoming harder and harder to follow bro. Haggling down a price is disgraceful? That is what is suppose to be done by someone in DT's position. OOC: Go watch Pawn Stars, youll see a lot of haggling down...[/quote]I would tell you to go read the damn thing, but you damn well know the process, you were in it. It is apparent from the logs that DT tried to play the witty merchant and failed, but you're too irrational to see it behind your hormones. [quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1323826577' post='2877112'] pretty sure you already "formally seceded" when you made an announcement about leaving CSN to fight your own battle. under the assumption that anybody gave a !@#$, might I add. and you can footnote it all you want but you've already turned yourself into a rogue, and although I don't presume to know what DT's policy or actions will be, standard practice is that peace terms with CSN will not include you, so the fate of your nation is actually not in your hands at all [/quote]Then I'll burn my nation fairgame. Better than the alternative of surrendering and conceding to what I know is wrong.
  6. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1323817832' post='2876986'] All CSN had to do was think to themselves... "Hey, what would I want to have happen if the tables were turned and we got screwed over." They just might of found a good answer and a path less bumpy. May be there is still time for you to ask yourself that and figure things out. [/quote]Well, if Liz tries to surrender and then tries to disgracefully haggle down the price (*cough* DT *cough*), I can assure you I'll formally secede and keep fighting until either you get through your head that CSN and I have had a point, or my nation becomes so beat down that it is utterly useless for both sides to continue*. Does my attitude sound fair to you now? If it does, then I have all I have from this debate for making my stand. It is obvious that moral relativity kicks in for both sides, so all I want is to make sure my perspective is available, and my cause is sounded**. * Not becoming Hizzy v.2.0.11, thanks. ** Also must nuke Sarm and/or Bob Ilyani sometime.
  7. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1323792160' post='2876605'] If only more people in CSN acted like you this probably wouldnt be happening. Good show Kowens, I'm glad someone has their manpants (or womanpants) on. [/quote]I believe in reprisal, dear. Too bad you cannot even stand up to your cause in game [i]by yourself[/i]. Mafia? I think what you said for "old CSN" actually applies here.
  8. [quote name='CzarBomba' timestamp='1323766698' post='2876382'] I knew we were more cuddly than BN. Honestly, though, you really need to win more than a single ground attack before posting like this. It's the other 11 (with me, so far) that dictate how your war with DT is going.[/quote]Seeing the initial situation, I am happy and justifiably arrogant with burning as much as I can. [quote]The various other attacks obviously have no use or merit (to you).[/quote]They're fitting for the opposition, especially... well, all deserve it almost equally. [quote]Just nuke me and be happy about it.[/quote]That IS the plan, silly. [quote]On a side note, It's pleasing to see the fighting attitudes of some of the CSN folks here (even this guy). [i]May our casualties rise faster than we can count them[/i]! [/quote]That is something I can cheer for.
  9. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1323733090' post='2875752'] No that was your current gov running around with the mouth to add to the bad history. So CSN hasn't learned anything on how to improve relations. The hole is dug and now it's time to dispose of the trash. [/quote] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99275&st=0&p=2647518&hl=+dark%20+templar%20+csn%20+peace&fromsearch=1&#entry2647518 Liz was Deputy. SoM was Minister of Foreign Affairs, and I believe anybody who has talked with SoM will have to concede he's a reasonable, friendly fellow. Goose was God-Emperor, and holder of the cane. That is at the end of the war. Now let's see how CSN entered the war: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97513 Tell me if both of those governments have Rotavele in it.
  10. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1323731488' post='2875730'] I'm not sure if some of the people posting comments in this thread are being intentionally dense or if they are just incredibly stupid. Then again, knowing the quality of their past posts, it's probably a little of both. [/quote] If the CSN comment was a joke, we are sorry for, well, not being able to discern if "[i]you are being intentionally dense or if you are just incredibly stupid. Then again, knowing the quality of your past posts, it's probably a little of both[/i]".
  11. [quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1323732071' post='2875741'] He did. Mean, anti-Order punks like Hoo used to set my pretty Pacifican hair alight with their fiery rhetoric. That's why I wear the hat and fire blanket you see at left.[/quote]I cannot discern if this is convenient allegory or friendly humor (or depending on the sounding of the argument, simply humor). Good use of language if it actually is, though.
