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The Arbitur of Death

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    Reqium of a Dream
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    New Sith Order
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  1. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkNPHj6jXO4"]Please Listen to this song here as you read[/url] As the Admiral walks out of the meeting, he grabs his new cap and slowly places it on his head. As he walks down to the shuttle bay he thinks to himself "I'm in command now, I hold everyone's life in my hands now." As the shuttle took flight towards his command ship, an ISD, he read the name on the side "The Requim of a Dream" What a dream indeed, in his military career he had been it all. From goto lacky, and now, the Grand Admiral, no time for dreams anymore, he was in command now, and he soon must address his new men. He also needs an adjuntant (Fleet Admiral) whom of which he has not yet decided, but we must keep moving forward. His shuttle lands and he eventually arrives in the bridge, all men salute. "As you were, title doesn't change who I am men." He sits in his seat looks out into the vast abyss "Set coordinates for Coruscant, I need to pay a visit to the war ministry before we continue on our way." And with that, they disappeared into hyperspace. Rep; Aka The Arbitur of Death
  2. *Watches as the flag is lowered* *Takes off his hat and salutes the lowering flag one last time* I.....don't know what to say o7
  3. Lol, some of us wish also, to add to my previous post since all of you beat me to the button. Thanks Luna
  4. Guttentag And good post o/ Though my career as MoD was not very eventful or long...., I will try my best with my new position on the Council. Rep
  5. Hi, I'm Rep I am 1 of the Joint MoDs of Aos Si, yes there are 2 of us. Its part of our military structure. At Aos Si we plan on making a top notch military staff. We can not do this without Rahl's missing puzzle piece. You the Member. The eventual goal is to have all members of Aos Si go through and pass my upcoming Officer's Academy. This Academy will teach even the biggest n00b to military operations how to be a quick effective Officer. Members of my Military, or I should say Our Military, hai 2 Burger, will be expected to act with the utmost respect for others, their superiors (IC) etc. OOC character respect and situations are not my problem, though i would wish this be kept to a minimum. We are a military that will promote from within its ranks by meritocracy, the better things you do, the more dedication you show, the more chance you have of moving up. A non-milcom member with no training can not take the place of a trained officer, so promotions only occur within rank or using already trained officers awaiting jobs. To be an officer in our military you will have to go through the Officers Academy, there are no exceptions to this rule unless you come with a large military experience background. Brotherhood, Sisterhood, To share blood with one another through thick and thin, through boredom and through war, our Officers should always stick together. It is my understanding that the best offense, is a good defense, and so this is what we will follow. This is my small summary of Our military. For those of you who want to be a part of a military ready and willing to train any and all members to max effectiveness, this is the Alliance for you. Aos Si: Minister of Defense; Republicloyaltist
  6. THIS^ I wouldn't follow Junka if my life depended on it. o/ Chimaera! o/ IAA Rep
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