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  • Interests
    Literature, women, PC games, paintball, stuff like that.
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  • Nation Name
    La Nouvelle France
  • Alliance Name
    The Phoenix Federation
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TheDarkFox102's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. My forum name doesn't match my in-game stuff. Though i whole-heartedly think this is a stupid and utterly pointless rule, i must follow. I need my forum name changed to Jean Pierre. So i guess that's it then. -Fox
  2. Posted in the forums, awaiting reply. Also, free bump.
  3. Would still like to see a few offers from some small alliances. Fire away fellas. :]
  4. I am familiar with NATO, and will consider the offer. The name throws me off here. A 'brotherhood' is not something that is commonly titled in international politics. I don't think i'd want to align myself with that name. My nation is French-based, german flavored alliances i left behind a long time ago. Also, pool's closed. I'm a pbreview guy myself, the mcarter boards are second-rate in my opinion. Thanks for the offer though. I don't get a big sense of maturity or professionalism from this alliance. Thank you for the offer anyway. The word 'righteous' i don't want to affiliate with. Doesn't seem politically sound in my opinion. Thanks though. Any more takers? =]
  5. I will check you guys out later when i get back from work. Keep the offers coming guys! =]
  6. La Nouvelle France under the leadership of Jean Pierre. Link I started this nation about a year ago with FAN, then formed The Osirian Compact (now dissolved) and joined The Phoenix Federation. I've fought in two great wars, and several small alliance conflicts. TPF is a good alliance, and definitely worth staying on their side politically, but they're not geared towards my own ambitions. I would like to hear the cases of any alliances wanting to pick me up. I will consider joining small alliances just as much as joining larger ones, so don't feel shy to throw what you've got at me. Let's hear it....and....go!
  7. Not saying you're wrong or anything, but improvements like that arent nearly as important as banks or stadiums.
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