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Everything posted by Daimos

  1. Distribution should be which KARMA alliance has taken the most damage from the NPO. Quite obvious to me that Ragnarok should get the bulk of the reps. They were the ones who had to face NPO nations with low NS with nukes. My opinion
  2. 64Digits… Before the war, did not know you. During the war, I took notice. After the war, I have nothing but utmost respect. /salute 64Digits. Props for the Federation of Buccanneers, Christian Coalition of Countires, The Immortals and Amranth for giving 64Digits a well deserve white peace.
  3. Glad to be a part of such an epic war. It was fun for me. Hope TPF, 64digits and Avalon get peace soon. I got lots of respect for them. I salute the nations who I have fought from Viridian Entente, Ragnarok, FOK and VoX. It was a good honorable fight. Hope we recover soon...I do not want to miss the next war.
  4. Daimos

    Next war?

    Regardless of the intent of the OP, the post and the subsequent opinions and remarks of the CN community might have force the parties involve to seek a more civilized way in ending a dire situation. Good job all.
  5. Daimos

    Next war?

    From what I am reading it looks like Mhawk prevented a war by posting this poll.
  6. I was looking forward for the NPO and FIRE to have a good long term relationship in the Red Sphere. There were even discussions about a treaty between the two alliances after the war. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Good luck former FIRE members. Props on Fran for being such a good FIRE representative when she was there.
  7. Scenario: If TDO and NSO goes to war will Frostbite intervene? Have not read all the pages in this thread so I apologize if this has been address.
  8. Poaching on neutrals...this is like robbing Switzerland of their chocolates and Swiss watches. It's wrong!
  9. Here is my attempt to summarize the current situation. Main issue is the NPO’s nation banks. Karma does not want eternal war but they fear future NPO reprisal hence the need to severely cripple NPO’s banks. NPO does not want to expose their banks to Karma, as they fear this will result in destroying the NPO hence terms are not acceptable. Both parties are certain that the NPO’s banks are the key to their survival. As long as both think this way we will have eternal war. "I shall rest when I die"
  10. Keep the FIRE burning. Congratulations.
  11. Nice to know TPF has our six covered. Hope to return the favor one day. /salute TPF "I will rest when I die"
  12. You are missing the fun my friend. Make sure to get a ticket on the next war.
  13. Agree with OP in regards that this war has made the game interesting again. The CN forums are alive again. For the NPO the challenge is to rebuild. To shoot for the top again. For the Karma coalition, the baton has been passed. It is an opportunity to make a mark in the history of Cybernation. Who among you shall carry the torch? Indeed, exciting times we live in. "I will rest when I die"
  14. I am fairly new to the game. Registered on February, joined the NPO soon after. Found the game boring at first but this war, the history leading up to it and the political intrigue that goes on at this forum has rekindled my interest in the game. These are interesting times and looks like I got on board just in time. Let the war and intrigue continue. I am hook! PS. To all Karma nations I have fought and will fight during this war. I bear no ill will, I take nothing personal in this game. I have no vendetta against you. We are in this war because we fight for our alliance and our nation. To me, it is as simple as that. “I will rest when I die”
  15. Attention is what he wants, attention is what he is getting = win for him. I am out of here. Hope Admin do something about this NOW.
  16. Initiating PZI/EZI on this guy....jk
  17. Yes of course, ultimately this will be the case but I just want to see what the CN community thinks the NPO will do in the future. The powers might be at the NPO, might take a look at these answers and opinions. It might or might not influence the NPO /shrug.
  18. What will be of the NPO after this war? What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war? Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity? Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones? Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why? Will the NPO seek vengeance? If so, which alliance(s)? Will the NPO disband? Will there be a leadership change in the NPO? Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it? What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any? Feel free to answer all or some of the questions I post. I might come here and add more questions if I think of something good to ask. Hopefully, I posted this on the right forum. “I will rest when I die”
  19. I think OP is just trying to relay that under the AA that is being demonized by the majority of the CN community is a person who very much is like you. The OP fights for his nation and alliance. The same as me and you. Only reason we really need to fight. It’s really that simple. Don’t be so quick to judge a person’s intentions because he flies an AA that you hate. “I will rest when I die”
  20. Aren’t some of these conditions impose and was supported by NPO’s former rulers and allies who now fight with Karma? Is Karma punishing the current members of NPO for the crimes of pass members? The NPO I see is nothing you all describe in these boards. Maybe in the past they were evil, arrogant and ruthless. I just do not see that in the NPO member boards and I am on there everyday. I hear about Karma being a fair and just entity and I just do not see that from my opponents. All I see is a greedy, vengeful, rabid entity who is out to destroy my alliance. Any honorable man, who has sworn allegiance to the NPO will fight and sacrifice what they have to defend it. I am sure some of Karma can understand and expect nothing less. “I will rest when I die”
  21. I am sure there were a minority who oppose the NPO of their ways back than. I am talking about an opposition this magnitude i.e. majority of the CN community. Took them long enough. Btw, Mabuhay Pilipinas!
  22. So in the past the NPO attacked an alliance that has shown mercy. It took all these years for the CN community to say “foul”? What kind of community that would let this happened? Maybe it’s because most really did not mind of the alliance that was being curb stomp by the NPO. Maybe no one cared that much to oppose them. The CN community stood by and watched someone being mugged. You let it happen, you let it foster, you created a monster. You need to share the blame and not put it solely to the NPO.
  23. QUOTE (Daimos @ Jun 13 2009, 12:47 AM) * There would have been a coup or a mass exodus of people leaving the NPO if they went to war on an alliance that gave them white peace (showed mercy). I am a loyal member of the NPO. Will and have sacrifice my nation for the alliance but if the NPO attacked a nation that gave them white peace, I would be fighting beside that merciful alliance. I am willing to bet most of the so called "brainwash members" of the NPO have the same morality.
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