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Everything posted by wreked

  1. LOL - I've seen that 1st hand - gotta admit it was well done - Niccolò Machiavelli would have approved - but now it's my turn - gonna go "black wet ops" soon and "get sum". what goes round comes round eh!
  2. Only orders I gave my troops were : Get in close and wack em hard with a big board - repeat till they regain conciousness!! They're still wackin away...... ....none of this complicated stuff eh! wreked FW190A8 LE
  3. <soto voice> Call Guido and the boys 'n tell em the hit on BEazy is off.... fer now. Mr. BEazy sir : use some "smileys" - next time it may be too late stop em. :jihad: ...no prisioners...no quarter eh!! wreked
  4. BUT you just DID say it sir!! I am offended by your thoughtless post. You don't know me and I certainly doubt I'll get to know you except at the end of a bayonette! Obviously we as a group are proud of who we are and show our flag and logos with pride! Too bad others don't spend more time working with their alliance and less making noise on the "boards"!! ...<shrug> go figure eh! wreked FW190A8 LE PS-Tracer ya kin put me in the stockade but this needed saying!!! LOLOLOLOL
  5. Never having even led a horse to water I find I have 37 minutes free every Tuesday morning to lead UN. We would have tea, herring h'orderves and dancing!! ...seems I would fit right in eh! wreked
  6. ...well stepping up for the LooseWaffle side I'd invite you to visit our Squadron Site too : JG27-Afrika ....and daddy's right - even tho blowing each other outa the air we still get along pretty well http://www.jg-27.com:80/ ..and let us back to the carnage at hand eh! wreked
  7. Where did all the Bravado go? I believe we in LE have a tad or 2 of it still lieing around : http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=45910 Count the silverware folks - we'ez cumin ta dinner!! cheers eh! wreked FW190A8
  8. Hey...the SHEEP....don't forget the SHEEP.... the cute ones anyways!!!
  9. hehehe - well I'm sure not gonna be the one to tell my citizens they gotta give back their flush toilets 'n microwaves I do agree there is an issue here tho - can tech be made less important when figured into to DoW and retain it's value in attacks?? living in tents eh!
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