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Everything posted by Warden

  1. [quote name='Partisan' timestamp='1292536613' post='2541145'] Welcome to bob! May I ask what the 'i' in iCF stands for? [/quote] Right now it stand for Incomprehensible
  2. Color: Blue [url=http://charliefoxtrot.forumotion.com/forum]Charlie Foxtrot[/url] iCF - #iCF
  3. Thanks for the welcome, glad to be here!
  4. [center][b][u]Declaration of Existence[/u][/b][/center] You know how it is sometimes. Those best plans of yours just go [i]That Way[/i]. You and your friends find yourselves in some sort of crazy mess ... surrounded by enemies, carrying guns built by the lowest bidder, with powder kegs that some joker thought it would be funny to replace with paprika, holding a busted radio, you're out of rations, you have a hangover, and all of the rum is gone. It's times like these that all you can really count on are your good, close, trusted buddies. Luckily, you've spent time finding a lot of buddies .... because they are the only ones that can get you out of the [b]Charlie Foxtrot[/b]. Also RoK. Because RoK has been kind enough to [u]Protect[/u] Charlie Foxtrot (iCF) from a Charlie Foxtrot. [center][img]http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab335/Hogosha42/CF%20Flags/CF-6-small.png[/img] [b][u]Contact Information[/u][/b] Forums: http://charliefoxtrot.forumotion.com/ IRC: Coldfront #icf [b][u]The Government of Charlie Foxtrot[/u][/b] [u]The Almighty Tallest[/u] [color=blue]Blue - Mick Jones[/color] [color=green]Green - Warden[/color] [color=red]Red - Hogosha[/color] [b][u]The Charter of Charlie Foxtrot[/u][/b] “When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.”[/center] [b]Preamble[/b] We, the members of Charlie Foxtrot (iCF) hereby establish this alliance to provide for the common defense, economic well-being, and greater prosperity of all signatory nations. Let Charlie Foxtrot work, so it does not become one. [b]Article I - Membership[/b] [b]Section 1 - Overview of Membership[/b] 1.1.1 By joining Charlie Foxtrot, you receive the protection of the alliance in exchange for your willing defense and support in times of need. 1.1.2 An attack against one member of Charlie Foxtrot is an attack on all members of Charlie Foxtrot. 1.1.3 Full members of the alliance shall be granted all rights and privileges associated with being a member. 1.1.4 Nations accepted as prospective members of Charlie Foxtrot shall receive protection from the alliance as if they were full members, but are not guaranteed all rights and privileges until full membership is achieved. 1.1.5 The Almighty Tallest shall have final veto power on admitting a nation to either prospective or member status. 1.1.6 Individuals flying the Charlie Foxtrot AA without having been accepted as either prospective members or full members, or who have been forcibly expelled from the alliance, have absolutely no protection under Charlie Foxtrot charter or law. [b]Section 2 - Responsibilities of Members[/b] All members of Charlie Foxtrot have the following responsibilities: 1.2.1 All nations must abide by the Rules of Engagement (RoE) 1.2.2 Members of Charlie Foxtrot will move to the official alliance color within 30 days of acceptance as a full member and must stay on that color until such time as Charlie Foxtrot moves to another team color. 1.2.3 In times of war, Charlie Foxtrot members may be called upon to help defend the alliance, its members, and its allies. As a member, you will be required to respond to the best of your ability, providing whatever aid or assistance is needed and appropriate to the Alliance. 1.2.4 Charlie Foxtrot members will vote for the nation designated by the Charlie Foxtrot government as our choice for the Official Team Color Senator. 1.2.5 Charlie Foxtrot members are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards fellow alliance members in game, on the forums, and on IRC. 1.2.6 Charlie Foxtrot members will present a responsible and professional face to the International Community. 1.2.7 During times of war, members of Charlie Foxtrot are prohibited from sending aid to the enemy or to those who are helping the enemy. 1.2.8 Member nations who accept Starting Aid must remain with the alliance for at least 45 days or repay the entire aid if they wish to leave prior to that time. 1.2.9 No member of Charlie Foxtrot shall use multiple accounts in CN or in the Charlie Foxtrot forums. 1.2.10 Charlie Foxtrot members must register in the Charlie Foxtrot forums under their nation’s ruler name. 1.2.11 Charlie Foxtrot members must adhere to contracts they make with other alliance members unless the involved parties agree to modify the deal or The Almighty Tallest rule the contract as invalid. [b]Section 3 - Rights of Members[/b] All members of Charlie Foxtrot have the following rights: 1.3.1 Members have the right to use their nation's resources in any way they choose, except during times of war as detailed in Article 1 Section 2.3; however, Charlie Foxtrot reserves the right to provide preferential treatment, aid, and assistance to nations that are best utilizing their resources. 