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Everything posted by yorkston1

  1. o/ avalanche o/ RoK Congrats to us both...
  2. Congrats to you guys... High Chancellor: Guardian666 Oh no how did this happen Congrats Guardian666 well deserved.
  3. Sometimes jokes are funny, and then other times as in this case they are just plain stupid!!! Most likely was not a joke at all, DE just thought they could roll little ol inactive GLOP and no one would say a thing. This is so full of fail! GLOP was at one time my home, and I can tell everyone they are good people, stay strong GLOP.
  4. wow page 3... so uncool... GLOP is way to cool for page 3.......
  5. Man the GLOPARTY is where you want to be!!!!!
  6. Beer wine cake and pie... And I think I saw some Ice Cream its going to be a Glopper of a Christmas....
  7. And the cakes are so good... They have Gloppy goodness...
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