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Posts posted by captainjf

  1. Greetings to all nations!

    My name is captainjf, Director of Recruitment for the ONYX alliance. ONYX is a Black Sphere alliance and is run by veterans of Cybernations with over 5 years of experience! It is a very fun alliance to be a part of, and I have learned a lot from our Academy.

    Our Academy contains some of the sophisticated guides known to planet Bob! The were extremely helpful to me as a new nation and I have grown a lot. ONYX offers something else though.

    That something else is a $12 million dollar starters aid program! Of course this cannot be given all at once, but after you graduate from our academy, you will begin to receive money and will be able to take part in tech deals that will allow you nation to grow even faster!

    If you are interested in learning more about our alliance, please join us at our IRC channel or visit our forums at the links below.

    IRC: frozen.coldfront.net Channel: #ONYX

    Forums: http://z15.invisionfree.com/CNOnyx/index.php?act=idx

    If you are interested in joining ONYX, post an application in our Application Center and change your color to Black and AA to ONYX trainee.

    I hope to see you in the future!

    ONYX Director of Recruitment

  2. Hello,

    This is captianjf of the ONYX alliance. I am the one who started this topic, but I was unaware that I had an account here already.

    I was the first new nation to join this alliance. I can tell you first hand that I went from knowing nothing to knowing quite a bit rather quickly. The setup that our academy has is great, for it allows one to learn a lot and helps one grow in a very efficient manner!

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