1.3.2 Members have the right to request military assistance if they are attacked. Members must follow established procedures to obtain this assistance. Charlie Foxtrot guarantees diplomatic, financial, and/or military assistance to those who follow the established procedures. 1.3.4 Members have the right to due process under law for any alleged violation of the charter, Rules of Engagement, laws, or orders and they shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty. 1.3.6 Members shall not be subjected to secret trials. However, evidence deemed sensitive to the security of the alliance can be presented against them if the Sensitive Evidence Tribunal deems it appropriate. 1.3.8 Members have the right to vote in general elections. 1.3.9 Members have the right to be free of all taxes unless the Charlie Foxtrot alliance is forced to pay Reparations as part of peace terms from a war. 1.3.10 Members have the right to maintain all resource trade agreements, even with enemies in times of war. 1.3.11 Members have the right to leave the alliance at any time, save during times when Charlie Foxtrot is engaged in active warfare with another alliance (unless departure is authorized by a member of the The Almighty Tallest), providing they post a departure message in the appropriate forum. Surrender without government approval is considered a violation of this exception. [b]Article II - Government[/b] [b]Section 1 - Overview[/b] 2.1.1 The government of Charlie Foxtrot shall be made up of three elected officials, collectively known as The Almighty Tallest, and eight appointed officials, collectively known as The Chancellors.. 2.1.2 The Almighty Tallest have final say on all matters of alliance affairs. The Chancellors carry out general day-to-day activities of alliance operations. [b]Section 2 - Accountability of Government Members[/b] 2.2.1 All government officials are expected to work for the betterment of all members of Charlie Foxtrot. 2.2.2 A Member of The Almighty Tallest may only be removed from office during their term by the unanimous vote of all Chancellors and other Almighty Tallest. 2.2.3 Chancellors may be removed from office at any time by consensus vote of The Almighty Tallest. [b]Section 3 - Elections[/b] 2.3.1 Elections shall be held every three months to elect The Almighty Tallest. 2.3.2 A nomination thread will be created on the forums seven days prior to the start of the new term and shall remain open for 48 hours. Candidates will be allowed 2 days of campaigning after the nomination period. 2.3.3 Any member of Charlie Foxtrot may nominate any other member of Charlie Foxtrot to run for The Almighty Tallest. 2.3.4 Any member of Charlie Foxtrot may self-nominate to run for The Almighty Tallest, but their nomination must be seconded by another member of Charlie Foxtrot. 2.3.5 Following the two day campaign period, a voting thread shall be opened. Voting is open for 72 hours. Voting is structured as a multiple ballot where each member selects up to three candidates. The three candidates who receive the top number of votes shall become the new Almighty Tallest on the following day. 2.3.6 In the event that there is a tie for the third Almighty Tallest position, the Chancellors who were seated at the time that voting began shall immediately perform a tie-breaking vote. Only those candidates who were involved in the tie may be voted on. The winner of the tie breaker is the member who receives the plurality of Chancellor votes. [b]Section 4 - Vacancies in The Almighty Tallest[/b] 2.4.1 In the event that a member of The Almighty Tallest resigns or is removed from office and less than one-half of their full term remains, then a Chancellor may be appointed by the remaining Almighty Tallest to carry out the duration of the term as an acting Almighty Tallest. 2.4.2 In the event that a member of The Almighty Tallest resigns or is removed from office and more than half of the full term remains, then a by-election will be held to elect a replacement. 2.4.3 A member of Charlie Foxtrot who becomes a member of The Almighty Tallest mid term is subject to the Great Color Assignment as defined in 2.5.4, 2.5.5, and 2.5.6. 2.4.4 In the event that two members of The Almighty Tallest are non-responsive for more than 48 hours during an emergency situation that would otherwise require a Almighty Tallest vote, the Chancellors may act as a second Almighty Tallest vote if three quarters of seated Chancellors (each member counting only once) agree on the decision. [b]Section 5 - The Almighty Tallest[/b] 2.5.1 There shall be three members of The Almighty Tallest. The three Almighty Tallest share equal responsibility for guiding and making decisions for the alliance. 