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Posts posted by assarax

  1. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1296169086' post='2606227']
    Come on, Bob! They didn't get the joke to begin with, why you gotta ruin it now?

    Perhaps if if the joke had actually been coherent instead of a bunch of inane rambling...

    Seriously, I thought you all would have wittier responses than what I've seen thus far. What I have seen has left me somewhat disappointed. Where's the hate Legion's so used to? You can do better than that! Pathetic warchests aside, the responses from our buddies over at Doomhouse have been pretty lacking.

  2. [quote]

    [b]*Assarax lights a cigarette[/b]

    Two days ago, our friend and ally the New Pacific Order was attacked by a group of the biggest d-bags ever to roam Planet Bob. The second that Doomhouse unjustly declared war upon the New Pacific Order, the call to war rang loud throughout our halls. The Legion will not stand by and watch as honorless tyrants run rampant across the planet. Tonight, The Legion rides to war.

    As of this day, 1/26/2011, The Legion hereby activates it's MDoAP with the New Pacific Order by declaring war on the Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism.

    Seriously, $%&@ you.

    Ave Legio.


    Watcher, Imperator
    totem, Proconsul
    Siaon, Minister of Defense
    Alexander Kerensky, Minister of Internal Affairs
    MeltedLazerz, Minister of Economics
    Assarax, Minister of Foreign Affairs


  3. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1296067862' post='2602963']
    Last night I was proven wrong. Last night I was shown that the way of righteousness and intelligence does still exist in some of the darker corners of the Cyberverse.

    Last night the Legion showed that they support the right and noble cause of the Kingdom and Doomhouse in their cleansing of the Cyberverse of the rogue alliance known as NPO.

    Through failing to uphold their signed Mutual Defense Pact, the leadership of Legion have shown the world that they value right over honor and have shown their true, pro-Kingdom spirit in their actions, or rather, lack thereof.

    On behalf of the nations of the Mushroom Kingdom and our comrades in Doomhouse, I would like to thank the Legion for proving that our cause is just and our way is right and giving their silent support for our actions against the New Pacific Order.

    I, for one, believe this to be the dawning of a new age in the Cyberverse, an age where the Legion and those that have traditionally opposed the 'Shroom Crown finally come to the realization that we are superior and that our way is best. To finally reach this goal must be as exciting for the members of the Legion as it is for the Kingdom.

    I now ask that my comrades in Doomhouse embrace our new supplicants and give them the warm welcome to the path of righteousness that they deserve.

    Hail Legion!

    You're a moron. Go to Hell.

  4. Dear MK and its lackys,

    Your asshattery is now complete. I fully expected that this war was a ploy to draw the NPO out in the open, and when they failed to take your weak, weak bait you decided to take it upon yourself. I've stated time and again that your alliances are pieces of absolute gutter trash, and today you prove me right. So, to GOONS, MK and Umbrella, go $%&@ yourselves.


    o/ NPO

  5. [quote name='Exige' timestamp='1295890666' post='2596783']
    lol we all know how this is gonna go:
    1) Sparta starts getting their butt kicked
    2) they go to umbrella or another ally and get them to save their ass by having them declare in support of them or by having members of allies switch over to fight on the sparta AA.
    3) Sparta watches as their allies do the dirty work
    4) Sparta brags about their war achievement and demands huge reps from NV
    5) wait till next war and start from step 1 again

    pathetic show Sparta

    Spartan war precedent would suggest that this is true.

    Clearly, color politics hasn't died out, if this many people are upset over Sparta's decision. There seem to still be some here who put a certain value on treaties signed with other members of their color sphere. Regardless, I'm enjoying Sparta's underhanded decision here because it means I get to see them burn.

    Give 'em Hell, NV! o/

  6. Ah, another Legion treaty, another round of anti-Legion asshattery... More people spewing outdated facts and irrelevant data in order to justify your hatred for my alliance. I hope you all realize that in the eyes of Legionnaires everywhere you all are one hilarious joke. Thank you to all of Legion and Polaris' allies and supporters, you're all good people. As for the rest of you, kindly take your !@#$%baggery and shove it. Though I doubt you'll find room, since your heads are taking up so much space in your asses.

