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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Duke Garresh beckoned to his second in command. " Ready the cavalrymen, we are launching a raid against the Golden Horde camp." " Yessir"
  2. Daraldon Daskargam crawled out of the wreckage of the crashed fighter. he picked up his radio. " Forzh" he cursed, seeing the massive gash in the side of the device. He crawled back into the crashed plane, past the body of his copilot, Jodhras Hasimion. He pulled a crate full of disposable food packets and a flare gun. He checked his service pistol to make sure it was in working order. " Forzh " he cursed again. His pistol was smashed in half. Shuddering in disgust, he pulled Jodhras's pistol out from under him. He opened the crate and shook the tent out to its full size. He placed the crate in the tent, then looked around for some high ground, where hopefully the flare would be seen by a patrol looking for the missing plane. He spotted a small mountain looming in the distance. Reassured, he crawled into his tent and slept.
  3. Our diplomat is already on his way, his name is Eirik Torvalsson. Perhaps we could arrange an NAP?
  4. What is your view on forms of government? Like for instance, do you like democracy or facism.
  5. OOC: I googled it. Yes, everbody is free to view any and all exhibits in the center.
  6. "That is vey interesting indeed" the Archhalaon said politely as they walked between the massive mahogony doors into the Temple.
  7. The new Cultural and Arts Center has opened in Vaer Rannar. There will be an exhibit from each of the member states of the DB. We will attempt to get an exchange program for cultural exhibits for non-member states. There is hope that eventually every city in the Dragon Bloc will have a CAC. In the upper floors there will be the cultural exhibits. In the undergorund section, there will be art galleries, a library and also, a government funded publishing company.
  8. I was at her house and borrowed her computer quick, but forgot to log on as myself.
  9. The new Cultural and Arts Center has opened in Vaer Rannar. There will be an exhibit from each of the member states of the DB. We will attempt to get an exchange program for cultural exhibits for non-member states. There is hope that eventually every city in the Dragon Bloc will have a CAC. In the upper floors there will be the cultural exhibits. In the undergorund section, there will be art galleries, a library and also, a government funded publishing company. OOC: Please post here with a description of the exhibit.
  10. Why are so many people supporting the Communist Facist?
  11. What are the Candidates views on Foreign Affairs?
  12. Andonia would like to exchange diplomats with this nation. Also, do you support the Pope in Vatican City?
  13. "For the first centuries, when we ruled the empire, we had many texts that detailed the wars with the evil one. After the Fall, they were burned by the rebels. The surviving Andonain had to pass the holy stories through word of mouth, until some settled in a colony on the Faroes islands. After the fleet was sunk by the Dutch, the tales were lost. Now we have set them to the word again."
  14. Andonia would like to exchange ambassadors with this new nation.
  15. Andonia would like to exchange ambassadors with this new nation.
  16. Has merger stopped managing the map or somthing?
  17. This is for RP, so you have to ask someone for land, then make a DoE.
  18. http://s606.photobucket.com/albums/tt145/f...ce_by_jamga.jpg This link may work, I'm not sure.
  19. Here is a picture you could use
  20. In the beginning, there was a hunk of rock. That chunk of rock was our planet. In the molten center a dragon formed. That was Faliondron. Uliondron formed soon after. They created the other gods. The first were created to look like themselves, and the next were more creative. Then a dragon made of shadow came. He offered those first gods a choice, Serve him and gain unimaginable power,or stay here and have power over only one world. The dragons refused, but a few of the gods made the wrong choice and now serve the dark one. There was a war between the gods.The goodness and wisdom of Faliondron and the pure power of Uliondron carriedthe day and the evil god was defeated. Then the gods set about shaping the world. Uliondron created the Andonain and the seas and all the creatures of the sea. Faliondron created all the other humans and sky and land. The various creatures of the land and sky were created by the lesser gods. The god Uliondron set the Andonain over all the humans to rule over them,but Faliondron would not stand for it and he instructed his peoples to rise up and throw the the Andonain into the sea. And they wandered for countless generations.
  21. It is dedicated to the two good dragongods, Faliondron and Uliondron.
  22. Andonia is happy that at least some stability has returned to this region.
  23. The Archhalaon greeted the Pope and steered him towards the soaring edifice of the newly constructed Temple.
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