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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Ragnar Ruriksson stood upon a podium, in front of a newly constructed military base. "In light of the recent invasion by Helzan forces, I have ordered the formation of a new unit. This unit will be a combination of helicopters, paratroopers and regular infantry. I now present Primero Vorian Atreides, commander of this new unit and the man who commanded the unit that held the town during the invasion, to elaborate on this unit" Ragnar sepped down, to let the Primero begin his presentation Primero Vorian Atreides "Soldiers in this new unit will face diffucult conflicts before they join. They will be dropped in the jungle and be constantly attacked by instructers wielding weaponry captured during the war and the most advanced weaponry available to us. They will have to have the agility and accuracy to run up a ramp do a backflip, and throw a hatchet through a hoop, hitting it in the center. They will be dropped in a manufactured desert and survive for seven days, without food or water, and still be able to fight. They will be placed in our toughest penitentiary and forced to survive, with no special treatment. Half the candidates will likely to either die or drop out before even joining the brigade. Then, their final test will be to perform an airdrop into Vaer Rannar, while being fired on by AAA and fight their way to the reactor at the heart of the city. Then, they will deactivate the safeguards on the reactor and place a "bomb" that will prevent the safeguards from being turned back on. Then, they will have to fight back to the surface and be picked up by the helocopters and fly through another storm of AAA fire. They will then be trained in strategy and tactics, as well as gain the ability to withstand torture. They will learn twelve ways to kill a man with a fingernail, and twenty using only their teeth. (OOC:I don't mean slicing diffferent arteries and veins either) IC:For now this unit will comprise of eight hundred men."
  2. Nation Name:Andonain Remnant Ruler Name:Ragnar Ruriksson Embassador: Vorian Grimsson Government Type:Democracy Will you be bringing any guards?: Five Do you want to apply for any treaty?: Yes Will you be requiring any special needs?: Privacy
  3. Nation Name:Andonain Remnant Head of Government: Ragnar Ruriksson Head of State: Ragnar Ruriksson Government Type: Democracy Ambassador Name: Einar Harkonnen Mutual Embassy:Yes
  4. Number of Citizens- 8,606 Average Income per citizen-135.17 Euros Maximum number of soldiers-6,885 Maximum number of tanks-688 Size and composition of air-fleet- 14 Mustangs and 7 Apaches Size of navy-0 I control Sri Lanka
  5. Ragnar stood in the the great concet hall. The faces of hundreds of loyal Andonain soldier stared up at him. Forty-five men dtood beside him in immaculate dress uniforms. " Today is both a day of mourning and a day of joy. We have won the war, but at a terrible cost. Many of the brave sons and daughters of Andonia have lost their lives. We have gathered here today to award these exceptional soldiers the Verda Cross, the highest honor one can recieve. These truly exceptional men and women have distinguished themselves in the eyes of Shai-Hulud, the war god. " Ragnar pinned the cross upon the chest of each of the soldiers. " We must show that we are better than the Helzan. We must show mercy to them and hope they learn from their mistakes. War is a manufactory that produces only death, desolation, and anger. Peace is the greatest thing a nation can strive for. We must not stoop to their level."
  6. They actually already paid reparations. Wait, complete loss of closest ally?
  7. If we disarm them, then we should also swear to defend them against attack.
  8. More death, more blood, is not the answer. The current sanctions are the best option.
  9. Tahoe has no right to force nations to give up their lands and yet say they will not give up their own lands that violate their own doctrine.
  10. OOC: never mind Andonia finds the agreement more than acceptable then.
  11. Mael's decision seems pretty fair. However I do insist that some of the money be given to the families of the Helzan soldiers. It is not the soldiers or their families faults that their leaders decided to go to war.
  12. Andonia chose that amount. We will stand by our decision. I believe that the Helzan leader should stay in power as long as they swear an oath to not make war upon any nation without good reason.
  13. I must insist on helping the families of your soldiers. OOC: Mael, you got the numbers wrong.
  14. About one hundred civillians died in the initial assault, then during the guerrilla strikes five hundred soldiers died. About seven hundred soldiers died during the retreat and holding action. How many of your soldiers died?
  15. Just $500 for each family. Andonia will match this offer to the families of your dead soldiers as well. However, realize this. If you ever attack us like this again, We will not be so lenient.
  16. More blood and more destruction is most emphatically not what is needed to solve these problems. Lives need not be wasted.
  17. Andonia does not wish very much in reparations. All we want is a small sum for the families of those who were killed. We will send money to those who died on the Helzan side as well. Buildings can be replaced, but people cannot.
  18. Now that the war is ended a monument will be erected to the valiant souls who held the small unnamed town. The survivors will recieve the Cuyan Cross for their heroism.
  19. //Radio Transmission// The war is ended. All friends of Andonia, please stand down.
  20. //Radio Transmission// The war is over now. Your assistance, while greatly appreciated, is no longer necessary. Thank You
  21. Your evidence is extremely flimsy.
  22. Anybody could have used our nation's name and our leader's name to support your terrorists.
  23. That statement is erroneous. It is in our most diffucult times that we must negotitate our very hardest.
  24. Andonain military will move further north and return the evacuees to Vaer Rannar.
  25. Terrorism is not a reason to go to war against a state without first trying to work out the problem. If you try that first then you will have much more support behind your invasion.
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