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Eretz Yisrael

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Blog Comments posted by Eretz Yisrael

  1. I fail to see how hiding in peace mode is a better strategy for NPO in the long term. If you choose to stay in PM the "Karma" side of the war have clearly achieved their objective and therefore won. The objective is of course to damage NPO and slow their ability to rebuild. And no terms can do that more effectively than making you stay in peace mode.

    But I guess I'm just a naive little boy with no competence in regards to this game

    You speak as if 100% of our alliance is in peace mode.

  2. I find it ironic that you speak up now instead of before, when you might have actually made a difference.

    As it is, you are responsible for your misery, Kylliah, for I saw nothing but total silence from you while you were in the Order. Was it cowardice that drove you to silence, I wonder?

  3. All I can say is duh. Duh Karma doesn't actually believe in all that justice stuff, it is revenge, plain and simple. However, you're forgetting that this is CN, and in CN everything must have a legitimate face. The NPO must know this, they have gone through painstaking lengths to try and find a valid CB rather than just saying "we're bored and we don't like you and we need some more free tech, so we're attacking you." Instead they always go on about how they are doing the honorable thing, that they are just and mighty. This is the truth of it, and you are finally getting a taste of your own medicine, and it makes me laugh that you don't even realize it.

    As for you still saying you're going to actually win this fight, that just shows ignorance, and such a swollen ego that you can't see past it to reality. I know most of you don't have this mindset, but you certainly have members that are convinced you are winning. For this amazing feat I commend you. You have amazing propaganda machines. You also keep telling yourselves Karma is scared. Scared of having enough people that they only have to attack once every few months and still keep most of NPO in war. And all the while, carry on as if they aren't even at war since you obviously can't attack anymore. That's a really scary prospect. I just can't bear to see my beautiful pixels take that kind of a hit.

    Also, you fail to see how karma is karma. What goes around, comes around. This includes all the !@#$%*ing about peace mode, I didn't see you calling it a viable tactic when you had the upper hand. In reality, it is a viable tactic, but once again, you're forgetting that this is CN. In CN that doesn't matter. Morale and the mindset to keep yourself believing that you're doing the right thing, and that your enemies are all chickens is even more important than almost anything else. NPO should know this well. They have consistently shelled out propaganda about "protecting CN from the hippie menace" and other anti-peace mode propaganda.

    At least someone in the karma coalition has the guts to admit their real intentions.

  4. You still think you're going to win?


    And if you expect to be able to hide a large part of your strength in peace mode and receive peace, then that is not going to happen. A war is fought to defeat an enemy, not to let him come back straight away because he didn't fight. Most of your nations now in the top 100 have not cycled, they have stayed in peace mode for the duration, and that is cowardly and hypocritical – and leaving them there and giving you peace is stupid.

    The top 100 is not the entire alliance. What about the other 700 nations? Are they irrelevant?

  5. It's amazing the Karma leaders and footsoldiers can even find the confidence to fight this war with such little understanding of military strategy. Peace mode is a viable tactic, it's not cowardice, but trying to paint it like it is makes you look even more silly than you already look.

    You are aware that your leaders told everyone time and time again that peace mode is cowardice when they engaged alliances that used that tactic, right?

    You are aware that when they used it, everyone tried to hide in peace mode, right?

  6. I don't think I can see a CN with NPO in peace mode...

    FAN-esque stamina and resourcefulness NPO does not have...

    It is for this that I think NPO should just bite the bullet and release peace mode nations...yeah it will hurt but I doubt NPO has what it takes to keep up an indefinate war...

    Just my opinion ofcourse. :)

    I doubt the karma alliances have what it takes to keep fighting us for years.

    Not to mention it flies in the face everything they've said when they wanted peace to be given to FAN. :rolleyes:

  7. The fact that NPO remains so obssesed with protecting their bank nations demonstrates well how their knowledge of CN strategy is still firmly rooted in the reality of 2007. Just as they bragged about the massive economic growth caused by the total ignorance of warchests now they brag about the might of an obsolete institution.

    Enlighten us - how are we to rebuild if everyone's infra has been demolished? It goes a lot faster with bank nations.

  8. Pacifica you fail to grasp a little irrelevant thing called "context." In the past when you imposed harsh terms it was over bull@#$% reasons. Karma's CB is solid. Had we schemed and created a CB out of nothing for you, then imposed harsh terms, and only then, would we be anything like you. Harsh terms are not the issue; CBs, yours in the past and ours now, are what really matters.

    Also I hail you for your courage to hunker down and fight for the next X number of years. Its certainly better than accepting terms. :v:

    My, how quickly your stances change.

    Nothing changed. Had NPO only declared war because of valid reasons it wouldn't be so hated. Ah well you guys are apparently quite intent on not learning anything in all of this. One can tell that the NPO membership is generally quite deranged by all of the comments to the effect of "karma must be getting desperate." LOL.


    So declaring war against an alliance that confessed to conspiring with Blackstone Collusion, an espionage ring, and then refusing to punish their member is invalid?


  9. Last I knew the term Karma wasn't all encompassing. Better terms than perma-ZI for those nations, I must say. Save all the "you are just as bad as us!" crap. Justice and fairness isn't about never having any punishments at all, it's about making them reasonable and proportional. You started an aggressive war knowing it's implications and who it would bring in. I am shedding few tears over the result.

    Uh, if NPO has all the good strategists, why are they in the position they are in now? We are in a position of strength.

    So it's justice when you do it, but evil and cruel when we do it? Oh how many times this kind of hypocrisy has been exposed!

    If you say it enough times the lie will be correct, right?

    This isn't comparable because

    1) Some extra money/tech is a whole lot less harsh than perma-ZI

    2) YOU STARTED THIS WAR WITH AN AGGRESSIVE DECLARATION, so the punishment is fitting the crime.

    Your trying to say we are doing the "same" thing as you is like 40 years in prison for attempted murder is the same as execution for petty theft. One is proportional, the other is not.

    Exactly how does declaring war on an alliance in which a member of government conspired with the Blackstone Collusion fit this kind of "punishment." Enlighten me.

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