2.5.2 Any two Almighty Tallest can override a decision made by the other Almighty Tallest. 2.5.3 The Almighty Tallest are the final authority on all decisions related to alliance management, foreign affairs, diplomacy, and economics that are not otherwise detailed as membership Rights in Article I. 2.5.4 Each Almighty Tallest is known by a color and should reference their color by name in all official government communications. They are also encouraged to incorporate their color into their avatars and signatures. 2.5.5 On the first day of a new term, a Great Color Assignment thread shall be created. Each Chancellor places a vote for the color of each of the three Almighty Tallest from any color within the visual spectrum. After 24 hours, each Almighty Tallest receives the color of which they received the plurality of votes. If one of The Almighty Tallest does not have a plurality for any one color, then the Morale Officer can declare that Almighty Tallest’s color by fiat. If there is no sitting Morale Officer, then color assignment right falls to each Chancellor in the order in which they appear in Section 6 of this Charter until a sitting Chancellor is reached.. 2.5.6 If a member of The Almighty Tallest does not like the color they were given, tough. [b]Section 6 - The Chancellors[/b] 2.6.1 There shall be up to eight Chancellors. Each Chancellor maintains day-to-day operations within their domain of authority and implements Charlie Foxtrot policy as established by The Almighty Tallest. 2.6.2 Unless countermanded by The Almighty Tallest, the activities of Chancellors are considered official government actions and decisions. 2.6.3 Chancellors are appointed by The Almighty Tallest and may be removed at any time by majority Almighty Tallest vote. 2.6.4 The Almighty Tallest are not required to fill all Chancellor positions. 2.6.5 An alliance member may hold no more than two Chancellor positions at one time. 2.6.6 A member of The Almighty Tallest may not hold a Chancellor position. 2.6.7 The eight Chancellors shall be: the Ansible, the Armada Commander, the Externus, the Frumentarii, the Headhunter, the Accountant, the Morale Officer, and the Great Guru. 2.6.8 At the discretion of The Almighty Tallest, Chancellors may appoint Assistant Chancellors to aid in their duties. The Armada Commander is automatically granted authority to organize and appoint a military command staff. 2.6.9 The Ansible oversees Charlie Foxtrot communications networks. The Ansible’s duties include: 1. Maintaining the structure and integrity of Charlie Foxtrot’s forums. 2. Maintaining the structure and integrity of Charlie Foxtrot’s IRC channels. 3. Maintaining, monitoring, and updating Charlie Foxtrot’s information on CN information resources such as wikis. 2.6.10 The Armada Commander oversees and manages Charlie Foxtrot’s military structure and development. The Armada Commander’s duties include: 1. Maintaining the military readiness of all Charlie Foxtrot forces. 2. Appointing subordinate military leadership based on merit and activity. 3. Managing and planning logistical aspects of warfare when Charlie Foxtrot is forced to engage in conflict. 4. Coordinating with allied leadership during both times of peace and war to maintain combat effectiveness. 5. Working with military leadership to improve readiness, reactivity, and skill through training, education, and practice operations. 6. Working with other Chancellors to react to threats to the integrity of Charlie Foxtrot’s Alliance Affiliation. 2.6.11 The Externus oversees foreign affairs. The Externus’s duties include: 1. Maintaining diplomatic ties to foreign entities. 2. Representing Charlie Foxtrot in discussions with foreign entities. 3. Assisting The Almighty Tallest with treaty negotiation. 4. Cultivating relationships and discussions with friends and allies, ensuring continued interaction and good will. 5. Supervising and maintaining Charlie Foxtrot’s presence on the OWF. 6. Observing and organizing reports of the public activities of foreign entities. 7. Organizing and appointing ambassadorial staff to maintain embassies both at Charlie Foxtrot and abroad. 2.6.12 The Frumentarii oversees matters of internal judicial investigations and protocol. The Frumentarrii’s duties include: 1. Investigating and gathering information and evidence with regards to criminal actions. 2. Representing the government and the alliance during criminal proceedings. 2.6.13 The Headhunter oversees the recruitment and vetting of prospective Charlie Foxtrot members. The Headhunter’s duties include: 1. Recruitment of new members, including the organization of recruitment teams. 