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Posts posted by Owned-You

  1. Whether it's a good or bad thing depends on your perspective on the issue. If you're a talented person and want to be involved in politics but cannot do so due to having too many above you or a bad stigma associated with your native alliance then creating a new alliance is a solid avenue towards filling that need. On the other hand if you're a die hard member of an alliance and you see a couple of your best and brightest leaving in the aftermath of a hard war then you'll be damaged by it and view it negatively.


    What it boils down to is personal ambition and sense of ownership...everyone fancies themselves a King and better yet, a King of something they crafted. As evident by the number of alliances that crop up annually it doesn't matter if that throne sits on a major alliance or micro. Although from the perspective of someone whose had his fill on creating alliances I can say that most of them don't survive for the sheer fact that they don't reach the critical numbers of active membership needed... most take shape with a handful of people to drive things but 15 or more are needed to create a stable long term grouping.


    Still it is nice to see new themes crop up and faces in positions to break the monogamy that older power players have on politics. So I don't mind it.

  2. Voodoo, my dear friend, I am certain your retirement will be far more bountiful than you could possibly imagine. 
    Congrats to my friends at TOP - that's a great Stratephor-led govt you've got there.

    Mr. Chimaera I represent a clientele that would be very interested in speaking with you with regards to a group of services...services that only a man with a vast technical background such as yourself is capable of providing.

    With Love,
    United Owns Talent Services
  3. A message would be returned to the Athenians.


    From the office of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs

    To Megale Autokrateira


    Dear Ms. Autokrateira,


    Given the recent terrorist attacks we've had in the Capital we've been forced to move members of our emergent governing council into secure locations while we investigate the nature of those attacks. As a result, we will have to conduct this initial meeting outside of the capital. We have arranged an escort to pick you up and add to your usual security detail so as to ensure the security of your convoy. Whereupon you'll be taken to meet with our interim President.

  4. Natal should remain a Mexican holding in Brazil, also Nueva Gerona is apart of Cuba and should be labeled under Mexico as well. Cabos De Homos in Chile should be added to the map as a Mexican holding as well.



  5. Sympathy on the forum issue, that sort of thing can surely suck. Best of luck rebuilding - and finding the culprit.



    That's a weak jab. The OP does not say "effective immediately." It doesnt give any details. If you feel the need to add the detail that per your view the 96 hours notice began with Hime Themis' post (although it seems to imply TOP initiated the process at some point prior to the post) that's fine, but y'all seem to be going out of your way to be nasty about it.


    Want some ointment?

    The 96 hr period began when we delivered our cancellation notice in private. Now it's been common practice by alliances to allow a cancellation period expire before announcing treaties end on the OWF for years and years. I'm not sure if your well documented infatuation with us is not allowing you to pass without comment or if you're being willfully ignorant to common Bob practice.

  6. Well, I guess what I meant to say is that I don't think TOP is going to get much Sympathy on the OWF, but if you want to drag this out and make a thing about it i.e. veiled remarks, and condescending responses, go ahead.

    We care very little about gaining sympathy and more about the irony of an alliance that lambasted us earlier in the war for not knowing how to "read a treaty" and now displaying a lack of comprehension in their own cancellation wording. For those who are unaware the treaty remains in effect until April 3rd... this cancellation announcement being premature.




    That being said it sucks to hear you've lost so much data and I wish you the best of luck in recovering it OBR.

  7. As the conference drew on Ignacio grew impatient with the drollness. "Patricio, we're wasting our time here... we've accomplished our goals. Let's go." The Mexican delegates would chatter quietly among one another debating whether it would be disrespectful to leave in the middle of the North American negotiations. "What's there to learn? At this point it's just debates over tracts of land we've opted to give up." said Anthony Bourbon. Andres Obrador would reply "Fine... fine... I agree the bickering is leaving little to be gleaned. We've signed our papers and our nations is formed... Let's make our exit."


    With that the Mexican delegates would gather their belongings and quietly arise from their seats making sure not to draw any attention as they made their way to the doors. Patricio would stop by the Hudson Bay Chief of Security and remark "Please inform the delegates that it's been a pleasure being here. But we must be on our way... we've got elections to conduct and districts to redraw." The chief would nod and return the delegations cellular devices as the trio of men made there way out the doors.


    The sun shown through the clouds of Mexico City and the crisp humidity of the air seemed to be a beautiful thing to the three men... it represented hope. Patrcio would begin "So, now that we're through with that... Tequilla at my place?" The group would collectively pause looking at each... "Hell yeaaaah!" It was a moment that seemed to last for a lifetime.


    A hooded man began making his way towards the group as they celebrated in the parking lot just outside of the the security fencing. He had a quick pace to him walking towards the men who were oblivious to the impending danger... as he entered talking distance he would reach towards his breast *click* *click*... "Hail sithis."




    An explosion would shatter the earth as the faceless figure blew himself into bits and sent hundreds of steel ball bearings flying through the air in all directions. A black plum of smoke would engulf the area...and the smell of burned flesh and blood began filling the air... it was chaos, it was, bloody, it was... Mexico.

  8. OOC: Sorry for the delay, I've been out all day and currently doing this from my phone.

    The delegation would rise from their seats and follow Mr. Rolan to the adjacent room. Collectively inspecting over the document and delighting to see their request formally accepted, they would quickly sign over their names. Without further need to be there the Mexican delegation would choose to stay, if only to observe the rest of the conference and gain a greater understanding of the powers they'd call partners in regional politics...or perhaps foes. Nonetheless, he three men returned to their seats and began listening to the conference as the emerging powers began their debates... each of them taking a keen observation of the American delegations and their dispositions.

  9. The Mexican delegation was delighted that their issue would be at the forefront of the Conferences discussions, knowing that the conference could quickly fall apart once the more complicated issues north of the Rio Grande began to be discussed. As Chancellor Welks began speaking, the delegation would listen before Andres looked towards his colleagues and remarked "better we iron out our details before things get nasty in here." A few seconds would pass as Patricio rose out of his seat and began speaking.


    "Mr. Welks, we are honored to be selected as the starting point of these discussions. While we're a bit weary of such a large presence of troops in our cities, we're also somewhat relieved as the sizable presence has kept the streets relatively calm. Albeit, we are looking forward to the day when Mexican troops can once more be charged with the task of securing our borders... until that time however, the Federations forces are appreciated. That being said, our claims are relatively simple. We only seek our homelands of Mexico and Cuba as sovereign territory... these lands being ones held by many years by Mexican hands. Additionally, we seek to restore the protectorate rights our nation once held over Southern American territories. As our nation still holds a number of economic interests in the area and it would create a bit of an economic shock to suddenly loose these lands... no doubt you'd all understand that such a shock could create a depression, or worse yet, another collapse of our government. " He would pause and quickly eye over the Northern American delegations before continuing. "Now with the variety of nations rising in North America, we feel it would be best to take a step back from the Northern American territories as a whole, and leave it to the rest of you to decide. We will not infringe on the rights of any Nations making claims north of the Rio Grande."


    As he finished he would look back towards the Federation delegation and took note of Foreign Minister Rolan sitting calmly listening to him speak... as he retook his seat, he wondered if he'd made a positive impression on the delegates and more importantly, that their claims would be accepted.

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