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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Added to the list. Would you like to have an embassy with Andonia?
  2. If thou art isolating thyself, then why hast thou asked to send diplomatic staff to Andonia?
  3. Andonia would like to exchange embassies with this new nation.
  4. OOC: I only put that in there to have an IC reason for this. Dangit, double post
  5. We will send you the coordinates for a neutral meeting place, then we will blindfold your people and take them to Vaer Atanis. We will send a few people to you, so as to ensure your peoples safe return.
  6. If you have any kind of diplomatic agreements with Andonia or you have any kind of Diplomatic staff in Andonia please post here. If Andonian embassies are in your country please post that as well. If you would like to establish an embassy, post that as well. List of Known Embassies in Andonia Association Neo Soviet Union Bohovia Eschaton Collective Alagaesia Republic of Carthage List of Known Embassies in Foreign Nations Neo Soviet Union Bohovia Association Bosporan Eschaton Collective Alagaesia Republic of Carthage List of Known Treaties MDP with Bohovia Dragon Bloc member MDP/Economic Pact with Association Contract with Artemis Global Security
  7. Andonia welcomes this new nation to the world. We would like to establish an embassy with you. OOC: Botha claimed his territory in every version, so I think it is okay.
  8. Andonia welcomes Association to the world. We would like to open diplomatic relations with your people.
  9. The pilot over the Atlantic was greeted by a pair of Raetalian fighters and guided to an airstrip in the Faeroes, where his plane was refueled, then he was told to follow the two fighters to the shining city of Ilandrai, on the main Island, to meet with the Triumvirs themselves.
  10. Cardith Lorda wandered around the area, the other guests leaving a wide berth around him. His eyes disturbed them, for they seemed to stare into the depths of your soul and pull the worst bits of you, kicking and screaming, to the surface for close scrutiny.
  11. There may be a connection between this group and the international terrorist organisation known as Icewolf. The Canine Liberation Front also may have something to do with this.
  12. OOC: Wow, leaders are coming back from the dead like crazy
  13. OOC: Is that Sabathiel? From Fall from Heaven 2?
  14. Perhaps we should add a clause that says that if the signatory nations are attacked by nations with nuclear weapons, the other signatories will assist them.
  15. Cardith Lorda walked to the edge of the wedding, his staff clutched in his hands. He sat down on the grass and watched the conclusion of the ceremony. A shadowy man watched him from the darkness, to ensure his safety.
  16. Andonia will sign the above treaty. For Andonia Cardith Lorda, Glorious Leader
  17. If nobody wanted radioactive fallout stories, then nobody would ever have bought Fallout 3. I suggest we just create two continuities, one in which the war did not occur, and one in which it did.
  18. For Andonia Cardith Lorda, Glorious Leader
  19. OOC: So, it was Vince Sixx, then Erik Betrakte, then Lars Mikkelson?
  20. OOC: I only posted two, and if I decide to change again, I will keep it in here
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