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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. This is probably in the wrong forum
  2. the Andonain Remnant controls Sri Lanka
  3. To enhance manuverability, the non-scram jets will be able to move about. This will allow acrobatic feats never bofore seen. Safeguards will be built in to prevent damge to the aircraft, but, in the event of an emergency, they can be overidden.
  4. OOC:sorry about the impossibleness, i was too tired to function Anyway, you could have it pull down enemy aircraft, or somthing.
  5. Ragnar Ruriksson hurried into the building.
  6. OOC:my plan was that it would be ground based thing for aircraft support
  7. The TriA corporation will donate funds to this organisation. OOC: TriA is mostly in other countries, so it makes more money, and has higher tech levels as well. However the government is unable to tap into their tech and money.
  8. OOC:My people were pirates for a while. Then merger blew me up
  9. An actual fighter pilot would be able to tell that speed is king. Stealth can be defeated, speed will always get you out alive. TriA corp. is testing a device that they hope will be able to deflect incoming missiles and bullets. It projects a magnectic field that redirects bullets around the aircraft. OOC: If people think this would not be allowed, I will say the test failed.
  10. TriA corporation has just released a new non-stealth version of the F-35 that incorporates the adaptive skin and other technologies from the EB-1C into a fighter. After it takes off it switches over to scramjets. There are other engines that provide extra manuverability. OOC: stealth removed
  11. I suggest that we should have multiple types of fighter and bombers to make an effective airforce. Also, we should set up an area where aircraft from our allies can come and practice agianst each other. This would increase pilot survival rate quite a bit, as most pilots die flying their first ten missions. If they fly their first ten missions in a non-hostile environment, they will be more likely to survive.
  12. Does this sound like "we don't know if this will work or not, even in the future."?
  13. Then what is the point of having tech levels that go beyond 2009, if you can't use tech that does not exist yet?
  14. Intel is working on programmable matter right now, so would the nations withtech levels of 2020 and up be able to use programmable matter?
  15. OOC:It is laser produced plasma! All you do is use a Deutrium-Tritium fuel, that is ignited by the lasers, creating a small ball of plasma.
  16. The EB-1C uses adaptive skin technology on the forward and aft sections of the fuselage and on the wings. The composite structure is reshaped by computer-controlled microhydraulic actuators that can create lift or drag as needed without the use of rigid control surfaces. The wings no longer need to have spoilers for roll control or flaps for angle-of-attack contro. This also allows for a much smaller vertical stabilizer and the removal of the horizontal stabilizer and gust-load alleviator vanes. It uses both RADAR and LADAR It is armed with various diffent advanced armanents AIM-120 medium range air-to-air missiles, triple mode active radar, passive radar, and infared guidance, fifty pound directed-frag warhead, max range thirty-five miles. AGM-165 air-to-ground guided missile, two hundred pound thermium-nitrate warhead, sixty mile rang, milimeter wave RADAR autoguidance or imaging infared guidance enhanced with a target-handoff capability from the LADAR attack system where you input coordinates and launch the missile, then refine aiming as it closes in. AIM-152 long range hypersonic air-to-air missile, ramjet engine, max speed mach five, max range one hundred and fifty miles, fifty pound warhead ABM-3 anti-ballistic-missile missile, triple mode guiding system, max range about three hundred miles at optimum launch parameters. The UCAV is a remote controlled aircraft that is usually carried in the bomb-bays of the bomber. It usually carries one sensor UCAV and several assault UCAVs. The assualt UCAV carries smaller, shorter range versions AGM-165 missiles. It has enough firepower in one missile to take down a main battle tank and it carries six. Also, the F-35 Rapier, a stealth capble fighter with advanced jamming systems. Some improvements over current-generation fighter aircraft are: Durable, low-maintenance stealth technology; Integrated avionics and sensor fusion that combine information from off- and onboard sensors to increase the pilot's situational awareness and improve identification and weapon delivery, and to relay information quickly to other command and control (C2) nodes; High speed data networking including IEEE 1394b and Fibre Channel. The F-35 features a full-panel-width "panoramic $@pit display (PCD)", with dimensions of 20 by 8 inches (50 by 20 centimeters). A $@pit speech-recognition system (Direct Voice Input) is planned to improve the pilot's ability to operate the aircraft over the current-generation. A helmet mounted display system (HMDS) will be fitted to all models of the F-35. While some fourth-generation fighters have offered HMDS along with a head up display (HUD), this will be the first time in several decades that a front-line tactical jet fighter has been designed to not carry a HUD. The ejection seat design balances major performance requirements, including safe terrain clearance limits, pilot load limits, and pilot size. It uses a twin-catapult system that is housed in side-rails The main sensor on board the F-35 is its AN/APG-81 AESA-radar. It is augmented by the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) mounted under the nose of the aircraft, designed by . Further electro-optical sensors are distributed over the aircraft as part of the AN/AAS-37 system which acts as missile warning system and can aid in navigation and night operations. The LiftSystem is composed of a lift fan, driveshaft, clutch, 2 roll posts and a "3 Bearing Swivel Module" (3BSM). The 3BSM is a thrust vectoring nozzle which allows the main engine exhaust to be deflected downward at the tail of the aircraft. The lift fan near the front of the aircraft provides a counter-balancing thrust. Somewhat like a vertically mounted turboprop within the forward fuselage, the lift fan is powered by the engine's low-pressure (LP) turbine via a driveshaft and gearbox. Roll control during slow flight is achieved by diverting pressurized air from the LP turbine through wing mounted thrust nozzles called Roll Posts. The F-35's armament includes a GAU-22/A four-barrel 25 mm cannon. The cannon will be mounted internally with 180 rounds in the F-35 and fitted as an external pod with 220 rounds in the F-35B and F-35C.. Internally (current planned weapons for integration), up to two air-to-air missiles and two air-to-ground weapons (up to two 2,000 lb bombs in A and C models; two 1,000 lb bombs in the B model) in the bomb bays. These could be AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-132 ASRAAM, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) — up to 2,000 lb (910 kg), the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) — a maximum of four in each bay, the Brimstone anti-armor missiles, and Cluster Munitions (WCMD). The MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile is currently being adapted to fit internally in the missile spots and may be integrated into the F-35. TriA had originally planned to put up to four ASRAAMs internally but this has been changed to carry 2 internal and 2 external ASRAAMs It has also been stated by a Lockheed executive that the internal bay will eventually be modified to accept up to 6 AMRAAMs. At the expense of being more detectable by radar, many more missiles, bombs and fuel tanks can be attached on four wing pylons and two wingtip positions. The two wingtip pylons can only carry AIM-9X Sidewinders, while the AMRAAM, Storm Shadow, Joint Air to Surface Stand-off Missile (JASSM) cruise missiles and 480 gallon fuel tanks can be carried in addition to the stores already integrated. An air-to-air load of eight AIM-120s and two AIM-9s is conceivable using internal and external weapons stations, as well as a configuration of six two thousand pound bombs, two AIM-120s and two AIM-9s
  17. The new stock Market has opened in Vaer Rannar. The current prices for the baseline stocks are: TRA (TriA Corp.):154 ANG (Andgov): 94 APC (Andonain Publishing Company): 101 ESC (East Sri Lanka Corporation): 34 RAM (Vaer Rannar Auto Motors): 129 ROM( Vaer Rannar Oblaten Manufacturing): 123
  18. The Society for the Study of Ancient Cultures has opened a new chapter in Association. The building has been funded by donations by the TriA Corporation. They are going to specialize in the study of the Bantu and Euro cultures.
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