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Everything posted by jarcine1221

  1. Could be the guy that pilots the nukes to. I swear my missile controller is one of these guys...
  2. Hmm, well you do present a very tempting offer here Tamerlane. How about this. I will run the proposal upstairs and see what management thinks about it, and we may just be able to offer you a position at one of our fine 7/11 locations in the area. With some hard work you could be store manager in just a few months! :P Never before have I been so confused as to the structure of MK. Is MK an alliance, a conglomeration of states, or perhaps a union of disillusioned factions?! /surrender gg wp mk
  3. I like the work you guys put into the DoW, but I think a clever one about indefinite detention or something could have been funnier. :P
  4. Honestly, that was the impression I got from that to. But hey, tis the season :ehm:
  5. Dude, your so deep right now that I cant even see you anymore.
  6. "Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified" False. :P I will have you know that once my agents are done counting to potato and watching Jersey Shore they will be writing an angry letter to your agency! It may or may not be disturbingly similar to that of the UN's letter to DPRK (which was fantastically effective as you all can see).
  7. Wow this is awful, I really hope it ends well for you guys. I will post this up in our forums, I think a solid quarter of our members are from the Cali area (strange right?).
  8. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1324687858' post='2885215'] When your alliance surrenders, no matter the reason, it's best to just shut up and lay low. I get it, you came in to assist your allies and left when they left. That's honorable. You fought overwhelming odds. Again, honorable. But any honor or glory you may have earned by this war is being tarnished by idiotic low-level posters using words like "noob", refusing to understand simple statistics, and the like. Yes, you were outnumbered. Yes, our victory was always assured. Yes, you left when your allies did. But that doesn't change the fact that you lost. It's really that simple. Stop trying to find justification to feel better about yourself and just move on, concentrate on rebuilding. Para arguing with his adversaries does not reflect an overwhelming majority. He's one nation. Just because his arguments are less retarded doesn't mean you need to swing the "overwhelming coalition" card. In addition to this, the coalition wasn't formed to take down the mighty MCXA. It's called target spread, buddies. Many of our nations were in anarchy already and we didn't have enough low-level nations, hence calling in our good friends at GOONS. Also, they wanted some war, same with Umbrella. Admin knows NPL isn't giving them much. [/quote] Yes, its over and done with. Lets just pull up some chairs and beers and watch the rest of the world burn . Anyways, it was a pleasure fighting your combined forces. All of my opponents were respectful and we had a good time nuking eachother. Now to climb into the presidential limo and head over to the embassies... [img]http://www.jmfx.net/files/pyro_22.jpg[/img] ... YOU MONSTERS!
  9. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1323564570' post='2873020'] Screw the waiting. You're invited to drink a radioactive beer with us while this thing continues. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif[/img] SCY, arguing with you is painful. The idea of ghost declaring so allies can enjoy toying with their food before destroying it isn't a new one, and if you payed any attention to the world outside the voices in your head, you'd know that. [/quote] I would but I think I am banned from your channel Just remember, thats not the heat of radiation, thats all our lub for you guys.
  10. [quote name='wolfprince' timestamp='1323318972' post='2868267'] Disbandment has NEVER been our intent. We intend to defend our allies. Most of us actually LIKE the GDA and respect any AA who honors the treaties. [/quote] A war of love. o/ Sentinel o/ BFF
  11. Yea we got some bad news here guys. We love having all of you guys coming to our party but our embassy isnt large enough to fit everyone now. I am afraid we are going to have to start charging for all party guests at the door now In all seriousness though, welcome to the fight
  12. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1323555683' post='2872905'] ha and SnowWolf and Corran are fighting it out too [/quote] I already told SnowWolf I am coming for him, it should only be another 2 rounds before we are in range of eachother
  13. [quote name='constablepotato' timestamp='1323558372' post='2872930'] From what I just read, it looks like scy is doing most of the complaining, but I agree. Lets cut the whining and have a good ole war. Clearly, the BFF side of things is handling this war pretty well and having a grand ole time doing so. None of this he said she said matters. It all comes down to brass tacks and burnt pixels. And I quote the above, because I imagine you are having fun as well. Of all that I have seen in this war, you are one of the few nations that is putting up a good fight from Sentinel, and I applaud you. And despite a quip or two here and there, you represent your alliance and bloc in a much more intelligent and honorable fashion than most of what has been said by your side in the past few pages. If I were you, i would try and keep that scy on a much shorter leash before he damages the reputation of your front more. And now that my little moral crusade is out of the way, I'll go back to tending my glowing nation as well Carry on and enjoy the fight! I know I am. [/quote] Well said I personally am enjoying this war as well, glad to know I am not the only one out there! Besides, these things happen at most twice a year, enjoy it while it rolls around because the rest of the year is literally collect taxes and pay bills. Additionally, I like fighting the people in BFF as many of them have been my friends for a while now
  14. Saw FTC and TSA and thought the Federal Trade Commission and the Transportation Security Administration were legitimate alliances for half a second. Anyways, congrats guys!
  15. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1323425554' post='2870783'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QcZwC.jpg[/img] [/quote] I actually loled a little, I like it To be fair though, you guys have INT, so technically you would be the occupiers? (or at least you certainly would be at UC Davis)
  16. [quote name='CBray' timestamp='1323414130' post='2870594'] Hey, GDA. How's it going? [/quote] Pretty good, How are you doing?
  17. Such an amazing DoW... Must. Hit. Replay. Button.
  18. Better start lining up for your peace negotiators commies (ha its funny because all services require excess lines in communism ) [img]http://jewishjokes.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/ration_line.jpg[/img] I tease But in all seriousness happy hunting to all! o/ MXCA
  19. [quote name='CptGodzilla' timestamp='1323390803' post='2869877'] I am just disappointed in capitalism and the theory of supply / demand as it does not work in every situation possible. [/quote] You clearly have not read the more prominent material then
  20. To be fair, the fight between [GDA UPN USN Menotah] and [Europa NEW FEAR Wolfpack] is total. The merger declaration last night claims that all 4 alliances are fighting the other four under 1 total declaration (well BFF just declared on all of Sentinel) So that should be a mess of arrows.
  21. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1323243809' post='2867154'] I needed to stretch my nuclear legs again, anyway. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img] [/quote] Mine mutated together
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