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Everything posted by TheListener

  1. It would be interesting if their stats were actually worthwhile, you and NG however proved just last week that they are indeed not worthwhile.
  2. Congrats Joe and Sparta, good luck in the future.
  3. It is indeed very impressive, though If you were to give MI6/Umbrella the amount of nations that NPO has I would not be surprised at that level of Tech. Actually I'd expect Umbrella to find a way to import 300k somehow magically.Still credit where credit is due congrats on those beautiful import numbers.
  4. Welcome to a thread involving MI6 and ReytheGreat.
  5. Good to have this done, thanks for taking the lead on this Holton!
  6. And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?
  7. The Pen has indeed been named.
  8. We're quick on masking if you haven't been masked yet, either head over to #iihl and bother me or #mi6 and bother someone with sops.
  9. Don't call me Jimbo and don't call me Sir Listener. Please.
  10. It's ok we worry ourselves why else would we have these tinfoil hats on our head?
  11. Man, I really hate that this stupid comment is going to be first one to respond to in a while, but simply put there is a reason Starfox is not in government, can the same be said about you?
  12. This might just be the closest explanation that anyone is willing to give.
  13. Only if we can stop calling your alliance TIO, because it's an insult to the memory of the original TIO. These are my terms, I expect a swift response sir!
  14. This looks like something that I should be celebrating.
  15. And laughing don't forget the and laughing part.
  16. Your statistics are bad and you should feel bad. IAA fought NPO multiple times in it's second incarnation. That said we're not IAA.
  17. Did you miss the first page? We're (for the most part) incredibly happy that someone grew a pair and decided to attack us, it took long enough.
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