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Scott Weiland

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Posts posted by Scott Weiland

  1. Alliance score seems to be a poor way of measuring an alliance in CN:TE.

    There are alliances will less than half of our nation strength but because they have a few additional members their alliance score is higher than ours. It seems skewed to me (or maybe I'm just bitter that we just slightly didn't make the cutoff, your choice on that one).

    It is, basically if an alliance of 30 100NS nations was competing with an alliance of 10 4000NS nations in score, the 100NS nations would win.

  2. You do it then. <_<

    October 13th, 2008

    1) IDIOT: 32.59 --> 28.66 (-3.93)

    2) Murder Inc.: 17.59 --> 21.93 (+4.34)

    3) The SuperFriends: 23.72 --> 19.02 (-4.70)

    4) National Alliance of Arctic Countries: 11.39 --> 13.94 (+2.55)

    5) Orange Juice: 12.95 --> 13.54 (+0.59)

    6) The Pacific Army:10.62 --> 11.92 (+1.30)

    7) The Citadel: 11.90 --> 11.43 (-0.47)

    8) Mostly Harmful Alliance: 5.27 --> 10.57 (+5.30)

    9) WARLORDZ: 6.53 --> 6.69 (+0.16)

    10) We Are Perth Army: 7.23 --> 6.67 (-0.56)

    11) Viridia: 5.06 --> 5.83 (-0.77)

    12) United White: 6.25 --> 4.84 (-1.41)


    13) Fark: 4.78

    14) Duckroll: 4.09

    15) Lazy Penguin Eaters: 3.92

    16) Velvet Revolver: 3.70

    17) New Emerald Order: 3.63

    18) M*A*S*H: 3.45

    19) Europa: 3.07

    20) Blackwater: 3.03


    Biggest Gainer

    Mostly Harmful Alliance: 5.27 --> 10.57 (+5.30)

    Biggest Loser

    The SuperFriends: 23.72 --> 19.02 (-4.70)

    (from last recorded, not day)

  3. united white is phail. sory guys, no offence to you, but united whit is epic fail.

    im thinking of joining orage juice, ir NACC. but i dunno.

    whoever can make the lulziest post will get me. or make a link to a lulzy post.

    i need lulz like the cookie monster needs cookies

    can haz jion VR cuz we iz teh epic

    nd srry we only gib cooky 2 furst 10 pplzz nd dey al ded so ya

  4. = Charter =

    == Preamble ==

    We, the assembled members of the Order of the Velvet Revolver (VR) and the Mighty Armed States of Honor (M*A*S*H) resolve to a mutual defense pact and enter into this agreement between our alliances in the belief that it will provide increased safety for each of our organizations.

    == Article I. Basic Terms ==

    The pact shall be effective and established immediately and until either side terminates. If either alliance intends to terminate this pact, they shall inform the alternate side at least three days before carrying out any activity against the previous partnered alliance, unless the reason for termination is military action from the counter signed alliance.

    == Article II. Military ==

    Each alliance agrees to provide military support as needed. Both alliances shall provide military information and shall endeavor to cooperate in every way. All forms of aggression between any members of these alliances are strictly prohibited.

    == Article III. Refuge ==

    Should one alliance fall in a war or other means, each member of that alliance is invited to take refuge within the other’s alliance. The terms of the treaty will remain for 24 hours after the disbandment of the alliance.

    == Signed ==

    Signed for the Order of the Velvet Revolver

    Scott Weiland

    Signed for the Mighty Armed States of Armor



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