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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Nation Name: The Triumvirate of the Andonain Remnant Nation Link:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59117, incomplete factbook Nation Rulers: Vorian Atreides, Orm Grimsson, Ragnar Ruriksson Ambassador: Klark Harko Government Type: Meritocratic Democracy
  2. Andonia would be willing to send some money to support Louis Egon.
  3. we congratulate these peoples on reaching first base
  4. OOC: The Voting will close tommorow at whatever time I can get on (definitely after 4 of the clock).
  5. OOC: If you want to stop the Nords gaining a foothold in the Dragon Bloc, go to the Andonia elections thread
  6. OOC: If you want a small nation affiliated with the Dragon Bloc to support you guys, you might want to go to the Andonain Election Thread. I will be postinga message to ComIntern too
  7. A pair of Skywolf quads of fifteen men inserted into Diberia. They setup a base camp, digging into the hillside. Half of one quad went to seek out the Rebel forces.
  8. Orm Grimsson has a massive lead Xavier is in second Ragnar and Vorian are tied for third Einar is fourth the ArchHalaon is last
  9. Name of ambassador: Nation name, long form:The Triumvirate of the Andonain Remnant Nation name, short form:Andonia Head of state, with titles and styles of address: Ragnar Ruriksson, Lord of Vaer Rannar, Interim Triumvir, Priest of the Church of the Dragon-Gods, Duke of the Southern Forest, Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Knight of the Temple, Reciever of the Order of the Dragon-Gods, adress him as either Mr. Ruriksson, or Ragnar The ArchHalaon, Grandmaster of the Church of the Dragon-Gods, Lord of all the faithful, if addressing him call him ArchHalaon, or sir Vorian Atreides, Commander of the Skywolf Brigade, Reciever of the Cuyan Cross, Primero of the Armed Forces of the Nation of Andonia, Commander of the Armada(archaic title), Grnadmaster of the Knights of the Temple, if addressing him call him Primero Atreides Form of government: Official language(s):Andonain, Old Norse, Saxon, English, Latin, Mando'a Territorial claims:Sri Lanka Will the applicant allow freedom of travel between our nations:Yes Will the applicant allow free trade between our nations:Yes Will the applicant extradite Arctican criminals:Depending on the severity of the crime or if you ask specifically Does the applicant want an ambassador from Arctica:Yes How stable is the applicant nation politically (this is required if you answered yes for the above): very stable Requests:lots of trees
  10. The government of Andonia has recently been restructured. Candidates for the Leadership are chosen by capability, then elected by the people. There are now three leader positions, as we have become a Triumvirate. Vorian Atreides, the ArchHalaon, and Ragnar Ruriksson are currently standing in as Triumvirs Xavier Harkonnen Xavier wants to nationalise all buisnesses in Andonia, provide universal healthcare, and ensure everybody has a job. He also wants to form closer ties with ComIntern. Orm Grimsson Orm wants to dissolve AndGov corporation and remove the close ties between the government and TriA corporation. He also wants to form closer ties with Nordland, and eventually join them, if possible. the ArchHalaon the ArchHalaon wants to revitalise the Church of the Dragon and make church mandatory, as well as institute the laws laid down in the Holy Library as real government laws. Vorian Atreides Vorian Atreides is the current leader of the Skywolf Brigade,and he led the heroic holding force, that halted the Helzan advance. He wants to spend more money on the military, so that we will be prepared for the next invasion by an enemy. He supports the Dragon Bloc Ragnar Ruriksson Ragnar is the current leader of Andonia. He wants to stay neutral in the conflict between ComIntern and Nordland, and keep going with the same policy. Einar Lokisson Einar is the leader of the SSCA, and he will spend more money on the study of Ancient cultures and other scientific research.
  11. Nation Name: IG:Andonia RP: Andonain Remnant Nation Link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=282313 Nation Ruler: IG: freakwars RP: Ragnar Ruriksson, the ArchHalaon, Vorian Atreides Ambassador: Grim Ormsson Government Type: Democratic Meritocratic Triumvirate Political Ideology: Democratic Socialism
  12. Einar Lokisson looked up from the piece of pottery from the Mogadishu Sultanate that he was examining to see a soldier approaching, speaking a language he was not familiar with. "Karl, could you come over here?" Einar asked, bringing their langugage expert over to the soldier.
