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Posts posted by bhane

  1. Here's a good illustration of what I brought up in other threads. There is a disconnect between the two sides and there will never be any way of reaching common ground.

    A war was started. If you don't like it, you only really have two choices....."do something about it" or cry a river. So far all I'm doing is wondering where I can launch a boat into this lake we got going on here.

    As someone in an alliance that is allied to both (potential) sides, I have more choices than that. And it's funny you say that in a thread where Archon attempts to deflect comparisons to the Hegemony by demanding not to be called Karma (which doesn't even make sense, but a nice redirect anyway).

    There is a way of reaching common ground, there's just a lack of trying on your part.

  2. Does an alliance need to be big to hit peace mode? If they all hit peace mode wouldn't that defeat the whole point of the war in which declarations are made?

    you're not arguing that they present a physical threat, so what's the point of beating them down? What do you gain or lose from them losing slightly less infra?

    Like I said before, we respect IRON enough to expect them to fight for their allies, approaching them to try and step out of the war would be a mockery of them.

    We have a different definition of respect I'm afraid.

    I'm trying to follow your logic as well when you say that you declare on one alliance to hurt another. Are you saying when TOP declared on NpO is was to hurt MK or STA or any of their allies?

    Maybe. But MK's hatred of TOP that may or may not be due to this is important to this conflict, isn't it.

  3. I don't believe ulterior motives or a separate agenda are needed to call out an alliance whom are not defending their allies. Yes I know token diplomacy would have been for the benefit of TPF's allies as well, that however does not discount the fact that it would help TPF(the main target) hit peace also. I don't know where the rule book on Planet Bob says you must give the alliance you're attacking's allies proper time to set up though.

    Why would we try to keep IRON out of the war though? They have a treaty with TPF, are you saying if we talked to IRON they would have abandoned TPF? And I'm still lost as to how TOP is the main target when our whole effort thuse far has been concentrated on TPF.

    what effort? TPF is not exactly a powerhouse and the notion that giving them a chance to hit peace mode is a threat to athens and her allies is quite laughable.

    As for the question why keep IRON out, I guess there's no reason to if you're trying to hurt them and their allies.

  4. Actually it matters a lot. The sticking point you seem to have seems to be that there could have been a diplomatic resolution to this whole mess, and I disagree. Then you just agreed with me, so I'm at a loss as of to your argument.

    No the sticking point is that no attempt at a diplomatic resolution was made. Also, taunts and goading are directed at so far uninvolved parties are being made. Hard not to draw conclusions on this one.

  5. And whats happening to TPF right now? They are being attacked for what many consider to be a valid CB? Just because you personally dont agree does not make it ludicrous (i.e. many of the situations of the past were in fact ludicrous). The sheer number of people that find the CB a perfectly acceptable cause for action out side of those who are allied with the engaging alliances proves this. When something is so wrong it's impossible to ignore, everyone knows it.

    People need to learn that reasonable minds can differ on things, but there is a very large gap between what was and what is.

    Not arguing the CB, both sides have their merit.

    A more appropriate action would be to offer them a way out of war. Change of leadership, reps, expulsion of responsible parties. If TPF didn't accept it, then declare war.

    The fact alone that after 3 days of war, instead of some solution being offered out of war, the opposing side is taunting and goading the allies of TPF that have nothing to do with the offense into war (and despite what Archon claims he's not doing, it's exactly what's happening).

  6. Darn rouges.

    Also, hello Genmay 2.0. Nice to see you're still bitter.

    Oho!' said the pot to the kettle;

    "You are dirty and ugly and black!

    Sure no one would think you were metal,

    Except when you're given a crack."

    "Not so! not so! kettle said to the pot;

    "'Tis your own dirty image you see;

    For I am so clean -without blemish or blot-

    That your blackness is mirrored in me.

  7. Sad to see you go, you made Umbrella a lot more fun. At least we still have pieman.

    But the biggest loss from this is obviously GGA's, hope they realize how much they really blew it ;)

  8. People are probably weary of doing a tech deal with an unaffiliated nation. Too great of a chance that their cash are going to end up in the coffers of a tech raider. If you do not want to join an alliance with defensive obligation and what not, try the Citadel Trading Company. You'll be protected against raids and you'll get all the customers you need from the members of the Citadel. Just register on the Citadel Website and change your alliance affiliation to Citadel Trading Company.

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