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Everything posted by keeology

  1. Hell being lower or lower-middle tier isn't that long or hard. Gets more casulties when you fight.
  2. I came looking for stats I leave dissapointed. I'd love to see LPC, MI or whoever else facing SNX take on lemac or pantheras (hope spelled his name right) maybe zznipper. Oh right that would require nation building
  3. I like TSC I like atlas. The pairing I like. Good show guys
  4. Since this war is basically lower to super lower tier it's no surprise that SNX has very little loss in score. Your bigger nations still grow and tech deal. They funnel money into the smaller guys to cover any losses. I think that is the reason in a long prolong war SNX has the upper hand cause they can keep the small guys well funded.
  5. You might have a little crush on junka but he isn't those 2 members. Gatta give those 2 props for stepping up
  6. I demand you put the reason for SNX was jrkee wanted to go big or go home
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