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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. An obese man dressed in bright red walked into the room, leaning heavily on a cane. He sat down in a booth to listen to the conversation.
  2. OOC: I'm only posting because I am realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly bored. I will just replace my guy.
  3. The shadowy man repeatedly stabbed Xenu in the back of his head. OOC: Sargun is racist towards Andonians!
  4. The shadowy man inched closer to Xenu, his hands on his knives.
  5. OOC: What about when it turns out you weren't paying attention and man A actually wasn't going to kill man B?
  6. The shadowy man was in another dark corner, listening to the discussion. NOBODY CAN SEE HIM. OOC: If you don't accept his ninjaness the police will come and arrest Xenu.
  7. Raetal is claiming the area of Greenland right next to Iceland.
  8. OOC:Did you not read his ninja-like escape?
  9. OOC: that was really random, My guy was probably the one who would have supported your agenda the most A metal plate dropped out from under his cloak, and with one swift motion he threw a knife at Xenu's head while simultaneously jumping out an open window.
  10. If this is a democratic nation with freedom of speech, then it is not. We are not removing the government or betraying it in any way.
  11. This is not a coup. We are simply setting up peaceful protest type things to get the Prime Minister to become a Queen.
  12. Why does it have to be a secret? OOC: this part makes no sense, unless you were talking to sargun.
  13. " Well, I seem to have offended my daily quota of people for today, now to seriousness. We need to organise people who support us into regions and place people in charge of those regions to stage protests/rallies when and where they will have the maximum impact."
  14. OOC: okay Falandas Orlindon got back in his plane and flew to the directed location.
  15. OOC: But violence is always so much more entertaining... The strange man said" Violence is the only way to get people to listen to a minority. If you manage to get your side to be the majority violence is then not needed"
  16. The diplomat looked at him quizzically and tried Storm Dragon, to see if there was a common language they both spoke. OOC: Sorry, thought I already posted this
  17. "I'm not saying they need to actually fight. All they need to do is show that they can and will."
  18. Andonia will send Erik Tokesson to establish an embassy in your nation, if you will accept him.
  19. The strange man spoke up, startling the others in the bar, who hadn't seen him. " I have some experience in organizing people to fight."
  20. [Aegis] The Triumvir expanded into an uninhabited section of Greenland nearest to the Main Island of the Triumvir. They are beginning to consolidate infrastructure in this new province that will be named Province Tupu. The Triumvir have installed a sub-triumvirate for to rule this large region.
  21. Claims are supposed to be the size of Japan aren't they? So why does the World that Never Was have so much territory in this map?
  22. The man in the corner stood up and walked over to the group at the bar.
  23. The diplomat from the Triumvirate of the Raetal watched the duel from an unspecified nearby area.
  24. I hope the next part of this comes soon!
  25. A shadowy man sat in the corner of the bar nursing a beer, listening to the conversation going on across the room.
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