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Newbie (1/14)

  1. i sent the money on the 18th and i only got tech from 1 person come on guys lets keep this ontime EDIT i still havent got 50 of my tech i got 1 50 from The Overloard but havent got my other 50
  2. Ok I sent my 3 mill and i recieved my 100 tech from Deal 2 Thanks for the 3x3 and i look forward to the next 1
  3. Can I be in deal 2 as a buyer nation link (if needed) http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=187838
  4. im willing to be in any of the circles i have water and uranium
  5. Im looking for a long trade i need gold and iron i have water and uraniumif you are interested click the link Link for my nation thanks sorry i dont know how to delete this i posted in the wrong place
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