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Posts posted by Rustikus

  1. 22 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:



    Apparently there aren't a whole lot of clocks in CCC.


    What is the problem? The peace treaty states:


    1. The Parties shall not declare any new wars against any nation within the Parties, or their protectorates, effective 5/19/2020 at 7:00 AM CNT (CyberNationsTime).
    2. Nations at war may offer/accept peace, or continue existing wars to expiration.


    So unless if a war was declared after 7am CN time then any war declared before that time can continue if that is the wish of the combatants

  2. Then it is over ... the citizens of Volov will be for sure protesting this evening as the enjoyment of green glow will be over for now.


    Thanks to those NpO nations that I fought and actually fought back. It was fun while it lasted. If/when we fight again I hope that someone will counter me. It is not good when you never get 7 wars at a time.


    o/ TTK

    o/ KoRT

    o/ CCC

  3. 2 hours ago, CodFCS said:

    Good to see you Rusti! How is the arthritis?


    Good  to see you Cod. Better it doesn't hurt as much when I launch CMs as it used to do. My doctors say that green glow treatment has been working well but the concentration of the glow is going down so hopefully it will get better in next few days.

  4. So either you are bandwagoning or Oculus is not able to handle a war with 50 nation AA. I see you have pretended to have evidence of something and all I can see based on what Blackatron is saying in your exchange (after all he used Google translated version of my language) that he is just ignoring you like most people would.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Noctis Lucis Caelum said:

    Blackatron is gov and when contacted about it, made clear TTK was fine his hostile actions against myself and any other scheming he was doing from your AA. So your gov was asked about why the aggression from AA and made clear he did not care about the aggression from him and made a dumb joke in response when asked why you guys kept him on the AA despite his hostile scheming. So you can blame Blackatron for representing as being supportive of any hostile actions taken by Gh0s7. Had he not kept Gh0s7 on your AA despite knowing he was plotting against others from your AA, maybe you guys wouldn't be in the position you're in.


    Where did he make that clear? So far you have not shown anything to confirm that.

  6. 5 minutes ago, AlmightyGrub said:


    I think that your contribution to this thread could be summed up as ''shocked disbelief'' followed by some ''random assumptions of facts not in evidence'' and finalized by ''grasping desperately at straws''


    You need to read things issued by the Holy Church herself, not the ramblings of associated members of the peanut gallery.  The Holy Church has sought answers to questions, determined the truthfulness of the answers and at the conclusion weighed the evidence and embarked on a Holy Inquisition.  The fact that you did not expect such inquisition is hardly your fault.


    Without being trite, the evidence was compelling.   There is no confusion within the Holy Church.  There is also no need for the evidence to be made public whilst there are still further sinners to be brought back to glory by the Inquisition.  The evidence exists, you may freely access it upon your own inquiry with those concerned.


    Go forth and sin no more.


    So yet again no evidence to be shown ... none at all. Therefore the conclusion can only be that there is none as you are too afraid to show it.


    If you have evidence of involvement of others (probably other AAs) why don't you just take action or is it too much for Oculus to fight the horrible TTK with its 50 members?

  7. 19 minutes ago, Auctor said:

    Of course we never alerted TTK government that TTK government is embroiled in a conspiracy to attack us before we took action. That would be ludicrous - your crummy opsec does not necessitate all others having abysmal opsec. It's your responsibility to keep your own house in order and not ours to go around soliciting lies from your less active government members that may or may not be aware of what the others are doing.


    So a then member of TTK (now former member) is doing something you think is inappropriate and instead of contacting gov to ask them to  put a stop to these activities then you assume without any evidence that they are involved. You have shown no evidence of gov involvement at all.

  8. 16 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


    If only your listed MoD felt the same...


    He does feel the same, he will come out again and do what he always does cause lot of damage to his enemies.


    2 minutes ago, Auctor said:

    This idea that we're supposed to cough up sources inside an ongoing conspiracy and do your own internal policing for you is silly as all get out. This idea that any of us owes any of you anything is foolishness.


    You have not shown anything at all. No action from TTK gov has been listed. The only thing that is really mentioned are actions of Gh0s7 (former member of TTK that has never been part of gov). Nothing that shows that any of this was taken up with TTK gov prior to the attack so therefore I assume based on what I have seen that there is nothing there. You can keep your "source" out of this but I would want at least an evidence that this was brought up to someone in TTK gov. Otherwise this is just your excuse and nothing else.

  9. What stands out from reading this thread is:

    1. Nations within Oculus do not seem to have a common understanding of why this war was declared.

    2. Lot of claims thrown around but no evidence to back it up.

    3. People not knowing who are in the TTK gov and nothing shown on their active involvement in any plot.

    4. People thinking that the TTK members chat on Discord has any info that is sensitive and therefore that being masked to be there shows some great access to any valuable info. I think the most sensitive info in that chat during peace time has been advice on how to build someone's nation or arrangement of trade deals.


    So it still stands that a former TTK member did something after leaving TTK or even during without any involvement from TTK.

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