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Blog Comments posted by Solidus117

  1. I believe that community, not quality, is the current prevailing trend in alliance formation. For any well-established alliance in Cyber Nations, there are ten others who are dedicated to filling a niche (take NSO for example). While I can only speculate on the internal dynamics of other alliances, the most successful alliances (hint: choose your metric for 'successful') usually have a community which fosters a specific mindset.

    In Echelon's case, it is that we're war-mongering elitist-types that show disdain for people who can't take a joke. yet we play the game seriously. A thesis of "play for keeps" and "lol srs bsnz" if you will.

  2. Like Ferrous, I too was not of this world during the events of the Great Patriotic War. However, this article does provide a very decent modicum of context and (what I would call) fact for me to have believed 'twas my own memory. Good show Vladimir.

    In an OOC comment, if someone were to compile all Pacifican literature, personalities and propaganda into one grand compendium, I would gladly purchase such a tome. *looks at Vladimir*

  3. 9) If you could say something to your enemies in a rational forum, what would it be?

    Why? That's it really. Why? That's all that would need to be said. Why do they think this is right. Why do they continue to do it. Why force players out of the game? Why threaten, why OOC attack and then cry like a baby when the OOC attacks are aimed at you. Why say Vox isn't a threat when it clearly is? So, that's all that would needed to be said. That one word, "why?"

    On the flipside, why do you think the current status quo needs change? Is (relative) world peace not good enough?

    Why do you hate freedom Nintenderek? Why, why?</joke>

  4. Echelon has a similar model to the one outlined above. Directors (serving for a term of six months, staggered each two and elected by majority vote) are the continuity element, with extended powers and nominal legislative abilities. Congress (serving for a period of two months, number of seats proportional in size to the overall membership, elected by majority vote) have purely legislative abilities and with the Directorate, form the Leadership Council. Each ministry head is appointed by the Directorate (the element of Meritocracy) and each ministry head appoints his/her departmental staff.

    From this, we say that we are legislatively democratic yet operationally meritocratic, or in simpler words, a Republic. Between alternating phases of economic growth and martial operations, the system has worked very well thus far.

  5. Here's Delta, observing all the things a bunch of us have been saying for a long time, prettymuch conceding that these are detrimental to the health of the game, and then offering no solutions while sitting high atop his laurels amoung those largely responsible.
    And I suppose Vox is the cure?

    (Just doing my part to validate Delta's commentary :awesome:)

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