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New Frontier

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Posts posted by New Frontier

  1. The MK scum must be eradicated. No greater evil has ever been allowed to walk this world in peace, and it is peace we shall release them from today.


    Attacking the neutrals, the untouchables, the worthless mites of purposeless infrastructure -- that was one thing. But a mighty and ancient alliance such as our own Entente? Nay, I say, this shot we shall not let go unanswered. 


    All fine nations, true alliances, honourable rules and fine gentlemen from across the realm; to war!

  2. If you were truly disgusted with the actions of pre-Karma Pacifica, you wouldn't have founded, and then lead, an alliance that went on to support the post-Karma Mushroom Kingdom & co.


    The fact remains that the detractors of the old NPO are (usually) the same people that went on to join MK, Umbrella, GOONS, VE, etc in their crusade to become the exact thing that they supposedly hated.


    A) I'm primarily disgusted by the reverent worship of something based more or less entirely on whatever Ivan thought would bore him the least that day.


    B) Nothing we did approaches what you did, either on the level of being creepy or being game crippling or being just over the line for a game.


    C) You do remember the months you spent trying desperately to fit into our community right?

  3. I disagree that only a handful of people are scheming at any one time. Dozens of people are. Of course Archon and Moo's scheming affected more people than that of whoever was leading smaller alliances, but the smaller alliances (or at least some of them) were still scheming -- and even having some effect! Just much less than others were.

  4. "lulz is not an ideology" is such bullshit.


    so much long and sustained success in this game is the result of alliances built around "lulz". ultimately, "lulz" as an ideology is about alliances that care more about the people and the fun in them than the flag or the absurd made-up philosophy named after a cruel, terrible RL dictator (which is a fact you guys should really think about once in a while). 

  5. Dude, did you even read what he said?


    He didn't say longest running alliance in this game, he said longest running community....they pre-date our world bro.


    Longest lasting community [i]in this game[/i]. Which is demonstrably false. They are - or at least may be, I honestly have no idea but am inclined to believe him - the longest running community in the other game.


    And if we're going to go that way anyway, we might as well talk about every other invasion alliance. 

  6. I can't seem to find where in this thread someone bragged about NPO being the oldest alliance.  Could you point it out please?  (Not trying to be rude/sarcastic/disingenuous, I honestly can't find it)



  7. Francoism is probably the most depressing thing I've ever seen. It's an ideology (in the most generous sense of the word) that led to bitter and twisted people literally thinking they got to decide who was "allowed" to play this game. You people literally paid actual real dollars from your personal bank accounts in order to purchase real life versions of your alliance's flag to legitimately hang in your physical, 100% RL homes.

  8. Finally.


    GGA was better. They at least stayed around a few years after they got their ass beat. Seriously, this is why everyone called you LUE 2.0.


    Bye MK.


    Bye NoR

    Five years ago, people called us LUE 2.0 (and stopped doing so about 4 years ago) because of something that happened in the present day?




    (also, having retired from the political arena, I had no idea that people still existed who pretended you all "won" the last war. literally laughing out loud right now.)



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