2. Producing, organizing, and implementing curriculum for prospective member training and vetting. 3. Working with the Armada Commander, the Frumentarii, and The Almighty Tallest to screen membership candidates. 4. Allowing or denying full membership to candidates. 5. Maintaining accurate records of Charlie Foxtrot’s membership body. 6. Representing the defendant during criminal proceedings. 2.6.14 The Accountant oversees economic activities and commerce. The Accountant’s duties include: 1. Management of Charlie Foxtrot’s banking system and nations, including the recruitment and development of new banks. 2. Assembling regular aid falls to education graduates as defined by the Headhunter and the Armada Commander. 3. Organizing and supervising technology trading and tech falls. 4. Assisting members with the formation of trade circles. 5. Maintaining constant communication with the Armada Commander to ensure timely aid distribution during times of war and to promote military readiness for nations during times of peace. 6. Conducting audits to help members best manage their nation setup. 2.6.15 The Morale Officer oversees material and activity development including visual propaganda, information management, and group events. The Morale Officer’s duties include: 1. Creating visual, auditory, visual, and written artwork to promote alliance activities and themes. 2. Organizing inter- and intra- alliance events to promote cohesion. 3. Encouraging activity from all members of the alliance. 4. Investigating causes of member despondency, complacency, and inactivity. 2.6.16 The Great Guru oversees education and training. The Great Guru’s duties include: 1. Producing, organizing, and implementing post admittance membership education and training, particularly with regard to nation building and maintenance. NOTE: Military education is explicitly under the purview of the Armada Commander. 2. Organizing Charlie Foxtrot’s educational materials and guides. [b]Article III - Justice System[/b] [b]Section 1 - Overview[/b] 3.1.1 All members of Charlie Foxtrot are entitled to speedy due process. 3.1.2 Should the Frumentarii decide that criminal proceedings are warranted, the matter shall be brought up before The Almighty Tallest in a restricted but alliance public thread. 3.1.3 The defendant is entitled to defend themselves and have the Headhunter act as legal representation. 3.1.4 The defendant may request that a different member of Charlie Foxtrot act as their legal representation. 3.1.5 The Almighty Tallest are the final authority on determining guilt and punishment. [b]Article IV - Changes to the Charter[/b] [b]Section 1 - Unicorn Foxtrot the Charlie Foxtrot[/b] 3.1.4 This charter may not be changed without the express consent of the signatory nations of Charlie Foxtrot. To affect such a change, the The Almighty Tallest must unanimously agree and create a thread detailing the proposed changes. The membership must then be notified of its existence via in-game PMs. The thread shall remain open for a minimum of five days after member notification. 3.1.5 After five days, and once The Almighty Tallest deems the discussion sufficient, a voting thread will be opened and shall remain open for five days. A minimum 67% vote in favor of the proposal is required to instate the change.
  5. [quote name='dev0win' timestamp='1281065333' post='2402336'] I almost used a Miley Cyrus one but thought something with a suit might be more appropriate for Valhalla =) [/quote] That would have been epic Devo lol Think everyone would have gotten a kick out of that!
  6. I was very sorry to hear this I wish you all luck in everything you do.
  7. I wish Valhalla the best in all their future endeavors
  8. [quote name='Taget' timestamp='1280764619' post='2398450'] Having started the game in a small clueless micro-alliance I do have genuine sympathy for little guys trying to give the game an honest go. However after reading those logs I have to say shame on you \m/! Why haven't you invited NATO to raid with you. [/quote] Siggon's irrational hatred of NATO was mentioned to me by a TFD gov member, I talked with Siggon myself and well... he's insane. Happy to hear that he has left and CIS is back on track
  9. [quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1280685073' post='2397217'] Yep, [url="http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.com/bohos/bohofact.html"]Bohemian Grove[/url] is in full swing, tonight those elitis will end there 2 weeks of frolicking with the bizzare pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care. I have an agent deep undercover who was able to smugle this one and only photo. [img]http://www.geocrisis.com/bg_ritual_fire.jpg[/img] [/quote] Couldn't make the flight out for the Cremation of Care, I was very disappointed by that. There is always next year though!
