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Everything posted by Californian

  1. -Added New countries in Somalia, Libya, South Dakota, Italy, Nedland, and Georgia/Armenia -Fixed Aland Islands, Falkland Islands, and Tierra del Fuego Note: I cannot add names, I need to find the font type from merger B)
  2. Shoot a PM to Lynneth, the owner of middle Greenland, to possibly work something out. If all else fails and you still want a piece of Greenland, just let me know.
  3. Mind linking me? I did Australia and parts of Asia and South America yet I am not located in any of these places. I would put in Antarctica claims but I haven't seen any other than Lubeck's, which I've already put in. How about realizing that there are dozens of claims and whining and pointing fingers does nothing?
  4. Make your claim and we can add it. A picture is helpful. We can't partition Antarctica when we have no idea who owns what.
  5. OOC: If you're going to copy the Preamble, I suggest spelling 'Preamble' correctly
  6. I did. As long as they are properly named, it creates little confusion and it makes it much easier for new players (ie any white areas are free pickings and grey areas are available as long as you talk to the respective protector). That was my logic anyways, feel free to change it. Btw on the map the purple on Greenland and Arkhangelsk can be labeled Grøenlandia.
  7. -Centurius' Claim -Manchuria -China/Palintine -Italy -Australia/Oceania -Zarzef's Claims (added them though you need to talk to Vaule for the Siberian Island)
  8. http://f.imagehost.org/view/0973/World_Map_6_01_07 -South America -starting Antarctica -Sumeragi -New claims
  9. Foreign Minister Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson: "We welcome our new neighbors to the white tundra and I will personally be in attendance at the dinner in Ilulissat."
  10. We congratulate the two signatories on this treaty.
  11. They are in the AC protectorate. Just shoot SarahTintagyl a pm and I'm sure you can work things out.
  12. -Hanseatic Commonwealth -Nikonov -Europe Boundries -Greenland Sorry Lubeck and Mercy, probably better to wait for a better mapmaker for those borders.
  13. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3/worldmap60106u.png Changes: -Started Australia -Attempt to fix Balkans -Fixed border in Europe -Greenland -Fixed borders in eastern nordland (added NC protectorate in AWS) -Switched Japan to Hanseatic
  14. We are glad to have another European nation join the Nordic Confederacy. Welcome!
  15. We welcome Mykep back to the world stage and are pleased at the rising of another Republic!
  16. *Classified* DefCON has been raised to 5, Grøenlandia is downsizing to its normal 40,000 man military. Production of the border defenses will continue, however at a much slower pace.
  17. Yeah I have way less land than that, though I do own a lot of the northern coast too, not shown there, but it'll get fixed. Also my nations name is now Federal Republic of Grøenlandia so if you could switch it to say Grøenlandia on the map that'd be great. Lastly, Serbia and the Eastern Reich no longer exist, please label them NC protectorates
  18. We offer condolences to your nation but are disturbed by the new president, specifically Vallos. We would not be surprised if this federation joins the ComIntern and the red tide sweeping Planet Bob.
  19. Signed for the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia, Forseti Ty Eyvindsson
  20. Nation Name: Federal Republic of Grøenlandia Form of Government: Republic Ambassador's name: Ambassador Brynhildur Eyjólfsdóttir Is your nation willing to import technologies from the AUS?: Not at the moment, but possibly in the future. Security concerns: We heard rumors there might be contamination at a certain Los Alamos
  21. OOC: New Mexico Grøenlandia welcomes the Enclave and we support your attempts to eradicate the communists.
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