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High Chancellor Liq

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Posts posted by High Chancellor Liq

  1. [quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1292810008' post='2545252']
    The old gang is gone. The people Altheus knew to rely on have gone to greener pastures (Magister and DP and Sareya over here in tLW; CN's best recruiter Abdur and company are over in DRAGON; KJ and company are over in Alchemy; Hans and Don have gone to Polaris and Pacifica respectively). He's there with a bunch of newbies that don't really know what they're doing at all (I think the last several months of fiascoes, fair and unfair, will speak to that). [/quote]

    I don't usually post on here but I have to say I agree with this completely. I hope it goes well for Altheus and President Dana (I think they are about the only 2 people I talked to that are still in UPN).

  2. Hey there :)
    My circle is in need of new people. It's a 7BR with cattle for increased pop bonus. Only these resources though please.

    wheat/coal - me
    fish/lead -acerealz
    alu/rubber - ak012

    Still needed:


    Just pm me in game or reply to this thread if you're interested. Thanks :)

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