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Kenfolk GTS

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Posts posted by Kenfolk GTS

  1. [quote name='Lennox' date='16 July 2010 - 08:00 PM' timestamp='1279324793' post='2375208']
    What is legion doing so wrong that many of their allies have or are cancelling?

    Actually according to legion they are the ones canceling these treaties. So more like what are legion's allies doing so wrong to make legion cancel :P

  2. Well to be honest and fair I didn't react this way to the other thing because sad to say I've been playing this game almost 4 years and am just now starting to get active on the OWF. So i'm not trying to take sides or shots at valhalla when I didn't at either GOD or Kronos. Sorry for the misunderstanding :P

  3. I wasn't a part of any of that. I didn't think that whole GOD/ Kronos thing was funny nor do I support it. The fact you guys went into peace mode is a shame, but it is the correct response and exactly what any alliance with that intel would have done. Just like GOONS acted appropriately based on the accusation and evidence they received.

  4. So if someone you aren't having the greatest relations with has their forums "hacked" and an ally tells you, you would not believe them? You would go to that site, notice the change, and say that it was a joke? That just doesn't add up to me

  5. [quote name='goldielax25' date='15 June 2010 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1276633225' post='2338584']
    This thread should be re-titled "Dr. Strangethread, or: How I learned to kiss GATO's rear and revive treaty talks"

    You stay classy

  6. [quote name='Mathias' date='21 May 2010 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1274474575' post='2307223']
    One of the main things working against you is that in the past few years, GGA was a major contributor to the global hegemony. You willfully enforced NPO's rule, and were generally arrogant pricks about it (at least in my dealings with you). Then, we have the incompetency factor. There are/were several running jokes about the ineptitude of GGA (i.e. "Declare war on us and NPO will show you why we don't need WRCs!" that was really a two in one shot at both your subserviency, and inability on the battlefield). And, of course, your internal political instability. GGA has a history of coups, and that doesn't exactly convey a sense of unity.

    This is only the 2nd coup, and it was only done because the alliance was going to be merged/ disbanded by the current leadership. Yes in the past we did act like arrogant pricks, but we no longer have any treaties/ ties with NPO. I'd like to think we are making a good turn around, but I suppose it does just take time for that to happen and for the people to truly believe in what is happening is real.

  7. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for the GGA, a lot positive but there were a few that were pretty bad. I'm curious to know exactly what about the GGA is so horrible. I know that we aren't nearly as grand as we were 2-3 years ago, and with a bad run of some leadership that is understandable. I believe that the GGA right now is doing a lot better than it has in years past. We might not be pulling in new recruits left and right, but we no longer are doing stupid things or making stupid decisions. I really want to see the GGA be built back up, and any advice/ criticism on what we are currently doing would help that.

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