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Everything posted by Fronz

  1. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Time to go to war, again.
  2. I'm a fan of the "No Forum War"
  3. Congratulations on peace gentlemen. It was a fun war, a little short, but a fun war none the less.
  4. /s/ Fronz I'm personally a fan of the chatzilla face, but I'll settle for
  5. 7/15/2006, the day GWI was declared
  6. late August? didn't the karma war completely end in July? ...this would mean this program was still in operation after karma ended...hmm
  7. aww jeez, You couldn't wait 2 more years? At least then those crazy people would have been right
  8. This is pretty much what they tried to do. Edit:</outrage>?
  9. Not into trying new things? I hear 3 way is exciting.
  10. Quite the clever title for this thread Good luck to you R&Я (am i doinitrite?)
  11. this is glorious, love the stereotyping and generalizations. Congrats on the treaty guys. ...oops...pardon me for interrupting. Let the over-reactions continue!
  12. WHAT? ...and they call us the "new hegemony" pssh...at least install a viceroyship. I Demand more Justice for their Shenanigans!
  13. It was actually supposed to be my paint rendition of a yamato gun people who play starcraft know what its supposed to be edit: I'll take full credit for that
  14. Onward to War! /s/ Fronz, Director of Education, Chairman of the Anti-Fun Society, Doin' it for the Lulz. Obligatory war propaganda: Edit, my first first
  15. Woo! Congratulations guys, I know you have been waiting a while for this. COMMENCE THE MINDLESS HAILS! o/ THE BRAIN o/ MAROONITY
  16. Ruler - Fronz: I choose Fronz since that was the scree name I was using in Age of Empires III, I wanted to be Franz since i had just learned about Archduke Franz Ferdinand in my world history class back in '06, but Franz was taken. Apparently Fronz was my second choice. Nation Name - Great Antarctica: I thought Antarctica was a cool place (ha. ha. pun ) and really the last colonized place on earth, perfect for building a great empire. Capitol Name - Ibelin: I choose Ibelin since I had watched kingdom of heaven that week or something, Ibelin being a fortress/castle in the kingdom of Jerusalem. It is also the name of what I thought was a pretty cool song in the soundtrack:
  17. hmm, off the top of my head I think these are some important ones that are missing: DoW - Deceleration of War CB - Causus Belli OP - Original Post/er
  18. I'm actually at +3 improvement slots, but my population density has gone down enough that I don't need to buy land anymore
  19. CSN no longer uses the invision forums Color: Maroon [url="http://cncommonwealth.com/forum/"]Commmonwealth of Sovereign Nations[/url] (CSN) - #CSN
  20. I'm going to have to go with my previous alliance USN for failing to support ANY of our allies in the karma war after telling our members we WERE going to declare war, then never telling our own members and the rest of planet bob our triumvir could not vote unanimously on who to support in the war and were going to be neutral. This of course created a massive divide in the alliance since the minority vote was blocking the majority vote for declaring war ensuing in a massive exodus. Not to mention the the mishandling of many post-karma war events...
  21. well if we are adding columns, this should be under "Player Categories" Most Likely to be Blamed )): ruben )):
  22. I'd say at peak hours we have at least 12 members in our private channel, then there are some members that only join our public channel since that's usually where the conversations happen...or they never bothered to register their name and can't be added to the access list
  23. why of course! this is clearly not an ad hominem attack. carry on soldier, you have won the battle. well done, sir.
  24. Another awesomely themed treaty, I must say, I'm certainly Enjoy The Silence right now. here's to our new treaty with your Silence
  25. Excu-cuse me yo-a-ba, I believe you have my stapler. mmm...
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