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Everything posted by Jake2345

  1. Good luck to you FARK Even though we may be enemies its good to thanks for the good 'ole times! Cheers, and I'll see ya'll in hell after all of this crap!
  2. To both Enemies, and Friends Good luck, god speed, and I'll see ya'll in hell!
  3. I'm glad to see you in Kzop! Sulmar still consider you a great leader, and to the both of you, I wish you the best of luck, and have a great time!
  4. I think we all need to chill out, and take a step back and wait and see, if TPF goes any further than by all means go kill them, but wait and see
  5. I personally think some of the things that happened where not needed, and i have to say as well, why is TPF acting like admin when the should have just said delete this 4 nations, and told him not to do it again, not trying to get more problems, yes i may know only part of the story, but i know for the fact, that damaged goods, would stop if told to stop, he is a good man, he aint a loser or a $%&@ head, or anything, he respects everybody and anybody, but what happened here makes me feel mad, he should be allowed to make a nation if he wants, not being told by somebody what he can do and what he can't do, thats not the Cyber Nations way, or anybodys way
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