  13. It would probably be a more popular move if you only made it mandatory for unemployed people.
  14. My friend, Yeerk5, is too lazy to go on the forums or something, so I was told to set up a tech deal for yeerk5. standard 3mil/100 tech deal http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=284666
  15. My friend is looking to sell some tech as well. Name:Yeerk5 Nation: Association Alliance: Big Top Order
  16. OOC: You could use this as your artillery or a tank
  17. Troop Placements All units not shown on the map are based in Vaer Rannar 1st battalion-1000 men strong, led by Tercero Cregh Skywolf Brigade- 800 men strong, led by Primero Atreides 1st armoured company- 200 tanks strong, led by Tercero Ormsson 2nd battalion- 1000 men strong, led by Tercero Vergyl, main army base 3rd battalion- 1000 men strong, led by Tercero Grimsson, main army base 4th Battalion- 1200 men strong, led by Primero Africanus, Vaer Rannar These positions are placed along the coast. One about every five miles. They are equipped with AA4R3 emplacement guns. Tactics The Andonain fight best in small units, known as quads. A quad is made up of four to sixteen men. When on the offensive the quads spread out and set traps along their lines of retreat. They then harass the enemy forces. When froced to retreat, the units will spread out even further and set traps behind them to slow the enemy and then meet up at a preset RV point. They will then move out and go on another offensive. Even in the event the government surrenders, the Skywolves and a select few other elements of the military will not surrender. The Atreides Protocol In the event of the capture of Vaer Rannar, the safeguards on the reactor will be removed, and it will explode, obliterating the city, and any invading forces. All air forces will be loaded with massive amounts of explosives and suicide dived into enemy infrastructure.
  18. Weaponry the M3A4 and the M3A4B are the weapons most often used by the Andonain regular army. The majority of the quad will be armed with the close-quarters M3A4B adn they will get in close to the enemy while the M3A4 gunners provide covering and suppressing fire. The Skywolf brigade uses the M7 AMAWS. It is a versatile weapon, like the troopers themselves. The Andonain heavt machine gun has two variations. The TII and the TI. The TII is the weapon pictured above. It is the more advanced of the two guns, and is used when more precise gunnery is called for. It has a slower rate of fire than the older TI. The TII was first used during the holding action in the War of the Helzan The TI has been used by the Andonain armed forces since the first Dutch attack. It has a slightly larger calibre than the TII. The honour-blade is weapon used by Andonain officers when fighting in close quarters. It also has a light revolver built into the tang of the blade. AA4R3 Emplacement gun, fires .90 calibre rounds, the guns on the side can be switched out for artillery,if needed the guns tilt upward and fire on aircraft.
  19. Skywolf Trooper The armour of the Skywolves is designed to take heavy punishment and still protect the man wearing it. To aid in this, there is a layer of gel in between the metal plates, that absorbs kinetic energy. The armour also has a system that can either heat the trooper or cool him down, depending on what environment they are operating in. There radio caommunications are built into the helmet Andonain Soldier The regular infantry wear a much lighter version of the Skywolf armour. It provides a small amount of protection to the chest area. They wear a headset that allows them to communicate with officers and fellow soldiers. Andonain Officer Field Uniform The officers wear the same uniform as the ordinary soldiers, but with an honour-blade strapped to their side and a camoflauge overcoat. They have a headset that allows them to communicate with the general, as well as with the men under their command. Andonain Officer Dress Uniform
  20. Einar Lokisson gave a whoop. He had found a ruin dating back to the Adal Sultanate. The ruin was quickly excavated, revealing that it had been occupied long after the fall of that country. There was porcelain from China, gold from Kilwa, evidence of textiles from India. The gold artifacts were found hidden in a hollow under the floor, which had crumbled after the ruins were covered up. There probably had been more gold many years ago, but it was probably looted after the ruin was abandoned or taken when the occupants left.
  21. This is the greatest nation on the planet! -Ragnar Ruriksson
  22. I doubt the US would want to help AUS, as they threatened them several times.
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