  7. A while ago, The Legion met a very enthusiastic foreign diplomat. Since then, he has become a good friend of The Legion. Him and the founders of The Last Republic have proven themselves to be good friends and loyal allies, and The Legion is proud to assist them in their new endeavor. So, without further ado, I present to you:

    [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060612225060/cybernations/images/8/89/LegionFlag.png[/img] [img]http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad263/Jharius_II/Flag15.png[/img]

    [SIZE="7"][B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"]THE [COLOR="Orange"]FERRUM[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"] ACT[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="3"][I]A Treaty of Protection Between The Legion and The Last Republic[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]

    The Legion and The Last Republic, upon signing this treaty, hereby agree to adhere to the terms put forth within.

    [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]Article I - Conduct:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Members of both The Legion and The Last Republic shall show each other mutual respect and courtesy at all times.

    [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]Article II - Non-Aggression:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Neither The Legion, nor The Last Republic shall engage in acts of war or espionage against the other.

    [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]Article III - Protection:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    The Legion agrees to protect The Last Republic from rogues or unprovoked wars of aggression. The Legion also agrees to act as mediator for any conflicts between The Last Republic and outside forces. The Last Republic is not obligated to assist The Legion in military engagements.
    Article IV - Tech Raiding:[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

    The Legion and The Last Republic recognize that any war arising due to tech raiding on the part of The Last Republic shall be considered a provoked act of aggression and nullify Article III. The Last Republic agrees to abstain from tech raiding within the Purple Sphere.

    [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]Article V - Assistance:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    The Legion shall assist The Last Republic in building a strong economy and a stable alliance through reasonable means.

    Article VI - Intelligence:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Should either The Legion or The Last Republic receive information that indicates a threat to the security of one another, that information shall be communicated through private channels within 24 hours.

    [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]Article VII - Treaty Notifications:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    The Last Republic agrees to inform The Legion of all treaties PIAT-level and above and take the advice given by The Legion under due consideration before making a final decision.
    Article VIII - Cancellation:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

    This treaty may be canceled at the discretion of The Legion or The Last Republic. The canceling party shall be required to give the other alliance 48 hours prior notice. If The Last Republic commits a grave violation of the spirit of this treaty The Legion reserves the right to cancel the protectorate immediately.

    Signed for The Legion:

    /s/ Watcher, Imperator
    /s/ totem, Proconsul
    /s/ Zyvexal, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    /s/ Jooshbox234, Minister of Economics
    /s/ Feibelman, Minister of Defense
    /s/ the god of lightning, Minister of Internal Affairs

    Signed for The Last Republic:
    General of the Republican Guard
    ~Jharius II
    Consul of Economics
    Consul of Internal Affairs
    ~Mr Havok
    Consul of Foreign Affairs
    ~sojourner of Logos
    Alderman of The Last Republic[/quote]

    Ave Legio
    Ave TLR

  8. [quote name='Shoofly' date='17 July 2010 - 05:13 AM' timestamp='1279361593' post='2375689']
    Well since your weren't there, how do you know she is capable of understanding it? Why even make this post? I was there. She is grossly misrepresenting what happened and slandering ODN as if they did something wrong. And yes, nothing against Pez personally, but I think she should be perm ZI'd for taking it upon herself to disband The Legion at one time. She has this tendency to speak out (and very loudly) about things she doesn't quite understand.

    EDIT: hey bigdaddy, its really nice to see you chiming in on these threads with your positive and helpful remarks. good show ol' pal. nice to see the support.

    Now, now, Shoofly. Don't go about saying that Pez should be Perma-ZI'd. You know we don't roll like that. Honestly, the past is the past. Pez's actions have most certainly left a bad taste in a lot of Legionnaires' mouths, but if we're ever going to move forward, we need to let it go.

