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Everything posted by keeology

  1. Oh no good sir, we just been extra busy. So many people wanting to dine at mi6. But I will make sure get your name straight to gibs
  2. Sorry my friend but with the love shown to us you have find your own target. But I'll double check our appointment book for you
  3. ODN has shown they will stand with friends getting rolled. Don't count me an ODN fan but I have no doubt that ODN will stand with there friends if requested.
  4. NPO leading anything would shock me. Last war you guys were the alliance that took orders. All that NS that tech, aid slot % and just slaves to others
  5. I get your joke, but all honesty my time there was done. I'm pleased you guys stuck it out and growing. But he'll seems like wherever I go NPO going roll me. Sorry mi6 this is my fault
  6. But honestly with all the people in oculas none of you guys could come with a good DoW? Seriously nothing creative or witty I am very disappointed please go back and try again.
  7. Never know these guys might need the back up
  8. All hail the 3/1,200 tech deals the only way to go
  9. A your mom joke contest is something I can get behind
  10. Zygon why you no spy on me? I thought we were buddies :P
  11. Good luck in RL Stewie. Also congrats on obtaining your PhD
  12. pretty much this and what letum said. wars back in 2006,2007 ect ect..... happened more often and were shorter. Now what we have in todays CN is mega nations who would literally take months if not years to really beat down. Personally I think more shorter wars would bring more life back in this game.
  13. Did you check the hunk mail folder :p
  14. My question is when did NADC and polar have a treaty? If your going try and spin things please spin the facts. It's admirable that SNX still alive but don't let it go to much into your head.
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