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Mikhail Tyekovski

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Everything posted by Mikhail Tyekovski

  1. Riots suppressed in Ch'norvyie; Peace returns to the land. VLADIVOK - After the recent rash of riots, Ch'norvyie has now returned to a state of peace. The government states the riots were simply due to the citizens fervor for aesthetics, some critics however believe the lack of fo- -od may have brought up different concerns in the people of Ch'norvyie. When asked about other possible motives for the Riots, at a recent pres- conference, General Tyekovsky (Shown below left) promptly evaded th- -e question and stated, "In a splendid turn of events, we have used only 10,298 units of tear gas canisters, which is excellent considering the p- -ast regime used over 20 thousand units. This type of freedom from eye burning gas is just what you get with the pure new regime. Maybe during next years riots we may only use 5 thousand! What generosity!" Shortly after, when we tried to interview the person who inquired to the riot mot- -ives he was taken by Ch'norvian police forces for questioning and has n- -ot returned since. Will this be the beginning of a golden age in Ch'norvyi- -e or the beginning of a transitionary period?
  2. What a coincidence! We are in a rain shortage, we would love to buy rain off of you if you have it in abundance!
  3. Welcome to the Ch'norvian Embassy, please read our entrance statement below. Please enjoy your stay in our glorious sovereign state. All inquiries for trade, ambassadorial entrance, diplomatic discussions, or tribute may be handled in this building. The Land of Ch'norvyie is an old one, formerly part of Daemokni, whom is a larger country and whose true name is forbidden to say across our land. Upon gaining independence, the rich and elite, corrupt and filthy, took hold of our nation. Recently freed from our time of tribulation by the glorious leader General Mikhail Tyekovski, the land of Ch'norvyie now enjoys the newly appointed council and a purified regime. If you have any inquiries or questions, feel free to ask. ((My other thread is primarily RP Status updates, and this is more Open where anyone can join in))
  4. Breaking News! Food riots sweep through Ch'norvyie; The people's representative speaks out. VLADIVOK - Across the nation of Ch'norvyie was a sweeping outcry from the public against a sudden decrease in food rations. The government disallowed our reporter from speaking with civilians as it "may taint our journalistic integrity with emotional bias". They did howev- -er allow us to attend a public address from the "Voice of The People". This is a nationwide off- -ice appointed directly by the Sybaltokav. The "Voice of The People", Bentaric Tcheric (sho- -wn below left), made a direct explanation for the public riots (Shown below right) that have been occurring. His statement was "The people of Ch'norvyie are angry, but not because of the lack of food. We, as a people, see beautiful American Hollywood celebrities, and we see brazilian and other countries beautiful models and we understand that the only way for the glorious Norvian people to be beautiful like that, is to cut down on food intake. We do not ri- -ot because of lack of food, we riot because we are jealous and even zealous to achieve our goal! So do not worry about us, world! Worry about your 'Miss Universe' because Miss Ch'- -norvyie is coming soon!" Although reasonable, the response still brings many people ques- -tioning the common citizens opinion. There will be updates into the situation as it occurs.
  5. That sounds like a perfect idea to keep patriotism up in Ch'norvyie. They will be drunk, and scared! What better way to get them patriotic?
  6. The Council is pleased at this decision, and likewise you may send a diplomat to the capital of Vladivok, the embassy if you desire would be located by our Sybatlokov
  7. Former General of Ch'norvyie accidentally murdered in brothel sting operation; Nation takes a few moments of silence, and continues as normal. VLADIVOK - Today, in an unexpected turn of events, Former General Malkin Helvich (Show- -n below), who was not present at the "Sybatlolav" during the purge, was accidentally murd- -ered in a brothel sting operation. As concluded by the Council of Ch'norvyie, the security ru- -ling was to send sting teams into illegal businesses who had not payed the appropriate taxes for the week and to "eliminate violent protest or opposition." Former General Helvich was alleg- -edly wielding a riding crop and a metal chain. Both were perceived to be possibly dang- -erous weaponry and the officers made the swift decision to fire a total of 52 shots into Helvich. After the death, investigators made the deduction that due to his leather attire, and that of his escort, they were infact engaging in lewd activities involving the said we- -ponry. General Tyekovsky made this statement when asked, "His presence in the esta- -blishment was completely baffling to us, if we had known that he wasn't an imminent th- -reat to our civic officer's lives we would have simply imprisoned him. The good news is, the Business Security Act will be postponed for another week, giving business owners pl- -enty of time to make back the taxes they owe, plus interest, and send it into the local c- -ourthouse."
  8. Ch'norvyie drops isolationist policy under new regime. VLADIVOK - Hundreds celebrate in the small country of Ch'norvyie becauseof the new open trade, discussion and culture policies open- -ed by abolishing the isolationist policies of the past regime. Genera- -l Mikhail Tyekovski stated in a press conference, "We may be a sm- -all nation, but we are not a new nation. Our norvian culture is rich a- -nd should be shown proudly to the world. Our skilled artists have no censorship and foreign governments are free to interact with us. To m- -ark this change we have joined the GPA, a Neutral Alliance of Nations. In addition we have sent diplomats to nearby nations for us as a nation to reap the rewards of diplomacy." This marks the end of a dark era for Ch'norvyie known by the people as "Keltovi Nitvi"
  9. The Council of Soviet Ch'norvyie wishes to send one of our best ambassadors, Ambassador Dimitri Krevic The nation of Ch'norvyie is mostly a peaceful, self centered nation but allies are accepted, especially those with similar governments. We request Ambassador Krevic begins discussions with the country of Rjvksmc for the possible construction of an embassy. - General Tyekovski
  10. Ch'norvyie freed from Political Corruption; Future looking up VLADIVOK - Recent news from the small country of Ch'norvyie states that with a new regime, comes a new purge of corruption. The Council of Ch'no- -rvyie (pictured below right) in the past has been host to drug baron's and w- eapon manufacturer's known to sell illegally to crime syndicates. After General Mikhail Tyekovski (pictured below left) entered the "Sybatkolav", the lofty mou- -ntain manor where the Council deliberates on civic matters, and with his troops eliminated all Councillors guilty or suspected of illegal ties, he has become kno- -wn as a Great Cleanser of the corruption that faced the Norvian people. With the n- -ew regime in effect, the now empty councillor positions are filled with the nation- -'s most wealthy, influential, and intelligent industry leaders. While other nation's criticize this "Oligarchy" of a council, General Tyekovsky released this statement on these accusations, "The new Council of Ch'norvyie is by the people and for th- -e people. Many people buy what some councillers sell and thus show that they ar- -e dependent on these people as is. Now I am giving them a voice in how the cou- -ntry and their followers should be managed and preserved." ((Just a sort of RP opening for my nation ))
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