    Hai Pez! :P

    Also, sorry to see this go, but I guess it was needed. Good luck to Valhalla.

  9. [quote name='Lamuella' date='07 July 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1278530125' post='2362610']
    so if we're basing our opinion on what you're doing right now, we're rushing to judgment because we don't know you well enough.

    and if we're basing our opinion on the way we have observed you acting since 2006 we're living in the past.

    c'mon, son.

    [i]I[/i] am doing nothing right now... [i]The Legion as a whole[/i] has done nothing to deserve your ire right now. The actions you speak of were the ill-advised and brainless antics of a couple of out-of-control members. The only thing that you people seem to have an issue with is an order from a commanding officer, a disobedient member, and a fine levied due to said disobedience, which was fully lawful per our charter and our [b]sovereign right to do so[/b]. Just as it would be GOONS' right to do so as well. This was a fine that we do not expect to be paid because lmc left, and we now wash our hands of him. The majority of the people that were in The Legion 4 years ago are no longer here, so you're going to base your assumption of the entirety of the people in my alliance (who had no bearing on past events) based off of the actions of literally 4 people? Then you sir are ignorant.

  10. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='07 July 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1278529824' post='2362605']
    I probably speak for most of the detractors in this thread when I say I am making judgment based on four years of Legion's actions.

    That's your prerogative then. Forgive me then, when I say that your opinion is one that doesn't matter to us in the slightest. If you're unwilling to overlook the past and try to move forward, then we shall leave you in your Stone-Age mentality.

  11. [quote name='Penkala' date='07 July 2010 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1278525232' post='2362548']
    Legion is truly one of the worst alliances in existence.

    Congratulations, you post adds [b]SO[/b] much insight and relevance to this thread. I commend you for your single-track line of thinking. Perhaps you should actually come over and talk to us a little before you make such judgments, rather than living in a past now 3 years old.

    Speaking on the topic of BB Gags and "limits" to freedom of speech, if you actually look at our forums, we don't really censor what is said there, aside from excessive vulgar language, OOC attacks and general asshattery, which is what this thread has become. As a former Minister of Internal Affairs from pretty much immediately post-purplegate through the end of the viceroyship, I placed a few BB gags into effect. As has already been stated, and is quite obvious, The Legion does have a pretty bad reputation, particularly amongst those living in the past, and some of our adversaries in previous wars. Excuse us for trying to be respectful and better our reputation. Comments made boasting and putting down other alliances are simply unacceptable, as we in Legion don't typically like to think that we're better than others (sanction or no sanction), unlike the majority of the trolls in this thread. lmcfalcon12 was gagged because our leadership felt that his comments were inappropriate, and would stir up a !@#$-storm not unlike this thread. The action apparently backfired, because lmcfalcon12 became butthurt, resigned and then posted this thread essentially throwing a fit like a 2-year-old in a grocery store whose mother wouldn't buy him a Snicker's bar.

    Understandably, there are a few in our alliance who should not make references to our Code of Ethics due to recent actions, however, that does [b]NOT[/b] change the fact that the Code of Ethics does exist and is one of our most rigidly enforced "laws". I for one, was of the opinion that Arbiter and Feibelman should have been punished more severely for their comments during the Gunnar Griffin debacle, but that decision was up to the Imperator, and whether or not I agree with the decision, I must support it.

    Lmcfalcon12 has been an off-and-on member of The Legion for quite some time. He has left time and again due to differences with leadership and our charter, but still continued to return time and again. If he felt so wronged each time, why would he try to return? And upon returning, he never did a lick to try to implement changes; he waited until something happened that he disagreed with, or an insult from another member, blew it out of proportion and stormed out of the building like a jilted ex. I'm sorry you felt that the actions levied against you were inappropriate lmc, but there were other avenues for expressing your distaste than in this public way. You knew what this would do, and you did it to stir up more angst and drama against our alliance. On that note, I hope you enjoy your time in Hydra; I'm sure you and Jacapo will have a lot to talk about. Not that any of it will be of any quality or relevance.