  12. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1323729692' post='2875698']Then you have gov members in CSN running around stating that CSN used Legacy to get the tech from DT.[/quote]Rotavele wasn't government then. Liz wasn't HoS too if I remember right, though Goose abdicating for DHoS Liz is a little blurry. Still, [i]what does Rotavele know[/i]? [u][b]Nothing of importance[/b][/u]. I am pretty sure AT told you of this when you were discussing this too, Sarm. Though he did say the point was that Rotavele shouldn't have been a dick while the alliance is in a tough spot (which is something I agree), [i]but now the die has been cast, and I get you call you out on your idiocy and irrationality as you deserve[/i]. [quote]Show us that you know what is the right thing to do.[/quote]Nuking you for months' end. The point of this conversation is to make sure Planet Bob hears this.
  13. [quote]2. Doomhouse's attack on you cut off this attack. This was planned for that night. As you may imagine, this caused a bit of confusion on our end and it took a couple of days to sort out with the members and governments whether we should roll or not. The decision was obviously that your blood was worth it.[/quote]Again, the whole point is that you do not have moral superiority, or skill superiority. You war not to prove yourself to be better but just to show you can apply brute force in numbers. If DT is such a skillful and strong alliance, then you would come by yourself. But nah. [quote]3. The reason that we did not flinch at going after you despite your being weakened by a previous attack was simple: CsN deserves it.[/quote]I do not object the attack, but the methods of the attack. We would've gladly dueled you, seeing everybody expected it anyways. [quote]Tell me - do you know why you deserve it? Are you going to defend what was done by your government,[/quote]Yes, I will. CSN went in the defense of an ally. You're a pack of rodents trying to stab the first chance. [quote]or just continue flinging juvenile insults instead? [/quote]Hey, maybe you should tell your Hizzy and the others about the juvenile insults first. As I voice in the Boiler Room, I argue or counterattack. @Sarmatian Colony: Just talked to AT again. You're half right. In saying the intent was that I would be posting on the forums.
  14. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1323723313' post='2875562'] I'm just going to highlight the maturity of this and the repeated poo jokes throughout the post. A real class act, ladies and gentlemen.[/quote]A 5th grader fecal joke has more character to it than your incessant !@#$%*ing on reparations you deserved. [quote]I was referring to DT's situation, in which many of us had 2-5 wars going on at any given time.[/quote] That is normal. In a 1v1 war, however, the wars tend to get entangled in between same nations. You're playing with on the side with numbers and you damn well know it. [quote]It actually really just highlights why Legacy stands above CsN. In the first week or so that we were actively declaring on Legacy and they on us, I took more damage from 2 Legacy nations than I did from the 6 or so CsN nations that I fought for the remainder of the war.[/quote][citation needed] [quote]So you just repeated 2, changed your poop references to breakfast references and changed the number to 3.[/quote]Seeing that you're simply too thickheaded, might be a good idea to nail those in until you get it. [quote] You and that M guy are really giving Penkala and Jocabia a run for their money...[/quote]I am now the M guy? Coolio. [quote]Here goes the wind-up toy again. 1. Attacking in such a way as to give yourself a military advantage is a normal and acceptable tactic.[/quote]Going on the offensive [i]only[/i] when you have a numerical advantage clearly shows that you do not care about proving yourself to be better, but just setting light to stuff. Hence this not including any honor or justice on DT/RoK/Legacy's part. [quote]Declaring down, while you could mock it a little, has always been effectively utilized by blitzing alliances.[/quote]Meh, my only complaint here is that your DT nations are receiving significant damage despite them having declared down. Although I'd rather have crushed Sarm for his insolence and overemotional response, I'll have to have my handicapped match with Wappas instead. Oh well.
  15. [quote name='Jerahd' timestamp='1323717977' post='2875442'] CSN: No u! DT,Legacy,Rok: No u!! CSN: No u!!! I'm enjoying this thread, but that's really all it will amount to... [/quote] You seem actually smart.
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