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Blog Entries posted by citizenkane

  1. citizenkane
    After seeing Jack Diorno crying like a baby and wanting peace badly, I decided to offer him some terms.
    My terms were:
    1) Destroy all military wonders except MP. The reason for this is because Jack has a history of being a rogue. e.g. Archon, and many, many of Athens' allies.
    2) 500 tech to be paid to me, convertible at a rate of 3mil/100 tech.
    I was told "no"..
    I wont be so lenient with the terms next time he asks.
  2. citizenkane
    icacls in server 2008 is really simple. It's very much like xcacls.
    icacls folder /t /c /grant Administrator:(F,WDAC)
    This wil set a folder called "folder" full access to the user administrator, /t means it will be recursive. (like -R in freebsd on chown/chmod) /c means it will continue on errors.
    icacls can also be used to take ownership. Allthough, the command "takeown" can also be considered.
    In CN news..
    Jack rogued me. He said it was a tech raid, but openly admitted on IRC that it was for other reasons. I thought being Jack he would have planned it, i.e. had a big warchest, but hes rogued me, with 2.5mil. Yep, 2.5mil.
    Prepare to be owned and billocked, Mr Jack Diorno.
  3. citizenkane
    Today, I encountered someone who asked for a netbook. Then to be informed they would need a netbook with a 17" LCD screen. I informed them it was a notebook. His response:
    "But it's a netbook".
    Then it occured to me, actually, apart from the technology, screen, keyboard, mouse, battery life and weight. t's just the same. OH WAIT.. that's pretty much all that counts.
    One of the things I really dont like is when people try to make a thing something that it's not. At the end of the day, a netbook is designed to be small, have a small screen. A notebook is designed to have a medium ish screen and be portable. To blur the lines between these is to blur the very fabric of what makes something a thing.
    So to clarify:
    Notebook: Desktop replacement, usually lowish in capability unless you go for more expensive version
    Subnotebook: slightly smaller than a notebook, lighter etc.
    tablet: You write on these.
    netbook/webbook: Small, useful for the train.
    tramps: homless person who travels from place to place
    thieves: people who take what isnt theres, usually by force.
  4. citizenkane
    Yeah, so I dont know what you were expecting with this.
    Blogging seems to have taken a forefront in everything these days. That, Facebook and Twitter combined have become more popular than all of the news sites combined over the last 50 years. It's something called convergence.
    Thinking about this reminds me of when I bought my first computer. A 486 DX-4 100Mhz with 16MB of RAM and a 1GB hd. It was all the rage when I first had it, played all the latest games. Duke3D, Golf, Doom and Doom2 (you can get these on the internet free of charge and legally now) it really makes the mind boggle when you can buy a $10 phone that does more.
    Enough from me for now. Comment if you feel like.
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