    That being said, it's really not fair to disparage an entire alliance for the actions of a few. If you're going to judge our alliance, get to know the other 99% before you come here and talk about things and make assumptions based off of nothing.

    Also, Lamuella, I love your sig. It's good to know that you care :wub:

  12. Ahh its not a true Legion thread until the trolls and morons come out of the woodwork to make fools of themselves by spouting useless, outdated flames and generally pretending that they know us. Hai guise :P

    Also, MASH and The Legion have always been close; from MASH's formation (I believe we were their protector at one time), through every war since, and that continues today. MASH was one of the most honorable allies The Legion has ever had; they stuck by us when virtually no one else would. I'm saddened to see this chapter in MASH's history end, but I'm excited to start a new one with my new Legion brothers and sisters.

    Ave Legio!
    O/ MASH!
    Ave stupid trolls!

  13. [quote name='Jens of the desert' date='21 May 2010 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1274474943' post='2307229']
    Legion. You have changed a lot since your creation and I don't like what's happened to you. Time has not been kind to you, especially your will and backbone.

    Funny... that feeling of caring what you think... it's just not there. The Legion's backbone is as strong as ever. So hush and go back to your cave where you can talk to yourself, which is presumably the only person that is going to listen to you.

    o/ Legion
    o/ NPO
    o/ Stupid Trolls!

  14. [quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:28 PM' timestamp='1266002904' post='2177943']
    Your [b]MoFA [/b]did. Not sure how many more times I can say this. Otherwise he wouldn't have come in public saying he didn't have the authority and then your other gov saying they were going to veto the decision. Once again, you're currently so thick you have no idea what you're even arguing about. Honestly the only insult you try to throw now is "hey you're a 4th grader!" or a few pages back "hey, you're a 5th grader!". It's like you're so insecure in your own argument you have to reinforce your confidence every time. It's quite amusing, to say the least. I'm going to let you reread my previous post and see if you do a better job next time.

    Once again, I'm not sure how many more times I can say [i]this[/i]. I have not seen any logs where my MoFA, Imperial (In case you forgot who that is, because apparently you're having trouble distinguishing between my leader: Hubb and my MoFA: Imperial....and you're criticizing MY reading) told you guys that we accepted your terms. No where. Your only argument is that my MoFA did. Did what? Talked to you guys then posted the announcement regarding SoL and Legion. Hardly a surrender.

  15. [quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:19 PM' timestamp='1266002388' post='2177927']
    My post said your [b]MoFA[/b] accepted the peace. I'm assuming you know the distinction between the two For someone who tried to criticize my reading skills earlier maybe you should look in the mirror.

    He didn't. I've read those logs and no where in there did Imperial state that he accepted peace. I can see where the Spartan lack of reading comprehension might have helped to misinterpret his statement of "Indeed", but hey, if you guys never made it past 4th grade reading, it ain't my fault. Hubb's own statement that he never accepted the peace adds to the fact that if he never accepted them, how in hell did Imperial have the authorization to surrender to you? He didn't. He was authorized to entertain the possibility, and post them to our consulate. The consulate didn't agree, which brings us to this quandary.

  16. [quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1266001982' post='2177918']
    Your own MoFA admits he came to us wanting to accept peace. Quite honestly, the game of denial you're playing is getting stupid when public statements by your own government member has already been made.

    He may have wanted to accept them, but he never actually did accept them. My leader has already made a post in this thread stating that he never accepted those terms. So your claim that we did is equally as stupid. Personally, I'm happy it turned out this way. I wasn't ready to let you guys off the hook just yet.

  17. [quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:08 PM' timestamp='1266001730' post='2177907']
    You realize I have been privy to those logs since he came to us right? Are you denying that your MoFA ever came forward asking to accept peace?

    Not once have I seen logs expressly stating "The Legion Accepts Peace". Until I see one to that effect, yeah, I'm denying it. He came forward with the power to negotiate. I never saw him accept anything.

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