  10. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1280742899' post='2398219'] Look on the bright side guys. I get more time to mess about in embassies. [/quote] You better Alfred! Congrats to all the new RoK government, and Valt, get over to NATO's forums now!
  11. [quote name='AtheistRepublican' timestamp='1280414628' post='2393926'] Karma's over?! [/quote] Exactly what i was thinking! I was not aware Karma had ended over a year ago. I voted for that option btw Love how you all care so much about us that you make an OWF topic about us! I feel so special, i'd like to thank MK for your hilarious posts here, great comedic relief in every thread you post in.
  12. Wait, so you're saying Heft WASN'T gov. I thought he was! You fooled me! haha
  13. Good luck to you MCXA, come by and chat with us sometimes, we don't know you guys well enough
  14. I'm requesting a lock on this thread
  15. [quote name='Hakim' date='18 July 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1279502363' post='2378056'] So my words AFTER an out-of -the-blue cancellation that affect me personally, because I have personally discussed long and vociferously behind and in front of doors to other friends and or not so much friends, how great an ally IRON was, that they were not the IRON "of old", I get called a negative Nancy? by you who know none of the chats I had personally with members of IRON after they notified us, you sir speak from complete and utter ignorance of the situation, so crawl back to whence you came. (Goes to see if [font="Arial"][size="2"]The Sisters and Brothers of Different Mothers treaty [/size][/font]we have still exists, and Val didn't cancel that one). Anyone who has ever dealt with me knows I hold no secrets and tell no lies. As the leader of the military of NATO I am steadfast in my determination that any treaty requiring our arms will be honored to the fullest extent. I also do not try and whitewash a bad situation with elaborate colloquialisms about something that does not exist. Yes, a bridge was burned, torched, bombed, and sold down the river; but I will remember fondly the times we shared together and the late nights in IRC chatting away during the wars. As for this chapter it is closed. I gave too much time and thought to this matter in the past and definitely too much over the past weekend. NATO will be fine, like some have said better to know the truth now than at the ninth hour. edit: forgot an "and" [/quote] Amen Brother
  16. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' date='18 July 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1279498898' post='2377973'] Good luck on your future path IRON. It was a good run. There is way too much negativity and baseless speculation being done by parties not involved in this matter. Your opinions have never mattered, never will. But I am glad that this was able to put the smallest of spark into your thickened skulls if only for the day. See ya around IRON o> [/quote] How do you do this Lenny? You summed up the entire thread in three sentences!
  17. [quote name='StevieG' date='18 July 2010 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1279497960' post='2377952'] Bailing on friends? Am I to assume that a major war has just started? IRON is looking to forge a new path with close, strong knit allies it would seem. When the connection isnt there any more, why keep the treaty? Its a case of damned if you do, damned if you dont, coming from you. [/quote] Connection was very much there between us and IRON
  18. [quote name='heggo' date='18 July 2010 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1279483940' post='2377703'] Dearest rest of the world, Please continue looking at Duckroll. Pay not attention to the men behind the Iron Curtain. Sincerest thanks, Heggo [/quote] Amen Heggo
  19. [quote name='flak attack' date='18 July 2010 - 06:01 PM' timestamp='1279483265' post='2377677'] It's been quite obvious as of late that Duckroll is moving to take their immediate allies and form a separate power sphere from the other ex-Heg alliances. I would have thought they would try to bring NATO and TFD with them, but I assume they realized that even with all their faults, NATO and TFD do at least have an element of loyalty. Could end up putting NSO in a bad position in the future though. [/quote] Thank you for the compliment FA, happy to know even those we aren't on the best of terms with regards us as loyal to our allies. Even if you hate us in everything else we do, i'd rather be loyal than anything else
  20. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' date='18 July 2010 - 04:47 PM' timestamp='1279478819' post='2377496'] Feel free to enlighten me. Realpolitik is one thing, but I'd be upset if a longtime friend told me to shove it for the sake of opportunism. [/quote] I agree with you statement Rex, this is not something we're happy about... I hope that you are making the right move and that this doesn't come back to bite you in the butt IRON, because if it does, tough luck IRON you made the decision live with the consequences.
  21. Any bro of Hydra is a bro of ours, congrats to both signatories!
  22. Good Luck to TORN in their future endeavors
  23. Good luck to both of our treaty partners
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