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    Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence and Sadism
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  1. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1283998972' post='2447259'] [color="#FF0000"]I will take that as a compliment, considering I do not intend to be Rebel Virginia.[/color] [/quote] Could have fooled me. What with the coloured text and the self-righteous sanctimonious trash you wrote in a manner very befitting of an RV post.
  2. [quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1283987073' post='2447045'] GOONS don't like UPN and FEAR, if that is not proof they're two fine alliances i don't know what is. Seriously folks, all this badmouthing is growing ridiculous. If two alliances take different paths then their treaties should reflect that. [/quote] Where was this stated? I merely wished to say that I'm sorry that these two great alliances have drifted apart.
  3. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1283991049' post='2447121'] Just because you don't recognize them doesn't mean others don't. Some alliances have 10, 5, 2, or even 1 on an AA as the limit to recognize them as an alliance. Even if you don't consider them an alliance, a number of others will and will term this an alliance war, regardless of your stated intentions. [/quote] This isn't about any other alliances though. This is about GOONS.
  4. [size="7"][font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#FFFF00"]I agree one should never type in colours that bright[/color][/font][/size]
  5. This is a shame. You guys were [i]made[/i] for each other.
  6. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1283977508' post='2446844'] 1. It is an alliance war. It's not a mainstream war, but UOKMB is most certainly an alliance, and GOONS is an alliance last I checked, and since you're fighting each other, I'm gonna have to go with "alliance war." 2. I wish I had as much faith in the people of this world as you do. Experience has proven to me that such faith would be misplaced, however. [/quote] Is it really? Try reading our charter, it explicitly states that we do not recognise affiliations with under 15 nations which have no legitimate diplomatic ties. As far as I know, these guys don't have any "diplomatic ties" and sure as hell don't have 15 or more members. This is pest control. Or a rogue situation. Or whatever you want to call it. But not an alliance war.
  7. [quote name='Kindom of Goon' timestamp='1283797940' post='2444116'] Evidently, plenty have. I don't think anyone needs to try and make you look bad, you manage that all on your own. [/quote] Evidently not enough have. Cause most of them ar still foaming at the mouth on here.
  8. [quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283796379' post='2444065'] You're talking like anyone here actually cares about sanctioning standards and this isn't just an excuse to bring some boring political drama into a thread to make GOONS look bad so we bicker like a bunch of seventh grade girls instead of talking about this war. [/quote] With their nukes perhaps. In all other facets from the battle reports posted they've done barely anything (par exemple: sending over 20 level 9 bombers per aircraft attack and proceeding to lose most of them) and have very, very average warchests.
  9. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1283767580' post='2443596'] Dear CN member, If you aren't Rebel Virginia, stop with the colored posts, you just look stupid. While you don't, enjoy my ignore list. With Love, D34th. [/quote] To be fair you look stupid if you are Rebel Virginia.
  10. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1283714349' post='2442856'] [color="#0000FF"]Rest assured GOONies, I won't be forgetting. When you make a three million dollar mistake I'll be sure to see you pay something just as excessive as this. Then you'll be unmasked before the world as the squirming, cowardly, opportunistic thugs you are. The world will see what I see.[/color] [/quote] [color="#0000FF"]That's the spirit old chap.[/color]
  11. [quote name='DragonsPhyre' timestamp='1283708807' post='2442780'] You're absolutely correct. All I can go in is the publicly available information in this thread. Considering the amount of information and what makes it up, I feel pretty confident in stating my opinion here. Regardless of what's happening behind the scenes, the public aspect of those discussions shape perceptions about the incident. The "single rogue incident" is someone in an alliance aiding someone at war with another alliance. GOONS started out with wanting to place Corinan on their EoG list, force him to pay 90mil, and decommission his FAC wonder. The damages, politically and materially, are far higher in alliance-wide wars, yet reparations are typically much lower (exempting, of course, the wars involving many alliances or very large alliances), even for the alliance that starts the war in the first place. I have no problem with GOONS wanting some payment to offset the increased damages from aiding Methrage. The only problem I have with this entire situation is the ridiculous amount of reparations. [/quote] Well considering they got rolled a short while ago for something similar $90m in reps isn't that bad to be honest...
  12. That's a surprisingly accurate summation of the thread actually.
  13. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1283560650' post='2440897'] Its a sad day, when the only things on the news are pathetic declarations of war on rogues. Lets hope this isnt the start of wide spread reports from alliances filling up the future news with pointless rubbish like this... Thankyou for wasting 60 seconds of my life from attention seeking at its best. [/quote] Yes. More of this please (this vein of posting at least). So Mr. Rebel, as my fine gentleman fellow goon mandolus stated you'd much rather read all the other worthless threads in here than this which has at least some semblance of "drama" and some posting which doesn't involve HAIL o/ and I APPROVE OF THIS GENERIC TREATY/MILESTONE/WHATEVER. Good to know.
  14. How the hell are Valhalla ahead of NpO? Winner here is MK, loser is Legion/THE UNDEFEATED
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