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Posts posted by Viper

  1. I've actually been thinking about this. If we tried diplomacy, how would that go? Let's use our IMAGINATION!

    [NPO] Hey, Jarheads, heard you were planning on destroying us.

    [JH] Oh. Well, we won't do that anymore.

    [NPO] How can we believe you? This isn't the first time you've done bad things to us.

    [JH] Can we have mercy?

    [NPO] We've tried that already, BEFORE the plans to destroy us.

    [JH] We'll make it up to you. Want reps?

    [NPO] You don't have any big nations to pay reps with.

    [JH] Oh. Well, brb peace mode.

    JH has left the channel.

    [NPO] ...oops.

    Please tell me you're not one of NPO's Diplomats? Wait, do you guys even have diplomats?

  2. Runescape/Youtube.

    Some people are talking about diplomacy...? What diplomacy? They were pardoned, they were offered protectorate, they were offered economic deals and they just spat on all of it. Thats the lesson we learned after dealing with them diplomatically and despite that..there are peace terms for majority of the alliance. What more do we do? give those responsible 3rd chance? Who will guarantee they wont screw us the 3rd time? -> PZI phailures? lol ;p.

    This conflict can be summarized in one line:

    Fool me once, Shame on you, Fool me twice, Shame on me, Fool me thrice, Rest in peace.

    How did we spit on those things my friend? We were having good tech deals and a peaceful time and you say we spat on all of it :lol:? I think I missed something because we really liked IRON but then you decided to cancel everything when you saw a picture saying LordNightmare wanted to kill the NPO a month ago.

  3. Just to get a few things straight. We have NOT attacked your forums. You guys saying we are the DevilDogs and have a bad reputation for ddosing the NPO forums, well the guy that threatened to attack their forums is the exact same guy that got kicked out of Jarheads and posted the logs saying we were going to attack the NPO.

  4. See, a bunch of people, including many in Vox, are saying that we didn't use diplomacy to deal with Jarheads. It's funny, 'cause I haven't seen them use diplomacy for anything, ever.

    I am the Jarheads Secretary of State, and I would be more than glad to do diplomacy with you guys. But I was gone for one day, came back, and the war had already started. You saw the logs and attacked without talking to Jarhead's president, VP, or anybody... I don't call that trying to do diplomacy :wacko:

  5. Ok everyone i am the former vice president of jarheads. I am the one who supplied the screen shots, and i am the one who RATTED WanK and Nightmare out AHAHAHAHAHAH. WanK is trying to say that they never planned any of this, but as the Logs clearly state(and the date is also included??) he wanted to attack the NPO. Nightmare booted me out of the vice president slot, and added WANK EMPIRE(look back to DevilDogs) Sempier FIe or w/e is WanK Empire from Devildogs, who was the Vice President of Devildogs. Now for them to try and say I was the one making the threats, no, Adam is clearly mistaken. Nightmare has many different aims that he uses. WanK & Nightmare out of the 6years ive known you i never thought you would try to do such a crappy thing to me. I hate both of you. I hope you waste the $100 you spent on your nation WanK, and nightmare i hope they catch your multis that you are using. I also hope that they see that you are only a month or a month and one half days old? and yet you where 18k NS because you payed $100 for the MCXA or w/e to aid you. I hope you two enjoy dosing Iron & NPO's forums agian noobs. If NPO & Iron decide not to kill them, only destruction will come, even thought they will not succeed they will do alot of damage. Do not buy into their false words. & no they are not the blackstone, all the blackstone is, is a failure in the making.

    ^says the guy that talked crap about NPO, ddosed their forums, and even threatened them during the DD war.. Warning to the clan he is in right now: I would advise you kick him out or not give him any access to anything, because when he PMSs he'll get your alliance killed right away by making up bs. Just trying to help you out.

    It hurts to see people pretending to be Marines.

    Please hurt them, GGA, NPO. Hurt them bad.

    yeah...our leader is a Marine, idiot.

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