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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Tell that to the brave sons and daughters of Andonia who you killed. Every one of them had a family. Had dreams. A future. and you took it all away from them over what? A handful of documents you say prove that we conducted terrorist attacks against you? In the backround music played. The Anthem of Andonia Take my love, take my land Take me where I cannot stand I don't care, I'm still free You can't take the sea from me. Take me out to the black Tell them I ain't comin' back Burn the sky and sink the land You can't take the sea from me. Leave the men where they lay They'll never see another day Lost my soul, lost my dream You can't take the sea from me. I feel the black reaching out I hear its song without a doubt I still hear and I still see That you can't take the sae from me. Lost my love, lost my land Lost the last place I could stand There's no place I can be Since I've found Serenity And you can't take the sea from me. In the town the survivng infantrymen fixed their bayonets, waiting for the enemy to move into the town. They knew they would die. Knew they had no chance for survival. But they readied themselves to fight anyway, to take a few of the !@#$%^&* with them.
  2. What if you are wrongly accusing us. What then. Then we have a country with swathes of devasted land, many people dead for nothing. Nothing at all.
  3. OOC: They would if they could get a signal out.
  4. Ragnar tried to contact Cainette but to no avail. " Get this thing working dammit! We need to get through to the Dragon Bloc!"
  5. OCC: Okay, changed them from tanks to AC's.
  6. The first of the traps began to take effect, as several of the AC's were caught in large pitch-filled holes, disguised by vegatation. A native man fired flaming arrows into the holes, releasing copius amounts of smoke, blinding the enemy. The surviving machine-gunners began firing through the smoke, taking down many of the infantry men. Several of more the AC's were taken down by the few rocket launchers the force had. OOC: The town itself will be reeeealy fun IC: Andonia would be glad to accept any offer of help.
  7. //Radio transmission// This is Ragnar Ruriksson.Andonia has recently come under unprovoked attack from the Helzan. We implore the Dragon Bloc and the world to help us to survive. They have already killed many brave soldiers and destroyed much of our infrastructure. Please, You are our only hope.
  8. OOC: My soldiers don't retreat in groups and all motorised vehicles were left in Vaer Ranna, which is probably in the hands of the enemy. Also, all the infrastructure was focused in the mountains around VR, which is not the area my people are retreating through. Also, what are you going to do about that little holding force that I left in that small town? A small detachment left the main force and headed to the underground aircraft. The entrance was sealed and the soldiers set up positions to defend the aircraft if necessary.
  9. After striking the enemy, the army moved back towards Vaer Rannar laying traps until they finally stopped in a small town and set up a few pillboxes. The majority of the army continued north, toward the coast nearest Dragonisia, in case help came. OOC: Thank you for the compliment
  10. The Army moved south, to contest the reports of enemy troops moving into the area. They spread out over a very wide area, small platoons laying out ambushes for enemy patrols. They would sting the enemy, then retreat into the terrain. OOC: It was not IG DefCon,My RP nation was at level 2
  11. The 6,260 men of the Andonain Guerilla Army moved into the mountains surrounding Vaer Rannar, setting thousands of low-tech traps after evacuating every person from the city. The tiny Andonain airforce was moved ino the caves and hidden, as they had no chance for survival against the enemy numbers. A message was dispatched to the Dragon Bloc, imploring them for assistance in defending against the unprovoked Helzan attack. OOC: Luckily I was still at DefCon2
  12. The Ambassador refused the ear clip, as he had already learned to speak Storm Dragon.
  13. Ragnar Ruriksson stood at the grand opening of the Menton School of Logic and Tactics. It was usually abreviated as Mentat. There they would teach their students to think with logic. They would also learn advanced fighting techniques and military tactics. In an attached building members of the Mentat Order learned how to manipulate religion to serve the order's ends. The students of the school who chose to join the Order would go out to a series of islands and learn from masters of every disipline of combat. They would also learn the moral codes of those ancient warriors, and they swear a vow to follow the code of the Mentat School. Excerpts from the Mentat Book -Why look for meaning where there is none? Would you follow a path that leads nowhere? -We as humans tend to make pointless demands of our universe, asking meaningless questions. Too often we make such queries after developing an expertise within a frame of reference which has little or no relationship to the question being asked -The ego is only a bit of conciousness swimming upon the ocean of dark things. We are an enigma unto ourselves. -Love is an ancient force, one that served its purpose in its day but is no longer essential to the survival of the species -Discovery is dangerous...but so is life. A man unwilling to take risks is doomed never to learn,never to grow,never to live -It is said that there is nothing firm, nthing balanced, nothing durable in all the universe--that nothing remains in its original state, that each day, each hour, every moment, there is change -Nature commits no errors; right and wrong are human categories -Orginizational structure is crucial to a military. It is, as well, a prime target to attack. -Some lies are easier to believe than the truth -The strictest limits are self-imposed -Special Knowledge can be a terrible disadvantage if it leads you too far down a path you cannot explain anymore -Too much knowledge never makes for simple decisions OOC: I am going to post Ragnar's speech later
  14. An ambassador from the Triumvirate was dispatched immediatly.
  15. The Andonain Remnant welcomes this new nation -Ragnar Ruriksson
  16. OOC: would the Dragon Bloc have been contacted? I ask because Dragonisia said that we would fight with Comintern, because he is a member.
  17. Ragnar Ruriksson and Einar Lokisson would like to offer Vaer Rannar for a meeting of this kind.
  18. How communist would you have to be to apply? The Andonain Remnant is a democratic socialist nation, would that be okay to join?
  19. OOC: just use stuff that scientists/engineers say is possible, but we dont have the technology for it yet dangit Kevz and Agea beat me to it
  20. Making everbody believe they are the same culture is ethnic cleansing, because you are destroying their culture and replacing it with your own.
  21. i think we should just roll a die to figure out who is the GM
  22. Einar Lokisson approves heartily of number seven.
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